
Discussion in 'General Archive' started by oddog, Feb 10, 2014.

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  1. Too late my friend, too late ! The secret is out already ........... lol
    wildheart50122 likes this.
  2. brucenic

    brucenic User

    Way to go! Best news in ages; An extra bakery!

    @norton; you favour the status quo too much, there are still significant time limitation factors here; I've got to build it, upgrade it, power it, find land for it etc etc. The point is now it is MY decision - I can have this or a brewery (which I need too); I can't have both, or not immediately anyway.

    @everyone; why is anyone buying rolls @ 120? Either they have some kind of magic house with a huge needs fulfilment that I've never seen or they are throwing money away. Why is anyone using bread rolls on needs fulfilment when you'd be better off selling them?
  3. If you've read my post carefully you've noticed I did mention other "speed limiters". :) Also your point seems a bit pointless as it has always been YOUR / MINE decision how we deal with the situation and the challenges the game presents. One more bakery doesn't change much on that.

    What I'm advocating is a flexible and sort of creative approach to gaming which I put against "full throttle" mentality. In the former you work with what you have and create your preffered way of dealing with it. In the latter you get your fixed idea and then whine to push the devs to adjust the game for you. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: The latter is certainly not the same as offering creative ideas for further game development. :)

    Anyway, once it's here I'll surely use the changed economy to my liking as usual. :)
  4. TellusXIV

    TellusXIV User

    Need give XP selling don't. If that enough or not is up to each one of us.
  5. kuroyany

    kuroyany User

    Am sort of hoping that the 4th bakery will lead to the prices of these baked goods dropping significantly in price. Whether hope turns into reality I'm not sure but hey...
  6. TellusXIV

    TellusXIV User

    As production go up by 33% the prices will go down.
  7. skb13

    skb13 User

    Lol. I suspect it will just drive the cost of wheat up.... :p
  8. kuroyany

    kuroyany User

    You forgot raspberries too
  9. The production will go up but for obvious reasons there is not much chance it will be one third: Not everybody has 3 bakeries and not everybody will build the fourth one. More propper expectation is to say that unspecified percentage of players will over time increase their production by 33 %. How that translates to overall percentage I can't even suggest of the top of my head and being too lazy to do some math modeling and prediction on that I have to leave the question openned. I don't have necessary data to do that with at least reasonable accuracy anyway, so it would be precise modeling based on absolutely unverified data input. :cool: :D :cool:
  10. TellusXIV

    TellusXIV User

    My mistake for being unclear.
    The possible production capacity will go up with 33%.
    Imo this will make the prices go down.
  11. weisteizen

    weisteizen User

    Happy to see we can get another bakery by doing the easter event:p
  12. wizardelo

    wizardelo User

    in a normal economy yes, but in RC prices will actualy go up!

    ive been following the prices for goods of interest and i can safely say that bakery prices have gone up since the 4th bakery was introduced, i know that xpreso removal has taken its effect on it also, but i can assure you prices havent gone down at all.
  13. brucenic

    brucenic User

    Because demand is rising quicker than supply perhaps?

    But at least there is one the Easter event. Thank you Rising Cities :)

    I'm not sure this one will make that much difference either. My Winterfest one is still only level 2, so the additional difference is not huge.
    wildheart50122 likes this.
  14. wizardelo

    wizardelo User

    yea i did not see that coming, i guess they finally realized that production is really behind compared to demand.
    wildheart50122 likes this.
  15. weisteizen

    weisteizen User

    Too bad for players that's under level getting it is a real pain lol.
  16. Eh, I'm not even sure I want to build the fifth one. :)
  17. If you don't want yours, Norton, I'd be happy to take it off your hands (if I could)! I'll most definitely be building mine and upgrading it as soon as I possibly can! I'm tired of having to buy rolls from the marketplace on a daily basis ... especially when I'm trying so hard to save my money for other things!
  18. wizardelo

    wizardelo User

    so your the one im selling rolls to .. on a daily basis :)))
    the fact that we have more permits then we actualy need is the case with lower decos and residences and i dont see anyone whining about that:) so YAY for more permits.
    wildheart50122 likes this.
  19. Exactly!
  20. harley9883

    harley9883 User

    Lol There's no bakery in my Easter event, or maybe it's in the second upcoming event.
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