My city or piece of it 2

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by mjcryo, Dec 10, 2013.

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  1. Oliversk

    Oliversk User

    Wow -damidami-, your city is so nice and it looks fresh! It's great... I hope your city playfield will be as nice as these two playfields. Or maybe better... Like, nothing more to write! ;)
    -damidami- likes this.
  2. -damidami-

    -damidami- User

    ;);)Thank you ^-^!
    I hope too, about the city playfield. It will be a long work to do... but it's ok, I like it.
    The last city playfield was cool, a bit futuristic and zen. Now you can see this kind of "style" in the Suburb.

    The new city is about past... more difficult to build it, because several buildings are modern and glass-type. And I can't use them in this playfield.
    But I will do my best. The place is great and ready, and I hope to have Lev.8 City Hall soon.
    I'd like to create something that reminds Steampunk and also "Metropolis" (movie) too:
    a retro-futuristic-Noveau style.
    Well... with the buildings I have, it's not so simple to re-create this scenery for the city.
    First reason is : at lev. 1 buildings are not so cool and interesting. But lev. 3-4 are better.

    I'll show you the city when some of them will be 3-4 lv. ^-^'

    For now... work in progress ... :p:p;)

    Ah... hope to have "in the future.... building for the past"... :p (like victorian luxury houses (better than ... Mistery Buildings season 1;)). Not only for workers or students...

    however, Just a little preview :p:p:p about the City:

    °Versailles Palace° + °Queen of Hearts Garden°


    Last edited: Jun 2, 2014
  3. wow what a waste of space, im not disrespecting or anything -damidami- im just saying what a waste of space but with three playfields and a fourth one coming i guess you can afford to do that
  4. TellusXIV

    TellusXIV User

    Its not done with efficiency in mind but esthetic.
    So its not a waste of space even if we only had one play field.
  5. Here something new in town :D




    all fase 4 stages :)
    alibaba92, daniel23492 and kaloian69 like this.
  6. -damidami-

    -damidami- User

    Yes, this is the reason ^__^'
    MillerWrox likes this.
  7. its still cool
    MillerWrox likes this.
  8. Pyroleum

    Pyroleum User

    My public boxwood shrubs garden just opened today...:cool:
    Still a modern row house III to come...:)


  9. its pretty cool i like it
  10. Pyroleum

    Pyroleum User

    And a small part of the coast... can't wait to upgrade them on III and IV!:)


    -damidami- and daniel23492 like this.
  11. accelman

    accelman User

    Pyroleum, that is very very nice. I love the beauty the way you laid things out in the boxwood area. Would love to see all of your city.
  12. so would i you have got a designer inside you Pyroleum
  13. [​IMG]
    nervo82 likes this.
  14. That very nice , i like it

    Noordbrabant likes this.
  15. i agree its pretty cool and very organised
    Noordbrabant likes this.
  16. [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    nervo82 and daniel23492 like this.
  17. What the heck is that thing with staircase and zeppelins? It looks cool. :)
    marylis and Noordbrabant like this.
  18. It's a deco from Mystery Buildings Season 3 - Stairways to heaven.
    Noordbrabant likes this.
  19. TellusXIV

    TellusXIV User

    Agree, that's one cool looking deco.
    I think they have a Led Zeppelin fan among the devs, Stairway to Heaven is one of their songs :)
    Noordbrabant and -MrMungo- like this.
  20. Wow! Good one. It doesn't fit anywhere though. We would need some medieval or fairytale content to complement it. :)

    Smart thinking Tellus. I know that song :)
    Noordbrabant likes this.
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