"cosmopolitan city" quest not rewarding

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Tamy, Jun 29, 2014.

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  1. Tamy

    Tamy User

    Hi, sorry to join the chorus, but I've (finally!) completed the two quest's tasks. The quest acknowledge that they are completed, but I cannot collect the rewards. I did clear the browser's cache, to be on the safe side but it does not make any difference. When you have some time, could you check this, please?

    User name: TAMTAM70.
    User ID: 3783817.
  2. PirateLee

    PirateLee Guest

    The ID number above does not appear to be your account it is a level 5 account?.

    Also you mentioned two quests one is cosmo, what was the second please so I can fix them for you.
  3. Tamy

    Tamy User

    Sorry, sorry, sorry: my ID is: 3783813.
    One quest, two tasks (reach some number of residents, and upgrade city hall). Both tasks are ticked green in the quest, but I cannot collect the reward.

    And thanks again.
  4. PirateLee

    PirateLee Guest

    We are having no luck I now see your system is on and you are online so I am blocked.
    I can kick you but always prefer not to do that.

    Just let me know when you are switching off for a while and I will fix the quest.:)
  5. Tamy

    Tamy User

    Thanks Lee. Am switching off now -- and do feel free to kick me offline to fix this. My internet connection at home is so lousy, I probably won't know it was you..
  6. PirateLee

    PirateLee Guest

    Your quest is now complete and the reward waiting for you to collect.

    Sorry about the delay.:D
  7. QueenVee

    QueenVee User

    Dear Pirate Lee , 02.07.14 4:57a est
    I had written to the Help Desk , and had explained to them that I had finished Upgrading My City Hall from level 4 to 5 ;5 to 6 ; and level 6 to 7; I had "just" (within the past 5 days), written to the "Dev's" i beleive, using a "Contact Form" *I had been told, it would be easier, Not true.
    SO, that You know, I have had ovre 5000+people and have for at least the past 2 -3 weeks minimum. To be exact 5,284 people..
    So, Here I am. Again. I had completed the "Transform into a big city"(450 ppl) := Level 4. I had "JUST" received the reward for this City hall Level, Yet I have NOT received the "Transform into a Metropolis(levl 5; 950 ppl); nor "Into a Cosmopolitan City"(1700) and ;I believe that the othre name is "Transform into a Booming Metropolis" for the population of 2800ppl. AND THE TOP OF THE POPulation IS 5000 people. Which I am far above.
    As I write you, I have a Task that asks me to"Transform Into a Metropolis" and the People in checked off, yet it isn't noticing that I have already the Level 7 City hall.
    Please, undrestand, that I am asking You, to please Compensate Me , as I, like othres, was given a "Task "to complete and have done so, and I have still not been compensated by way of the" Rewards" .
    Thank -You for "Your" time and attention in this
    mattre. I very much appreciate it.
    Sincerely Yours,
    Valeria Aldi :):)
    Also, back when "The Forum " was being upgraded, there was a message stating that ;"If you want to Change Your "login" name, You have to do so "NOW":confused: ,as you won;t have anothre chance to do so(something similar) I Did Not undrestand the message ,or why I had to"Change My Log in "name" ; I had done so anyway.:oops: I am asking to please , allow Me, to ONLY have one name , My "1st " name which is LadyVee; and the "2nd " Forum name which is QueenVee ,to be erased... if You could "Erase" and Change it back to" LadyVee "for me. As it is very confusing trying to explain this to everyone. especially You Moderatop's
    Thank-You, once again
    ID: LadyVee :
    Forum name:oops:o_O : QueenVee
    ID 7023165
    Joined back on 23.09.13
    Level 37
  8. Tamy

    Tamy User

    Thanks a lot!
    What delay?
  9. PirateLee

    PirateLee Guest

    It took a day :D
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