train station and bus stations

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by swifty40, May 27, 2014.

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  1. swifty40

    swifty40 User

    i think it would be really good to be able to have a train station avalible as this would increase the excitment in the game and where we have to build our own tracks i love this game im a everyday user on here but more things need to be avalible lets hope people like this idea but i have seen somewhere in the forfum where others have asked for this aswell
  2. wrighty8

    wrighty8 User

    really great idea and maybe an airport. wrighty8 4685170
  3. billyjim

    billyjim User

    I love the train station idea but it does have a lot of potential design problems. A bus station and buses is more likely since it would utilize the same streets we would just have to add buses to the cars on our streets.
  4. man do a survey.
  5. swifty40

    swifty40 User

    yes i agree an airport aswell now that would be good aswell
    even tho i spend a lot of time on here it would be well worth it to see an airport and a train station that we can control ourselfs i think people who are intrested should contact the makers of this game
  6. mark7512

    mark7512 User

    yes should put some kind of transport on
  7. billyjim

    billyjim User

    The real question is how much property are you willing to sacrifice to a non-revenue generating activity. The rail, bus station and airport will probably not generate cc, MM, EP, or mood (maybe negative).

    We do need some form of mass transit. How about starting by converting one or two of the autos in the program to buses to randomly run around the city. This could be linked to either population, game level, city hall level, etc. The higher the level the more buses. Since or cities are fairly small maybe one bus per city hall level?
    Plato1 likes this.
  8. swifty40

    swifty40 User

    either way we need more things in the citys to push up the fun for players but this game at the momment is more sitting and waiting a lot
    airports can put the city mood down if its to close to the city so it can still work
    buses and bus stations can work aswell
  9. C'mon! They just gave you a major improvement, and you are still not happy? You can donate more resources to get your rewards in Events. :) The wheels in your industrial quarters wil rotate and rotate. What an excitement to watch this industrial revolution miracle. Don't you aggree with me? :)
    Schnecky and Plato1 like this.
  10. billyjim

    billyjim User

    The economy in my city is slightly over stimulated at the moment. Therefore the central bank is raising rates and cutting stimulus activity. If only the real world was doing so well. Then they throw this production increase option to add to the stimulation of the economy. Ouch. Now I am going to have to raise taxes to slow the economy down some more and no new civil projects. :(:mad:

    Maybe I can find a private consortium to build these structures for the city. Does anyone have the number for the Rockefeller, Vanderbilt, Buffet, or Gates.
    Plato1 likes this.
  11. Builder480

    Builder480 User

    I think adding a train station is an awesome idea. it would be fun to stalk up these trains and build the train tracks to their destinations.
  12. I would prefer buses instead of trains or airport.
  13. In a modern metropolis rail and bus should be underground as any space is at a premium . we could have a bus stop for the underground bus ways and the same with the trains these bus stops and train stations could have a positive mood and low energy output the more of each you have the better the mood as both could run on nuclear power :)
  14. wizardelo

    wizardelo User

    more traffic = more clutter = more lag = less performance.
    i say they should ban vehicles all together, the game is about building a city, not traffic control.
  15. billyjim

    billyjim User

    And how do you expect your citizens to get around. Walking would be healthier but does not seem likely in the early twenty first century.
  16. Well, forget cars, place buses !
    This would actually made less traffic, so less lag and more performance :)
  17. billyjim

    billyjim User

    I like the animation the cars give the city. Otherwise it would be very static and not very interesting. Yes I sorta miss the animation we loss with turning off the symbols when collecting rent, not that much. ;)
  18. in berlin most people cycle and there is barely any cars
  19. swifty40

    swifty40 User

    ah a bike shop aswell but still there is room for an airport on the map aswell but bycicles good idea
  20. thanks i agree we should have an airport
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