Stagnating city?

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by wizardelo, Aug 5, 2014.

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  1. wizardelo

    wizardelo User

    I would welcome some tips on how to move forward with my city.

    it feels i've slowed down the last 2 months and i feel im getting close to a complete stop. gathering materials for one upgrade with nonstop production takes about a week or so.
    market prices aren't really appealing to me as a buyer, and even if buying materials is an option, gathering the cash for it takes more and more time as prices continue to rise.

    even weekly events are starting to be annoying and get in the way of normal production, not really sure why i keep doing them.

    i guess its the way the game is meant to be, the further you advance the slower things get. its not a complain, i merely want to know if other mayors have hit this stagnation point and how do you cope with it.

    i've reduced my online times drastically, as i only log to restart long production cycles.
  2. cecily13

    cecily13 User

    This is the new logo matty25 created for the italian forum:
  3. billyjim

    billyjim User

    I hit this level a couple of months a go it took a while to get through this then I changed my strategies and suddenly thinks started to move on much quicker and I gained new interest and new goals. :D
  4. nervo82

    nervo82 User

    That's a tough one Wizardelo.

    I'm in a similar frame of mind - I don't enjoy collecting rent, and producing things to supply for sub-market prices to my populace or to upgrade houses at enormous cost isn't very appealing either. I rarely visit the beach (event houses), suburb (carpark) or mountain (confused by the roads) and live in foundation view so get no pleasure from the layout of my city. I may have a reorganisation if we get a prolonged period of bad weather but there is usually something entertaining on the internet.

    At least the EMS doesn't take our bricks any more :).
  5. Bababandos

    Bababandos User

    Hi wizardelo,

    every now and then I get tired too of the saving up for ages just to upgrade one of the big expensive skycraper type of buildings. So what I do is, I turn away from them and chose a whole bunch of smaller buildings to upgrade all at the same time, even if they might not be as lucrative (e.g. I am going to upgrade a handfull of biker lodges and half a dozen of the funky building from the artist event, after that I am going to do most of the new mountain buildings).

    Maybe it doesn't really make sense to start all the upgrades at the same time, as some of them could still give me rent while the others are being constructed, but it gives me the feeling of having something to do.

    Starting a bunch of buildings usually costs me a few million CC. But once I've started all the upgrades, I do a mix of producing materials and buying some from the CC I collect from that point onward (e.g. at the moment I produce tiles twice a day, so bricks are bought at the market).

    All the construction sites give me the impression of lots of 'work' needing to be done, and I enjoy going through them several times a day to see what's the next type of material needed, to decide whether I produce or buy, etc.

    Nothing special really, but again, it helps me whenever I am bored with doing one expensive building at a time that seems to take forever.
    wizardelo likes this.

    BROOHAHA! User

    haha, very funny
  7. billyjim

    billyjim User

    I follow a different philosophy thab Bababandos. I build one or two projects at a time and that is it. That way I am always building something or improving something in the city. As the saying goes "Rome was not built in a day"
  8. I actually occasionally do exactly the same thing. Start a lot of upgrades without having materials to finish them, just to have a change. With regard to big skyscrapers I like it that they are so expensive to upgrade. And I would actually consider it boring having all of them upgraded to lvl 4 quickly.
  9. buzzo1

    buzzo1 User

    thats so funny
  10. this game is anything but boring
    daniel23492 likes this.
  11. wizardelo

    wizardelo User

    good tips all around, except those tho keep quoting the boring cities log, (go spam somewhere else guys)

    i also found that starting an upgrade project helps me feel like im doing something even if i end up not having enough materials, it also drives me to buy materials not just produce, just to start that next step :)

    about the multiple upgrade idea, thats interesting, i also like to have all my houses at same level, so when i try to upgrade all of the same if not at once, maybe one after the other, then move to next type :) but sometimes is boring, if its a big building which takes time to complete.

    looks like we're all struggling one way or the other to keep the game interesting. i wonder if we're going to hold out long enough for coders to come up with real bug fixes and new things, or we're just going to pack up and leave because we lost interest.

    tis a bit sad :(
  12. I'm waiting for new playfields, new content for lately added levels as that is empty, and some other fun like new events, new quests, RI factory, power plants upgrades, Mastery system for production facilities to name just a few.
    wizardelo likes this.
  13. wizardelo

    wizardelo User

    me too, but will they come soon enough, before the current boredom and bugs permanently keep us away from the game...
  14. And I'm also waiting for a new producer. He/she might enliven the "game" by making some emmmmmmmmmpty promisses in their after-inaguration zeal, which, however empty, would sure wake us up from our drowsy sleepy condition. :D :D :D
    wizardelo likes this.
  15. wizardelo

    wizardelo User

    haha, its about that time of the year again, isnt it... when "new producer" is being fabricated along with a very promising letter to change the world...of RC
  16. There seems to be a new event ready in Event Plazza for Friday. I don't recognise the graphics. Together with Classic Car Rallye starting on the same day.
  17. Well, it is the Birthday Event:

  18. wizardelo

    wizardelo User

    i agree with daniel, its the birthday event, image is the same as last year,
    i was hunting info on last year's event and here is the sme girl and the same wheel
  19. Oh this one. Thanks guys. I didn't realise it. It could bring a bit of fun, maybe. What do you think?
  20. I think we should speak about this event Here
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