Bonus code

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by skb13, May 16, 2014.

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  1. billyjim

    billyjim User

    Also on occasion when rising cities has a major problem they will issue a bonus code to say they are sorry. No timing when this could occur.
  2. nervo82

    nervo82 User

    ... but fairly often :).

    In all seriousness, this is the most common reason and I wonder whether this one relates to anything in particular. For example (and I may have missed the memo), my Winter World Stadium's rng has been broken for more than a week (10 bronze/day, every day). Am I alone in this?
  3. billyjim

    billyjim User

    Mine is fine and delivering on schedule. You may wish to put a question in the Help Section / Technical Question. Remember to put your id # in your post. The moderators can look into your game and solve most problems.
  4. tjdeller03

    tjdeller03 User

    anymore codes out there
  5. Do you know when it was put on FB? I could do with one!!!
  6. billyjim

    billyjim User

    The code was released back in late winter, early spring, memory says some where around February or March 2014. Might still be active try it the worse that can happen is that you will get a message telling you it is no longer valid. ;)
  7. vitaliy448

    vitaliy448 User

    It doesn't work for me. Please help.
  8. billyjim

    billyjim User

    The code was only valid for a limited time and that time has expired. So sorry you will have to wait and see if there is a next time.
  9. honeywest

    honeywest User

    This is very disappointing! I just now saw this thread. I wonder why it wasn't posted in Official Announcements like they always are? I don't belong to Facebook and never saw it. Maybe they could post it in Official Announcements now and bring it back for a couple of weeks for those of us that don't belong to Facebook. :(
  10. billyjim

    billyjim User

    Actually from my experience most bonus codes are not posted in Official Announcements, unless they are related to an issue in the game. Like the Major log in issue earlier this year. :eek:
  11. i wish somebody would tell me how to get the bonus code, i've tried everything. Not a clue how.
  12. nervo82

    nervo82 User

    This thread is months old and the code has expired. You can (apparently) learn about bonus codes by keeping up with the the bigpoint facebook page, usually someone will post them in the forum.

    Can we close/delete this thread please?
  13. peromedic

    peromedic User

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