emergency system?

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by minecraftkid1, May 5, 2014.

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do you have the emergency system in place in your city

  1. yes

    17 vote(s)
  2. no

    8 vote(s)
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  1. hey guys i was just wondering how many of you actually have the emergency system in place.i dont have it as the booster pack rewards are rubbish and it takes up space.its also a waste of education points in my opinion which have to come from residents which i could have as capitalists or workers
    MacMcMac likes this.
  2. babyfaced

    babyfaced User

    I disabled it because I just couldn't gain enough education points to keep it running. I have, however, been stocking up on them since I disabled it, and have also planned my city to include coverage. I'll enable it again at some point, just trying to decide on how many education points I want to have saved up before I do. I've currently saved up 92,000 education points. Might wait until I've got 100k. The rewards weren't brilliant, but they were freebies after all.
  3. i have 29k education points since i disabled it but i dont think i will enable it, the emergencies happen every 5 minutes it can be annoying sometimes
    Mac_1969 likes this.
  4. wizardelo

    wizardelo User

    i enjoy emergency system, it has a few faults, but overall it gives free mood on utilities, and nice amounts of materials as rewards.
    it is also useful to finish some events that require students and education points arent so hard to come by, i get plenty from events. and a few quick rent homes.
  5. Mac_1969

    Mac_1969 User

    I don't, because the rehiring starting to be too expensive for the staff I have, and I couldn't manage to get the balance. Last when I had the emergency system up on the map I had to rehire my fire tech for 48000 education points. And I have more emergency staff who is around that price of education points to rehire. And I think the alarm goes of too often sometimes. 3-5 minutes between the alarms.
    MacMcMac likes this.
  6. MacMcMac

    MacMcMac User

    I dont use it either. I dont like it. I find it hard to get enough education points to run it. (Rehire.) Or buy vitamin-x...no way! = )
  7. Like wizardelo said, the materials received are good. Plus that, in long term, you also receive exclusive buildings permits.
    From my point of view, only those classic improvements are a little useless, but the rest of the rewards are good.

    About the Education Points, I have between 4*-5 million of them :)
    *4 million if I have the "+200% more emergencies".
  8. Doggone

    Doggone User

    Yep - I'm with Wizardelo on this - I have the emergency system up as much as possible - I only move it to storage when I'm doing mass upgrades or city revisions. I primarily get gold medals which I want because I'm still trying to get a manor. One day it will happen.....

    Meanwhile I like getting the beams, paneling, etc that I get daily - free is always good for materials. Plus I also get more emergency stations. I have more than enough to have my entire city be green for fire, hospital and police.

    Keeping it on is not an issue once you get to a point where your city is generating more cc and ep than you can ever use - I have a constant of 10-11 million cc and 12-13 million ep. So renewing contracts or training new people is very manageable.
    wizardelo likes this.
  9. wizardelo

    wizardelo User

    emergency system starts paying off later in the game, when you have won enough utilities to have green coverage. also you should upgrade your facilities and train as many rookies as you can before u first place it on the ground,
    At start when you have only rookies, fails cannot be avoided, but your guys still get the xp and eventually they train up to be good soldiers and specialize on something. and the ocasional broken building is not the end of the world, because u dont have to pay anything to repair anymore, 1 simple click and its back to normal.
    EMS also pays on itself, ive won several level 4 utilities more then once from booster packs, along with vitamin X or the ocasional EP.

    ...Still trying to get a manor here also :D
  10. Doggone

    Doggone User

    Wizardelo gives excellent advice. Adding that once you have your city in green coverage - many times your emergencies will be successful even without a specific specialist that's asked for - just chose another trained personnel from that department or even from another profession. Watch the bar at the bottom of the emergency pop up and it will give you a percentage of your chances at success.

    Remember - you have to use your personnel for them to gain experience so rotate through them in emergencies. And the emergencies are set at a pretty good rate - I've had 3 while typing this post.

    As Wizardelo mentioned - now that there are no longer penalties for not being successful - you can enjoy experimenting with the system.
  11. nervo82

    nervo82 User

    As Daniel points out (and the same is true with PPs), EPs do pile up when you have a large city, and enough houses to complete the various events that require drops from students - so might as well use them.

    I paid >100k EPs for 21 missions on my (at the time) only engineer, didn't dent the pile.
  12. brucenic

    brucenic User

    Nobody should be afraid of the Emergency system anymore. In the past it ate materials and was a disaster, but now there is no real downside; apart from maybe some ugly water towers.
    I have won many good things from medals (2 sunrise apts this weekend) although the prizes may be a bit thin on the ground sometimes.
    It does need patience; it took me a year to get full green coverage and all positions filled with max medal winning potential.
  13. WoosterUK

    WoosterUK User

    The prizes are a bit thin on the ground, but there are good ones in there: Sunrise Lofts are always welcome, and just yesterday I got a Wind Farm. I'm also happy to get higher-level emergency outposts!

    I find that generally I do okay for EP (around the 100k level), though an event like Ancient Festival has the ability to crater my EP output as I retool all my special buildings to workers and then capitalists! Expansion should help with this as I can put more students in my regular accommodation.

    Until then, I have taken the strategic decision to avoid missions on non-interacting buildings like power plants, commerces and idle factories, unless I can get a 100% chance of some decent medals. Obviously I try to clear houses and working factories as quickly as possible.
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