Cinema Upgrade

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by nortoncommander, Aug 14, 2014.

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  1. Have you noticed 10 tickets in the cinema? :)

    Also the Event Plazza seems to have been working better for the last few days. :)

    Looks like those silent ghosts are working in the background after all. :)
    Last edited: Aug 14, 2014
  2. billyjim

    billyjim User

    I agree the option for ten movies is awesome. :) Why could we not have a note a week or so in advance. Oh, well the mystery is moving on. Thank you for the upgrade.
  3. You don't like surprise gifts? I am just pleased as both changes are pure positive. :)
  4. billyjim

    billyjim User

    All right Nortoncommander you are right we got a surprise and it does appear to be positive. So I stand properly chastised. ;)
  5. OK. Now when you repented, get ready for more surprises. :)
  6. billyjim

    billyjim User

    That sounds ominous. What do you know that the rest of us do not know? To many surprises could lead to a nervous break down or in an old man like me a heart attack. :p
  7. ginger853

    ginger853 User

    Did any of you get the movie where you are to register for sweepstakes? If there is an upgrade, why also not to be able to skip???
  8. kuroyany

    kuroyany User

    Loving the cinema upgrade. Woke up to find extra tickets knowing I had already watched 3 for the 24 hr period

    Tip that I've been using to try to avoid void tickets (no video) is to take a wander around my sprawling city (go to another playfield) in between videos rather than watching 3 (10 now) in one go. It seems to work but I don't think it's a full proof method to avoid void tickets.
  9. SomeXDude

    SomeXDude User

    I have noticed the 10 movies in the cinema but what has changed in the event plaza?
  10. marylis

    marylis User

    I think it is a joke, and a bad one. I can't remember the last time I saw three videos in a day. I was lucky If I could see one video every few days. And now there are ten empty spaces instead of three. Wow, is that what they were working to fix the last six months?
  11. Yeah, it shows me that I can watch 10 movies per day, but...the same old problem with the add-on and "We're sorry, but there are no videos available right now. Please try again later."
    Yeah....later like in a million years.

    For me, cineplex is a joke. And it isn't a good one either.
  12. Of the 10, only 4 worked for me.
  13. Nadin

    Nadin User

    Of the 10 movies, no one worked for me. I agree, cineplex is the bigest bad joke.
  14. I just read the signs of the time. And the time is ripe for more surprises. :)
    It seems they started to introduce two next soon ready events in the row. Means you can plan better.
  15. billyjim

    billyjim User

    I did notice this it was nice I hope these surprises keeps being positive
  16. TiTeSol-GB

    TiTeSol-GB User

    Thank to BP for increasing the number of films per day.
  17. Dreadwood

    Dreadwood User

    Hi all, from a new player...
    The Cinema comes up with "sorry no more films" then does nothing.. I then have to accept losing the 15 cash to get back into the game... Is this normal or am I doing something wrong. seems a bit unfair or is it part of a lottery type approach. Sometimes you win, most times you don't..:rolleyes:
  18. billyjim

    billyjim User

    Sad to say this is normal. The best way to look at it is that the MM's are free therefore you are not losing any thing, just not receiving them. At least now you get ten chances rather than three. In my case I usually get at least five or more each day. Good luck.
  19. BKrst69

    BKrst69 User

    I lose mm's when the college advertisement pops up and they want you to vote and include personal information. Not about to disclose info, so no mm's.. :(
  20. Well I went through the MS assessment, don't have it, don't need information on it, but it doesn't acknowledge I watched it. What gives?
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