Bug squatters population upgrading Golden Linings Estate

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by cecily13, Oct 26, 2014.

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  1. cecily13

    cecily13 User

    Upgrading a Golden Linings Estate from level 2 to level 3, 2664 residents has been added to the counter. It shoud be 64. So there are 2600 squatters.
    How do you fit 2664 persons in that house? :)
    I upgraded 10 of them so now I have a population of 57500 residents but it should be 31500 (that's the number I consider for the top 100).
    But I have other 5 to upgrade. In the end I will have more squatters than real residents...
    Anyone else noticing it?
    Is that happening only to my account?
    I just want to know... that's why I posted this to the speakers corner.
    Last edited: Oct 26, 2014
    skb13 likes this.
  2. Arsuru

    Arsuru User

    I dunno, how do they fit 24 in a van? 64 in a finca or stone terrace? Population density is messed up in this game.
  3. wizardelo

    wizardelo User

    i would report it to tech support, mayeb it happened to somebody else also, and i dont want top100 to be messed up :p
  4. This has now been verified, and reported. Hopefully we'll have a fix soon.
  5. cecily13

    cecily13 User

    Now? I reported it to the support already 6 weeks ago. They replied me the day after but I can't say what they said.
    Last edited: Nov 20, 2014
  6. sadieny33

    sadieny33 User


    Just a quick update on the Golden Linings issues. I decided to "move" my GL's off the grid into storage to ensure I knew my real resident/citizen count without these residences. After ensuring I had a clean number (it appears that my number was not inflated by the existence of the GL's), I returned my GL's to the game and when I did this I ended up with double the number of residents I had prior to that so the bug continues. Sorry guys (tech support), know this must be a real pain. Love the game, and know you will fix this soon, in the meantime if anyone wants to ensure their count is correct, figure it out without the GL's.
    skb13 likes this.
  7. cecily13

    cecily13 User

    I tried it already 6 weeks ago when I noticed the bug. Moving my level 3 GLs into the storage only subtracted 64 to the total population, the 2600 squatters were still there. Moving GLs back to the mountain only added 64 people, as it should be. Meaning the bug added 2600 to the population in the very moment the upgrade was finished, and don't remembered it afterwards. I tried this 6 weeks ago. I don't know if now it will act differently.

    I'm sure of my real population amount because... I made a.... spreadsheet! with all my houses... with level, population, mood/energy, workers/students/capitalists for each playfield... I know I'm a fool...
    sorry for my english
    Andrewjf and skb13 like this.
  8. sadieny33

    sadieny33 User

    I did the same thing (spread sheet), Cecily--only way to know the real numbers here. Please, no need to worry re English, you did great.
    skb13 likes this.
  9. skb13

    skb13 User

    Yep, me too - spreadsheet is the only way to be sure! I've played around a bit since, and I've upgraded one of my GL to L4 - and you get even MORE pop then! And yes, move it into inventory and back gets you more and more and more population - you can get to 100k in no time. Let's hope they fix this bug soon, and we might just get our top 100 back.
    sadieny33 likes this.
  10. cecily13

    cecily13 User

    hahaha I was sure I was alone in this :D :D :D
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