Special projects

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by gild518, May 25, 2014.

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  1. gild518

    gild518 User

    There are spaces between the various playing fields which can be seen from either side.

    To provide continuity between the fields and make the game feel like one city instead of a collection of smaller communities we should have a few special project sights.

    One example could be a shopping mall located to the right of the bridge and north of the coastal field, This could have various stages.

    Stage 1. Foundations and basic parking.
    Stage 2. Mall main Building.
    stages 3 and 4. Extra Shopping wings.
    Stage 5. Beautification of the surroundings.

    Other projects could work the same and could include..

    An airport.
    An amusement park.
    A zoo.
    plus anything else that other might like.

    These would cost huge amounts of produce to build and run but could give daily special gifts just like the city hall does.

    The main thing is that these would help tie the city together and give an extra dimension to the game.

    Any thoughts?
    tpaintdoc05 likes this.
  2. Indeed, this will certainly make things more interesting :)
  3. billyjim

    billyjim User

    I like it. But would suggest the location for the shopping mall be moved to between the original and suburban play fields. This makes more since to me since the river is between the seashore and original field. Maybe the airport in between the original and seashore.
  4. No way. It would be too close from my houses and my citizens won't like this.
  5. billyjim

    billyjim User

    Which the airport or the mall.
  6. Well, in the quote i selected the part I was referring (in this case, the airport)
  7. they would definetly like a mall
  8. Guess so...:)
  9. used to live near an airport...have to agree citizens wont like it much lol
  10. i friend's dad's friend lives beside Dublin airport in Ireland.he says the planes fly over his house and he gets to walk his dog on the runway.he said its not actually that bad
  11. Tamy

    Tamy User

    Great idea (original, for the game -- not living by an airport). Though I did live near a very small airport once, and it was lovely. Created less noise than a busy road, and watching the planes take off for half an hour was great relaxation after a working day.
    However, may I point out that between the main play field and the island runs a river? Seems rather difficult location for an airport.
  12. im sure there is engineers who would be able to work it out
  13. Indeed. There could be a mall. The airport it could be built in another place.
  14. billyjim

    billyjim User

    Actually the region between the seashore and the main play field along the river would be ideal for an airport. The approach and departure patterns would be along the river to avoid population centers for safety. As a matter of fact many airports are located in these areas for this reason. o_O
  15. safety comes first in our cities:p:D
  16. -MrMungo-

    -MrMungo- User

    In the most "recent" blog, they did mention something about special projects. I think it was related to improving to the social aspect of the game.
  17. thats good
  18. billyjim

    billyjim User

    MrMungo are you talking about the letter on March 20th or the posting on March 11th?
  19. We have forums to socialise. :) I think they should spare us of FB type social features, so dull, so boring, so iritating ......... :)
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