City Hall daily handouts

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by kuroyany, Jun 11, 2014.

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  1. kuroyany

    kuroyany User

    off the back of another day of cineplex not paying out 45MMs and having had this idea in my head for a while..deciding to air it for comment or criticism

    I think that when you've reached a certain level of city hall, the PPs, EPs and CC handouts should stop in favour of more MM handouts. For me, I have enough PPs, EPs and make enough CCs on a daily basis that it would be more appreciated if MM handouts were more frequent, the better city hall level you attain.

    PS: I am not suggesting this as a cineplex replacement
    bohomama77 and tpaintdoc05 like this.
  2. Kuroyany,

    You have a very good idea with mm's coming from the city hall as the levels go. I too am Brassed off with the cinema and would like to see another more reliable method of being rewarded mm.

    with regards to the other mediocre handouts we get maybe the whole reward system should be re-evaluated with input from all players, it may take some time to do but could prove a big turning point for all concerned.


    SHOMBEE User

    :)i agree, count me in
  4. brucenic

    brucenic User

    if only.....
  5. kuroyany

    kuroyany User

    I'm glad I'm not alone in thinking this. I just feel that PP,EP handouts are useful at lower levels but not when you get to a certain level
    bohomama77 likes this.
  6. olivemurmu

    olivemurmu User

    now that x-presso is altogether banished from the game.....MM is the only way to complete events,tasks,farm,mill, that's a good point made here that MM be given out from the City Hall.i'm tired of teeny weeny PPs and CCs and EPs popping out of CH every day....i guess all MM should be given out after the player has reached a level...i,e level 20 or something...what say??????:cool:
    tpaintdoc05 likes this.
  7. i say level 30, when i was level 20 i still relied on the CH for EP, PP, and CC
  8. kuroyany

    kuroyany User

    I think rather than your game level it should be more to do with your city hall level
  9. olivemurmu

    olivemurmu User

    city hall level will do....i think...:rolleyes:...well,what level should it be?:rolleyes:
  10. kuroyany

    kuroyany User

    I'd say possibly level 6, definitely level 7. By that time you've got a fair few residents producing PPs, EPs & CCs on a daily basis
  11. This would just force people to upgrade their city hall just to receive MM. From my point of view, I like a lower level City Hall because it's looking nice. A bigger level City Hall looks too futuristic and it's too fancy for me.
  12. olivemurmu

    olivemurmu User

    ohhh....i'm on a much lower level...sigh!!!!!:(

    that's a good point too....
    Last edited by moderator: Jun 13, 2014
  13. billyjim

    billyjim User

    Since city hall level is linked to population and population is indirectly linked to players level (It is hard to get above level 40 and still have a population under 4000) either or both could be used.
  14. PirateLee

    PirateLee Guest

    Just a comment from me the games whole existence relies on people buying Metro Money so that the hundreds of people at Bigpoint can eat next week.
    The more that is given away means the games development or even its existance could be in danger.

    I would also add this is a personal comment and opinion not that of Bigpoint.
  15. billyjim

    billyjim User

    PirateLee You are correct in that we do not want the BP workers families to go hungry. Nor do we want to cause the demise of the game. We just want to suggest improvements and changes to enhance our experience. As our history with the game has shown the vast majority of these will not come to fruition. But, if we do not scream, shout, hold our breaths, no one listens. So that is what we do. :D Every once and awhile we succeed, that is when things get really scary. :eek: I remember the old adage "... getting what you wished for"
    minecraftkid1 likes this.
  16. kuroyany

    kuroyany User

    Point taken and fully understand. I think I was just venting off the back of the cineplex issue but I do think the city hall handouts do need to be looked at and possibly tweaked (not necessarily MM related)
  17. Kuroyany, reading these posts has got me thinking yet again....
    What if we were rewarded mm very well, and in return we had some form of a donation building where we donate mm's in return for other rewards ? or something on this line.

    ( p.s Piratelee point taken and not deliberate , just hacked off with you know what)
  18. PirateLee

    PirateLee Guest

    I have to say Kuroyany and yourself may have hit on something really good here, replacing those gift items with worthwhile prizes like buildings (all be it rarely) could be a real winner.

    As always I will pass these on to the dev team. Billyjim believe it or not, this is one area that are coders seek a peak at and they do use many of the ideas posted here.
  19. billyjim

    billyjim User

    Thanks from all of us. It is always nice to be heard :D:D
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