platinum medals - what did you get?

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by ThomasHeathwaite, May 16, 2014.

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  1. Hi all, feel free to post what you get from the platinum medals from either the e.r.s system or the bonus code.

  2. I. got an epic big screen tv and 100bb and some of the square stuff (i can't remember the name of it). Nice Bonus
  3. skb13

    skb13 User

    Lol - I got 1* Solar panel x2, Water Tower, 4* game console for my first 25 medals and..... wait for it.....
    1* satellite dish x2, 1* aquarium x2 and 1* tanning bed x2.
    Ok, the Water tower is great, the 4* game console is great, but 8 1* RIs?? A bit lame. I'm so glad I don't earn platinum medals from my ers system.
  4. kuroyany

    kuroyany User

    I really thought they had look at what gets handed out for platinum medals. I've yet to receive an exclusive permit from these. I tend to get permit for sunrise lofts, which I'm not a great fan of in silver or gold packs. Want a mansion or an old fire house
  5. marylis

    marylis User

    Still no exclusive permits for me. None!!! Not even for sunrise lofts. I got a permit for a vintage duplex, some construction products, and 1* RIs, not even epic. I 'm getting really frustrated. :mad::mad:
  6. -MrMungo-

    -MrMungo- User

    Platinum medals are weird.
    99% of the time they are rubbish. Totally and complete waste.
    But that 1%...they can be really nice! I remember getting 2 permits + level 4 RI once.
    I'm sure I didn't dream it....:p
  7. babyfaced

    babyfaced User

    I just got 1* and 2* improvements with both goes *sigh*
  8. Tamy

    Tamy User

    I got 40 bricks, which are always welcomed (though not very exciting) and another sunshine loft.
    Otherwise, classic improvements.
    Still, this was a free gift. And with MM -- which was nice!
  9. this is what i got

    Do you think this is bad?

    I do

  10. babyfaced

    babyfaced User

    That's pants! At least you got variety though. My pictures were all household appliances *yawn*
  11. 1 out of 2 could my second be better
  12. marylis

    marylis User

    After, eight months I finally won my very first exclusive permit, one of those famous sunrise lofts. I‘m so happy, that I want to share it with you, my fellow mayors. :):) I know that most of you have a lot of sunrise lofts. But for unknown reasons I kept winning only building materials and improvements from my medals, even platinum medals. And I was getting really-really frustrated...
  13. Doggone

    Doggone User

    Congrats Marylis! I'm glad you got one and jealous too because this is another permit I've been unable to get.
    marylis likes this.
  14. Tamy

    Tamy User

    You will, in the end. The god of random games is slow to act, but is (eventually) fair. My two cents: do not pay much attention to this, keep playing with what you have and if you will get it, it would be an nice surprise. There's a big heap of permits I did not win, and would like to win. I just put them out of my mind, and set my hopes on getting building materials.
    Bangaloo likes this.
  15. Hi all this is what i got with my 20 gold medal from the classic car event step 3.
    I already have 2 of these from the medal too so very happy with it.
    Enriqe-XXX likes this.
  16. marylis

    marylis User

    wow, good for you. :cool:
  17. -MrMungo-

    -MrMungo- User

    Has anyone noticed a small improvement in platinum medals lately, or have I just been slightly fortunate?
  18. nervo82

    nervo82 User

    Not me, cashed in 75 yesterday (and ~160 gold) and 0 permits, lots of * RIs.

    I did get an old fire department from a silver :).
  19. from lot o mot a bread basket good
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