Events- Biker event.

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by dave7000, Jun 11, 2014.

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The biker event requires 400 bricks for a classic improvement reward

Poll closed Jul 6, 2014.
  1. 400 Bricks is too much cost and effort for a cheap reward

  2. Change/reduce the 400 Brick task in the biker event

  3. I am happy with the Biker event and happy to supply 400 bricks for a classic improvemnt.

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  1. dave7000

    dave7000 User

    The biker event should be re designed.

    The biker event task is for 400 Bricks. As the prices are going up so much the cost of 400 bricks is close to 1 million credits on the open market. All you get in return for that is a classic improvement and few thousand experience stars.

    The amount of effort to make 400 bricks makes this particular event unworthy of the effort. Please reduce the bricks required to 75 which is far more reasonable and improve the rewards somewhat.

    Who agrees with me.
    tpaintdoc05 likes this.
  2. -Wizz-

    -Wizz- User

    Moved to appropriate forum section.
  3. marylis

    marylis User

    Most players agree, but our constant complaints changed nothing. In fact they made the event even more difficult, and now it asks for 500(!) bricks not 400.
  4. i agree also
  5. I just don't do the event. If many people do it, there is not much reason for the team to change anything. I guess they rather go by their statistics.
    WoosterUK and marylis like this.
  6. Tamy

    Tamy User

    I noticed that lately I hardly do any of the events. The rewards most of the time just do not justify the resources that have to be invested in them. I am debating now if I should embark on the artist week (compared with the CC I could get for 1400 beams, none of the rewards seems very attractive).
    In this sense, the biker's week is definitely the extreme of a big range of events that just do not contribute now to my game. I really regret this, because I enjoy doing events, and feel I miss on the game experience if i skip them. I was wondering if any other players have the same thoughts?
  7. Tamy its happening with me aswell:(
  8. I decide one on one bases. Recently I mostly do events for experience and MM, sometimes for the residentials, like circus, which I use to create a colation of read roof arrangement around Rustic Villa. Also those small power plants may still come in handy. Appart from Bikers, I do not regret resources becouse I'm exchanging renewable resources for things I can't get other ways or just for game speed up towards unlocking new cool stuff. And since there is so much I want to buy with MM I would probably do them for MM itself. But that all get's down to our playing style, doesn't it.
  9. Tamy

    Tamy User

    I agree that playing style has a lot to do with this. To put it less politely, if I would not be obsessed with upgrading I guess I would find more of the events rewarding. Your point on investing renewable resources in order to gain some of the rewards that would promote the game for long term (another diner, for example) is valid. Thanks for the insight.
    However... I feel that for me, as the challenges I am setting for myself become more demanding and time consuming (simply because higher level upgrades of higher level buildings are more demanding) the challenges set by BP (in the form of events) become less attractive. I am not complaining of course, it is great that there are events to chose from -- I am just, well, moaning that I feel I am enjoying some aspects of the game less than before.
  10. billyjim

    billyjim User

    I have started doing the events piece meal I will do events till I get the items I want then stop. The biker event is rarely worth it to me also.
  11. @Tamy: You are right. I can see that from your perspective it's reasonable to avoid events.

    Me, on the other hand, I'm not so keen on upgrading as in many cases I like the look of residentials on lower level better then their higher levels so I keep some on level 1, level 2 or level 3 just for the sake of looks and variety. But still, appart from experience and MM rewards, most events hardly have any other attraction to me any longer as I tend to have their rewards already in numbers exceeding what I would be ever considering to use, although future playfield addition might change that. :)

    EDIT: I forgot about another important reason I do events, and that is drops for mastery. It's been sad it's better to buy these levels with MM, but I like this progress work better. MM purchase is just too boring for me. :)

    EDIT2: Another omition. Of course 4 star RI are good too. :)
    Last edited: Jun 15, 2014
  12. Tamy

    Tamy User

    Agree and agree. I do events most often for the epic and luxury RI, that are requested for the mastery challenges. And I do not like to purchase upgrades (except the steps requiring bricks ;)) with MM. It feels like I'm cheating myself when I do this.
    And, after all I've said, I found myself completing the artists event (for the MM), will certainly do the car rally (only 120 beams!) and am slowly preparing for the football event (cause I want these football playgrounds). Which goes to show that no strategy should be too rigid. Or than again, just that I cannot make up my mind...:p
  13. PirateLee

    PirateLee Guest

    Just for the record I included this thread in my weekly report to give voice to all of your comments.:)
    marylis likes this.
  14. billyjim

    billyjim User

    Thank you PirateLee, it is nice to know that someone is listening. :cool:
  15. It's been a long time since I read this !
  16. yes thanks PirateLee:):cool:
  17. dave7000

    dave7000 User

    Thanks Pirate
  18. kes222

    kes222 User

    u welcom
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