{Game} Find a house you would like to see in RC

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by *kimmi*, Sep 15, 2014.

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  1. *kimmi*

    *kimmi* User


    ... I have a plan ... anyone have a key? :rolleyes:

    billyjim and TellusXIV like this.
  2. TellusXIV

    TellusXIV User

    Sure I have one ... wait a minute ... hey come back here :(
    Well she probably just forgot to give back the key, hm she did run really fast do :confused:
    Luckily she don't know that I am on a business trip tomorrow :rolleyes:
    Last edited: Dec 19, 2014
    *kimmi* and billyjim like this.
  3. billyjim

    billyjim User

    You have such perfect timing. LOL.
    *kimmi* likes this.
  4. *kimmi*

    *kimmi* User

  5. *kimmi*

    *kimmi* User

    Just need a holiday ... in a holiday house :p

    honeywest, TellusXIV and billyjim like this.
  6. honeywest

    honeywest User

    How about these? I picked the most unusual ones I could find.

    This one looks like an accordion lol

    For you dragon lovers...

    For all you tea drinkers out there:

    And last, but not least, a house for all of us alien invaders...
    [​IMG] [​IMG]
  7. billyjim

    billyjim User

    Nice selection Honey West. Loved your TV Show
    honeywest likes this.
  8. honeywest

    honeywest User

    Ha! Thanks. ;) We are showing our age! :eek::D
  9. *kimmi*

    *kimmi* User

    A golden house for TellusXIV - he can afford it :p ;)

  10. [​IMG]


  11. billyjim

    billyjim User

    I like your style kimmie and promaster202
    promaster202 likes this.
  12. *kimmi*

    *kimmi* User


    ... this must be a modern hobbit-home :p ;)
  13. *kimmi*

    *kimmi* User

    .... i know its not a house - but i couldnt resist :p ;)

    Andrewjf likes this.
  14. Andrewjf

    Andrewjf User

    *kimmi* likes this.
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