Admin pricing interference

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by pdxnomad68, Sep 14, 2014.

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  1. harley9883

    harley9883 User

    Yes, ..without a doubt! Barley poses the greatest shortage of all the commodities produced in this game. I presently have four of my eight level 3 farms dedicated only to producing barley. I still have to buy a considerable amount in the market place each month to keep my two level 3 stadiums in brew.

    If barley was unhindered and set free to find its own market price, ..the price would easily top 1000 - 1500cc.
  2. Geflin

    Geflin User

    *begins building said bar* Wonder if the devs or mods are following all of this?
  3. mods do read every post :p
  4. Geflin

    Geflin User

    Was just ribbing:p I know you guys do...and always do your best to help us out when we have issues (know so from personal experience). Want you and all the mods to know you are definitely appreciated:D*pours a pint for tassie-devil*
  5. billyjim

    billyjim User

    A pint Geflin what a miser! The Mods deserve a life time pass at their favorite watering hole on us! A pint, a few teraliters would might just put a dent in our debt to them :D:D Thank you all Moderators for everything you do for us and taking our abuse so cheerfully (most of the time).
  6. Geflin

    Geflin User

    Am Irish/Scottish.....have you SEEN the size of our 'pints'???:rolleyes:
  7. billyjim

    billyjim User

    I have been going to the pub for a long time and have seen many "pints". But a pint is a pint. :confused:
  8. *kimmi*

    *kimmi* User

    I got the perfect mod-gift :p

    Geflin, billyjim and strider_legs like this.
  9. Geflin

    Geflin User

    Ahhhhh.....behold the Irish/Scottish 'pint'!:D
    billyjim and *kimmi* like this.
  10. billyjim

    billyjim User

    I thought that this would be better suited for gin!
  11. pdxnomad68

    pdxnomad68 User

    First of all, I am very pleased to see this post still producing. Perhaps there is some merit in the original complaint, this being said as inflation is out of control.

    Unlimited production capabilities is ridiculous, however, something to consider,,, some production facilities require farm-able land, which has limited availability. Lumber, bread and produce are always in short supply in my game and current prices are well beyond their playfield value. I cant purchase them, put them into a market and recoup my expense. This seems awfully absurd. If we were able to create additional factories for these products, it would take up what for some would be valuable space, therefore a compromise. Bearing in mind that to make additional bread requires additional wheat. Adding one requires adding the other to keep up, and so on. They would then also require additional production points and reduce what, for many, is a surplus in production points, hence converting more residents to workers and reducing city credits income. Its a great wash and an idea that i strongly believe should be considered.

    Another strong option in my book, adding a level 4 to production facilities. This would be a preferred method to increase production for clay products, beer, fish and granite, vs creating the ability to add additional production facilities.

    Something needs to be done. In the meantime, admin regulates pricing on some items, which recently include beams, lumber and granite, while others, like bricks and other clay products, have exploded.

    I have played this game almost daily for about 2 years without paying for it. I am level 46 and have less than 10k residents. At the rate I play I should have much more to show for it. Its about time something is done to increase the rate of progress of the game.

    I'd also like to point out that in todays game, it takes a week of playing to upgrade 1 or 2 buildings. When you have 100 buildings,,, well,,,,
    Last edited: Dec 25, 2014
    Geflin and TellusXIV like this.
  12. Arsuru

    Arsuru User

    Ah so much to say. This will ramble a bit, but it's all related to the core problem anyway.

    If there is a to be a limit on manufacturing permits, as I've stated elsewhere, everyone should be able to attain the same. If it should arrive that a prize would give a facility that places one over that limit, it would be trivial to have that award MM or something else of good value instead. More facilities and another level and/or adjusted number of goods produced need to be implemented. Maybe even adjust the cost of upgrades. Increasing the limit only goes so far though, as once you have more residences the problem arises again. Again, it's mostly a problem with goods for needs revenue, but materials are really getting out-of-hand too.

    Let's assume it was 'unlimited' though. It's really not that ridiculous. As you've pointed out, there're already a lot of limits in place. We have space, suitable land, mood/energy, and PP supply. The game is already self-limiting. If you want a city capable of events you won't fill it with manufacturing anyway. Higher tiers in events would also help balance it out. Not everyone would even want or need a ton of manufacturing either. It'd really only be a problem if gifting is badly implemented and people make alt cities just to gift themselves.

    We have nothing new after level 52 for now, leaving us with 23 levels' worth of possible permits and then some if they continue to expand as they have outlined they wish to. In a way, it seems like they failed to consider growth before adding significantly to the game. Production should have scaled with the other additions. If new content arrives without a means to increase production, the current situation will only become worse, and it is really penalizing players more and more the longer this continues.
    Population Growth is just slow. When you start adding/upgrading more towers the jumps are higher, but can also be longer between upgrades. There aren't a lot of high-density buildings in the game relative to others, though some of the newer buildings have higher densities than many comparably-sized ones, especially in the mountain. Population also doesn't really seem to mean much in this game, functionally.

    I've been at the game for almost a year-and-a-half or so and I'm more advanced than you. The pace seems pretty fair for the kind of game it is, in general. Of course, people that have less time must be suffering. I don't know where you think you should be, but considering that you don't pay, what do you expect? That said, premium content doesn't give much of an advantage gameplay-wise. Paying doesn't make you progress significantly faster unless you spend what I find to be a disproportionate amount of money; I mean, at least hundreds of currency units are needed to make you city 'rise before your eyes'. It's a slow game, meant for you to play over a long time or invest incredibly heavily in. It's just the model it follows.

    I can agree that the pace of upgrades has become quite slow for some time now though, all things considered. At this point we're effectively grinding, and no matter what the game is that quickly become not fun, especially if it's required to advance.
    It's always been there: MM. Though I think BP wants you to rely on it way too much. It seems just a bit greedy in some implementations, like the instant-finish. They cripple production capacity (mills) and want you to pay more, though on the other hand we get more bakeries to fulfill an impossible demand. Do they expect us to pay for that too? As they've given us some facilities, I think they are well aware of the problem and will surely remedy it. I just hope it will be in a satisfactory manor, because when this type of game gets to the point that you must pay to advance reasonably, the model collapses. For me especially. I'd rather pay for interesting, fairly-priced content than sustaining my city's needs (which is already hardly necessary anyway) and upgrades. You can only get so much out of people's wallets by making them desperate in a game.

    Sidetracking a little more, the way MM production and the lottery mechanics work make me feel like they are desperate for money, or at least unsatisfied with their profit. The increase of goods needed for events — which contributed heavily to the current shortage, I'm sure — feels like another cash-grab as it seems like a mostly arbitrary increase. When the Loot-O-Matic and Season 4 were introduced instead of fixing other things, again, it felt like desperation for funds. My major problem with games like this always comes down to pricing of the features vs. their fairness and contribution to progress. Usually they are ridiculous. RC has a good mix ranging the spectrum.
    Only 100? That's not so bad. I've got almost 400 residences alone with plans for more than a few more at least, and more than half can still be upgraded. But as I've previously stated, construction materials aren't much of a problem. You have to make choices and focus on certain things, but it's not too bad if you know how to use your time and the market. More recently though due to the surge in price of brickyard products it has become much less feasible since you can no-longer use mill products for as much leverage value-wise (especially with the continued need of higher-level mill products) and as you need all brickyard products all-the-time, a lot of them, and their supply is low, you can't trade them up as easily as you can with mill products as you advance.

    Bricks are a real brick wall for the game. If only brickyard production was increased it would alleviate material shortage significantly. Other goods need attention across-the-board, and there are less and less offers lately. People must be realizing the futility of it and/or just quitting the game. I have to wonder who would legitimately waste tens-of-millions of CC making offers that nobody will buy though. If you've got that kind of money and goods you probably don't need much in the game. Let's be a little less greedy and we'll all benefit.
  13. pdxnomad68

    pdxnomad68 User

    Right you were about rambling. I didnt see where all that really contributed toward the content of the topic, more so provided info about the game, if not speculation as to what their intentions were or are as well as what sounds like an occasional boast. I didnt say that "I" have 100 buildings. It was an example. The fact is,,, that there is no way to produce enough anything to support the existing city, let alone expand, without, as you pointed out, spending a lot of real money. Spending real money on something like this is a personal choice and not something I would ever do.
  14. Arsuru

    Arsuru User

    Most everything I stated was directly related to the main topic/problem and points made in this thread, or replying directly to some related points you provided.

    Not boasting at all. Even if I'm a bit higher than you in some numbers, I have plenty of way to go. I understandably misunderstood your example of building numbers as personal and provided my own to compare the progress vs. time that you're complaining about, to show that it's slow regardless of time or money (excepting phenomenal sums) spent. That's all. It wasn't my intention to sound boastful.

    Yeah, I could have been more succinct, but that's less fun and the words just come.
  15. harley9883

    harley9883 User

    I read your original piece in it's entirety, and your assessment as to how the 'advanced players' eventually see this game is spot-on. Eventually when Arsusu gets far enough into his own game he too will come to the same conclusions as you've stated. They all do!
  16. Arsuru

    Arsuru User

    Sorry harley, but just for clarification, did you get a name or quote mixed up, or are you saying I'll come to agree with myself? :p
  17. harley9883

    harley9883 User

    OOOPS, .. Sorry about that! I did do a name mixed up, ..I meant to say "Eventually when pdxnomad68 gets far enough into his own game, he'll come to the same conclusions as you've stated. They all do!"

    By the way I did appreciate your main post, it was well written.
  18. Arsuru

    Arsuru User

    Haha, no problem, and thanks. Always nice to know my long-winded posts aren't in vain. :)
  19. fred1471

    fred1471 User

    With regards to production.
    Takes a week or so to get enough tiles to upgrade just for an example. Slowing game deliberately which is understandable.

    My issue is bread potatoes and pilsner, Bread I can make less than 300 in 1.5 hours yet my city uses 400 per hourreason why bread is so expensive on the market and makes it prohibitive to buy. So most of the time most of my bread baskets are empty

    It is a balancing act between buying from the market and keeping production points and education points and city credits.

    I keep my pp and ep at 1 mil and the just run the buildings out of supplies that dont have capitalists relying on them/.

    but as a whole the game is very slow as 1 building takes a week to gather production to upgrade.

    The ideas above for bonuses increased levels or events would be a help. I would also suggest that the events shouldnt take production resources to finish but rather have their own its collected as you collect the rent.
    At the moment to make carrots or clay beer barrels is starting to make it not worth it to do the events as it upsets the equilibrium that is already balancing on a knife edge. Better for the RC it people have to stay logged on and collect from residents or from the road than 6 hours for carrots with no point staying logged on.

    Market is just for the lower levels and good marketers are able to make a profit if they buy and sell right, as for barley yes very cheap and not worth growing. But most produce profits can be made but to buy enough to upgrade a building still takes a week to get the cc if you have to buy pilsner and potatoes to keep the pp and ep up. My cc is mostly empty and I just stop buying to upgrade a bulding when need be
  20. katastrouf

    katastrouf User

    I feel bad about the BP control of the market, i'm spending a bit of time in the market and i buy and sell when i feel it's right but BP sometimes interferes and all my buy/sell strategy is going nowhere, actually i'm loosing money instead of making simply because the dumping of large quantities of goods at very low prices, so if i spent time buying at a low price in order to sell at a little bit more to make a profit suddenly i've lost every profit because of price dumping. Not funny!!!

    Regarding commercial buildings, i have very very few, simply because it's not worth it, if you do the maths for 8xrolls you get in average 200 pp/cc/ep but if you sell 8xrolls you get 2400 cc so why would i use any of the commercial buildings in the game? do the math for every commercial building and you will realize that there are very few situations when it's worth having a commercial building, usually only for mystery buildings on land and for some water or mountain based buildings not for land buildings. 8xpilsner is 1600cc and you only get about 1000 pp/cc/ep with improvements probably about 1600 tops, it's not worth the effort. I make goods i sell, i need stuff i buy, consider that i trade one thing for another without hassle. As soon as you can make the maximum amount of PP necessary for the most expensive production without using any commercial buildings you don't need them any more. I have 4.5m PPs, 2.5m EP which i don't use at all, i find the emergency system a total nuisance and about 60m CC made in a month or so simply by ditching the commercial buildings and using the market to sell and buy.

    And i only have about 160 buildings, most of them level 2 so i'm not very very advanced in the game, only lvl 39 but as soon as i will manage to upgrade my production building to maximum i'm kind'of done, there is not to much to do anyway just to slowly wait and see if there are any interesting challenges at all. Frankly most of the challenges are a total waste of time and money, you get a different building in the end but for what effort? the building that you get does not help you in any way, it's just for looks. The most interesting stuff come from the mystery buildings and from the rare challenges that are probably 4 times a year.

    Frankly if you ask me why i keep playing this game i won't be able to answer.
    Last edited: Jan 3, 2015
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