Counting RC Bugs!.. to 1 million

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by wizardelo, Aug 6, 2014.

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  1. Supernova

    Supernova User


    The building that is behind a hedge is obscuring (hiding) the hedge.
  2. Doggone

    Doggone User


    The city map won't disappear.

    daniel23492 likes this.
  3. dave7000

    dave7000 User

    City Treasury..........

    You give them 100 metro money and they give you 550cc. That has to be a joke!

    100 Metro Dollars for 550 production Points!
    12 metro dollars for 50cc. What can you possibly do with 50cc that you couldn't get 10 times for the metro money.

    marylis likes this.
  4. kamilcom7

    kamilcom7 User


    Lost connection again and again.​
  5. wizardelo

    wizardelo User

    White map of death.... reloading...
    billyjim likes this.
  6. TCRooster

    TCRooster User


    Click on rent collector, rent collected, but low and behold the little money signs don't disappear from the houses. Restart game ... again.:rolleyes:
    (and I still can't fire my emergency personnel!)
  7. wizardelo

    wizardelo User

    so i finished upgrading a building, moved students in.. choose citizen type window refused to close.. had to reload.

  8. TellusXIV

    TellusXIV User

    ERS was working, after the fix it don't.
    Crashes now and then, disappearing houses, couldn't collect rent for a while, couldn't log out (had to shutdown the browser), permits you aren't supposed to use (after a while they even let you know), Cineplex seam to have got kiss of death.
  9. 61
    i now have 2 academies :confused::confused:
    Last edited: Aug 27, 2014
  10. ninasby

    ninasby User

    no 6
    I Don't have any city wheel :mad: thought it was only me but there for I have to many emergencies lol :rolleyes:
  11. tzikontzi

    tzikontzi User

    No. 63
    Yesterday, according to the central square, the next event would be the classic rally, and right after, the art week. A few hours later, it changed, and showed the ancient festival first and then the classic rally. And now my square shows just the ancient festival.
    Is it a bug or they just can't make their mind? :confused::confused::confused:
  12. TCRooster

    TCRooster User

    My specialist training quest won't give out even though I've assigned her somewhere and she's responded a few times.

    BUT Yay :D- they fixed it so I can fire people, so I fired one and then it broke again:(
  13. skb13

    skb13 User

    Toolbar at the bottom doesn't load. Restart 3 lumbermills then "Oooops, no internet". And now I can't have my 64 Zoo Lane picture because TCRooster posted before me.....
  14. skb13

    skb13 User

    Ok, no toolbar again. This is getting tedious.
  15. wizardelo

    wizardelo User

    one of my buildings vanished... again!
  16. wizardelo

    wizardelo User

    connection lost during playing,...

  17. -MrMungo-

    -MrMungo- User

    Bohemian Cube is right next to Hollywood Diner, but no needs are met...apparently!

  18. skb13

    skb13 User

    I finished my L4 Solar Skyscraper, chose Capitalists to fill it, and then my button clicked again without me meaning to. Now I don't have +25% rent, but -50% power/mood - NOT what I wanted. Can't we undo/change this? Get a confirmation?
  19. TellusXIV

    TellusXIV User

    Have happened 2-3 times to me lately, commercial getting zero range to one building :(
    Moving around the commercial and nearby buildings have worked for me.
  20. dave7000

    dave7000 User

    The new navigation button fails to upload suburb/mountain/ocean unless you are in the main city. I seldom play this game anymore because the impression i get is that they want money from players ( and new players) but are not prepared to make the game enjoyable. Just too much hassle with this money spinner, the Bonus for metro money is cheap.Misleading game.

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