Feedback on Weekly: Farmer's Market

Discussion in 'Game Discussions & Feedback' started by -Wizz-, Sep 23, 2014.

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  1. -Wizz-

    -Wizz- User

    Hello Mayors,

    Please use this thread to post your opinions and concerns, tips and ideas about this weekly event. We will read each comment and the best ones will make the weekly report.

    Your Rising Cities Team.
    ivy87 likes this.
  2. Arsuru

    Arsuru User

    Again, my complaint is not being able to do it and having never been able to. With this event having two exclusive rewards that I want, really, this is not a player-friendly way of doing things.
    ivy87 and city8936 like this.
  3. brucenic

    brucenic User

    I agree that it would be nice to be able to choose a lower level event. I don't see why this is not possible.
    ivy87 likes this.
  4. *kimmi*

    *kimmi* User

    I think it's very nice - for a change - that low-level can achieve something special just because they don't chasing exp ;) - and if RC should allow high-lv to get those exclusive - then they should also allow low-level to get 7-8 lumber mills and at least 6 bakeries - and a lot of other stuff from earlier events :rolleyes:
  5. Arsuru

    Arsuru User

    It's not even about chasing experience, or power-leveling. You will level up pretty fast anyway, and now it's even faster than before with EXP from buying land and loot-o-matic. You are encouraged to go fast by BP, and in these events, penalized for it. It's just totally unreasonable to expect that anyone not play for weeks if they want these rewards and that they even know about them so that they can meticulously plan to not level up as much as possible, and possibly still be pushed over by leveling up required facilities or from event experience. It was worse before when weekly events actually happened once a week, so you could wait months if you wanted them.

    Or they could just MM the prize, but they'd still have to refrain from playing. It's just not good for the players or the BP. When those players level up, there is a good chance they will replace them with more efficient decorations, depending on how they make their city. So for those that have mood to spare or MM to buy better decorations to compensate for the minor loss and like the aesthetics, they still have value over more of the same decorations.

    I don't see anything nice about not allowing the same content for all. Like I said in the children's festival feedback, this isn't even a special event as it comes regularly. Of course, I think newer players should be able to get as many manufacturing permits as older players, and a way to get previous special event residencies and decorations somehow, but it's not at all comparable to some regular event rewards that appear frequently.

    And as I've said elsewhere, maybe people might just want to do a more relaxing event for a change (and the lower-levels can do higher ones to the best of their ability). Or add new tiers and separate the mixed events. There is just no good reason to restrict it like it is.
    Last edited: Sep 25, 2014
    promaster202 and -Skyla-2 like this.
  6. ZenobiaZoe

    ZenobiaZoe User

    Is it just me, or was this event for Levels 15-19 nearly impossible to complete? I had one Level 3 farm and eventually, had 7 additional Level 2 farms and still was close to not making it!
    TellusXIV likes this.
  7. billyjim

    billyjim User

    Not to sound pompous but one of the functions of the events is to guide us into develop and upgrade our facilities to complete these events. Have a good time playing. :)
    Andrewjf likes this.
  8. *kimmi*

    *kimmi* User

    You are right ... it is almost impossible to complete ... you have to have the one lv3 farm and 7 lv2 farm - and on top of it you have to lv your lumbermills up to so you can upgrade the farms.
  9. ZenobiaZoe

    ZenobiaZoe User

    I certainly learned the hard way! o_O
    *kimmi* likes this.
  10. ZenobiaZoe

    ZenobiaZoe User

    I had to do just that! This event should have come with a warning label! ;)
    *kimmi* likes this.
  11. TellusXIV

    TellusXIV User

    Its me to :(
    A wile ago I started a new account for fun and although I know exactly what to do it was darn near I failed.
    Its one of the hardest event there is and to give new players this as one of the start events is not the way I had done it :mad:
    Hat of to any new player that make it on first try :)
    ZenobiaZoe likes this.
  12. billyjim

    billyjim User

    I guess I was always a builder if I could upgrade something I could so as soon as I could upgrade any building or item I did so I did not have to much issue with this myself. But, running the numbers I can see where there is a difficulty in completing this level with limited resources. Congratulations to all who succeed. :)
  13. TellusXIV

    TellusXIV User

    The problem is that if you do it right the best you can have is 1 L3 and 7 L2. With that 72h with sleep is not much.
    ZenobiaZoe likes this.
  14. ZenobiaZoe

    ZenobiaZoe User

    Good to know I wasn't the one only one in this boat!
  15. Geflin

    Geflin User

    I would like to add these thoughts: agree with wondering why can't we choose to do an easier event like Farmer's Market even if we are at higher Levels....though kind of understand that this event becomes "Flea Market" just like "Children's Festival" becomes "Artist Festival" when you get to higher Levels. However, there are prizes unique to the Farmer's Market (strawberry, windmill, etc.) that would be nice to have. Myself, I Leveled up too fast and was not allowed to do the lower level of this; I did not know at the time if you Leveled past a certain point, the events changed. Also....can't there be a Farmer's Market for the higher Levels? I think it would be great to open this event back up for the higher Levels and obviously the production requirements would be much higher, but so could the payoff (like a bonus Farm permit...or Vegetable stand permit).
  16. billyjim

    billyjim User

    How about just letting us do the lower events as they are, but limit how often we get to do them. Maybe once every three, six months maybe even once a year as a loyalty reward. As Geflin says a lot of us leveled up or did not learn fast enough to get a chance to do some of these earlier events. :( Depriving us of the opportunity to get the unique rewards.
    Geflin likes this.
  17. Arsuru

    Arsuru User

    Produce cart. Strawberry is for the tutorial event. Which was bugged for me, so I never got the permit for that, and that task completed with a regular event. Though I remember the produce cart was shown in-game for the task reward, and actually, I think they just wanted you to complete a normal event originally. I saw the strawberry on foreign forums long before it showed up here when they later announced a specific tutorial event for the task with the strawberry as a reward. It's pretty silly and mostly useless, but I still want it.

    No point in limiting it or making such a compromise. That isn't even a compromise. It doesn't change anything for them, us, or the game to just allow them regularly. Either they are available at the same or time (potentially allowing us to do both) or we get to do one or the other.
    billyjim likes this.
  18. Geflin

    Geflin User

    I understand the whole tutorial event thing and it's actually cool this event has different top prizes; however, I still think they ought to (a) allow us to select the event to do even if we are at a higher Level (though that presents the question of which of the top prizes they'd let you try for) and (b) add a high Level version of this event that truly challenges farm production and pays off with a farm permit or veggie stand.
  19. omuego

    omuego User

    My two cents: should I skip Winterfest event in favour of waiting for three 15-19 lvl events, such as Farmer's market, Antiquity fair and Children's festival, in order to get Rustic windmill, Trojan horse and Adventure playground, respectively? Not to mention that I should prevent myself of gaining XP too fast... And the latter two events are not even set to start soon, according to the Event Calendar at this moment. And next year I might miss Winterfest because I'm over lvl 50...
  20. Arsuru

    Arsuru User

    No, you should just complain with us to allow us all to do lesser events. You will never be able to miss these special seasonal events because of being too high in level, though next year the event and prizes might be different.

    I wish to thank you for being the perfect example of why this system is ridiculous, because it expects you to not play to get what you want. What a game! To force you not to play!

    You could always start the event and let it expire: you'll get the option to buy the final prize with MM, normally, but that's just as ridiculous an option. There are better items, mood wise, even if it gets rather dull to use them all-over the place.
    omuego likes this.