Luxury RV error

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by TellusXIV, May 13, 2014.

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  1. TellusXIV

    TellusXIV User

    Luxury RV L1, improvements slots:
    State that the RV need to be l2/3/4 to be able to insert an improvement, correct is l1/2/3 as all residential. As img shows it is not a display error.

    At Luxury RV L2 the error correct it self to the normal l1/2/3.
    I got the same error on my second RV.

  2. hi tellus,this probably more suited to general questions also have passed it on up the ladder for someone to look at
    thanks and happy gaming
  3. Tassie, as the picture demonstrates, at level 1 you can't use any improvement as the house erroneously requires level 2 for the first RI to be used. That it really is an error is comfirmed by that being changed to correct function upon the RV upgrade as Tellus states. My RVs display exactly the same error.

    Unless I missed something, this is clearly an error which requires coders's attention. Why is it moved to General Questions then, being quite obviously a technical issue? I haven't noticed any change in sections designation.
    Last edited: May 14, 2014
  4. as i mentioned above its been noted and is being looked at
  5. skb13

    skb13 User

    @Norton: Clearly there is a difference between what it says at Level 1 to what it says at Level 2. I wouldn't be quite so confident that what it says for L1 is in error - some of the new buildings are different - sunrise lofts go population 12, 24, 36, 72 from levels 1-4, whereas brownstones go 12, 24, 48, 72. Is one wrong? Or is it different?

    I was under the impression that Tech Q was largely if something had gone wrong with someones game and the Pirate had to fix it. Just because it's in GQ doesn't mean the devs don't get to see it!
  6. question has been answered closed and happy gaming
  7. PirateLee

    PirateLee Guest

    Just for the record the team always lets me know when something is not really a tech issue (as SKB says) but falls between the cracks so to speak.

    As usual our super efficient team have already passed this on on to me and in turn I have added it to our weekly report to our developers.

    We, as a team collect information each week and forward relative issues directly to the coders. This has worked since day one and is a primary function of the forum. I say this so all the players know we do read, test and act on all problems.:D:D:D
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