
Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Vaske_su, Dec 26, 2014.

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  1. Vaske_su

    Vaske_su User

    Why this, i must say crapy, specialist cost so much education points? Others cost less and they have better skills.
    Dont know what to do, should i fire him (is that a good idea)?
    I didnt know how to post image, so i gave you that link...
    Last edited by moderator: Dec 26, 2014
  2. billyjim

    billyjim User

    bit confused about specialistsOh, so many issues in three sentences. Where to start. Lets begin with the actual question asked. Since specialists are awarded randomly, the decision to fire this one is up to you there are several threads in the forum discussing this issue here is a good one:


    and another


    The decision is yours. But since you are talking about the expense of developing a specialist I would think hard about firing them. I would at least wait till you have another one to replace them with at least.

    Now as for your post script. The forum rules do not allow for the posting of outside links this is to prevent the insertion of undesirable elements into the game, SPAM, Virus, Malware, etc. So do not get upset when the Moderators edit and remove the above link in your message to remove the link. To post an image to the forum, you need to use a picture and or a screen shot from an outside source, such as a file sharing site. There are several available online for free. Again here is a link on how to take a screen shot and upload to the forum:


    Hope these help and good luck.
    Racheengel likes this.
  3. Vaske_su

    Vaske_su User

    I am not upset about deleting, but i did everything as that guy said (about screenshot). I can ask questions without screenshots...
    I have read everything you posted ( i think).I still dont get why i need 26 000 education points, to extend contract, for lvl 8 specialist and lvl 6 only needs 2 600 education points (and lvl 6 have better statistics and both have specialization)!?
    I can replace that fireman with a new rookie, but i am afraid something will happen later in game and i might need him, then you will say i shouldnt fire him :).
  4. TellusXIV

    TellusXIV User

    Better statistics (skills), specialisations and level on your guy don't mater to the cost.
    The only thing that mater is the number of times you have renewed his contracts. It don't mater if you get 15 or 25 contracts each time.
    Each time you renew the cost increase starting at 250EP and never stop to increase. So sooner or later you always have to fire your guys no mater how good they are.
  5. Vaske_su

    Vaske_su User

    Thanks Tellus, that helped me a lot, i didnt know that. Thanks again.
  6. billyjim

    billyjim User

    Sorry I took a different slant on your question. Thank you TellusXIV for getting the right answer needed.
  7. Vaske_su

    Vaske_su User

    No problem Billy...
    Now i have problem with medals and shooting stars. I have read somewhere that i should save my gold medals till lvl 25 and then use them then(for better rewards). Dont know where i saw that, i am spending a lot of time reading forum and sometimes i am lost, hehe...
    So, that guy didnt said anything about other medals (copper, bronze and silver) and for shooting stars. Should i use them on higher lvl too?
    I know this question dont have anything about specialist but i didnt wanted to open new thread, my 2 threads are on top already, dont want to annoy people on start :) (just you two :p).
  8. billyjim

    billyjim User

    Never be afraid to ask questions that is one of the functions of the forum and there are probably fifty other people to bashful to ask the question. I know I was that way for a long time. Then I plunged in and now people are starting to tell me to shut up. :D

    Medals are earned from doing emergency runs. The quality of the awards have nothing to do with the level you are at from my experience. I am at level 48 and on the rare occasion still get a bronze medal award I still usually get something like a classic residential improvement or 10 logs.

    The awards from medals get better from the better trained and experienced your staff become mine are all level seven and eight and my facilities are fully upgraded. Just takes time and persistence. You will get there. I receive mostly silver and gold medals and occasionally platinum. The awards are better but not as much as you would like. But, there are really good surprises once in a while. ;)

    So again it is up to you whether you save them or use them. I have always used mine as soon as I qualify. I like to get presents all the time. A good friend in the game saves them up and goes on a medal redeeming binge about once every couple of weeks. They like getting dozens of items at one time. We usually get similar items for the same amount of medals. So the choice is up to you.
  9. Vaske_su

    Vaske_su User

    OK! Thanks for this, i saved a lot of medals (at the moment i have only copper and bronze). Is there any guide about how to distribute skill points on my specialists? I level my specialists to have better quality medals (quality > quantity ;)), but i have a felling that is wrong :D...
  10. TellusXIV

    TellusXIV User

    Level on guys don't mater.
    In a mission put ALL guys numbers together, max skill on one guy is 50.
    Efficiency 25 = 2 medals, 75 = 3, 150 = 4, 250 = 5 (max).
    Motivation 25 = bronze, 75 = silver, 150 = gold, 250 = platinum (max).
    nervo82 likes this.
  11. billyjim

    billyjim User

    I knew you would come to my rescue TellusXIV. Thanks. I just send my guys out and take what I get.
    nervo82 likes this.
  12. brucenic

    brucenic User

    I prefer medal quality to quantity, so I'd prefer 3 golds to 4 silver. Motivation before Efficiency. But that's only my opinion.

    But in the initial training I believe you need to go for alertness too. I only train up when I have enough EP and Vit X to max out the upgrades; that is 15,000 EP and 135 Vit-X (Not exactly sure about theses numbers). I first add to the alertness as it is the only attribute with a gold medal. I hope I get a few extra skill points as I hit the award points. Then I do motivation up to the last award, and then efficiency; if all has gone well all 3 will be filled with only 1 segment left. Then with extra skill points I fill up the motivation (usually happens quite quickly) and then efficiency (sometimes never gets filled up).

    I usually get 4 platinum medals for a six person emergency.
    I've never had 5 medals at the same time of any sort.
  13. fx4life

    fx4life User

    Many thanks for your post, I found it most helpful.
    Gratitude :D
    Racheengel likes this.
  14. Racheengel

    Racheengel User

    Thank you for that helpful information @tellus and @billyjim :) By the way, Medals (Copper/Silver anyways) used to be required to upgrade Emergency Departments to Level 2 and Level 3; therefore it was wise to save medals until you achieved those upgrades rather than buying booster packs; and Gold medals came into use much later (once you were able to actually earn them). After that changed, use of medals became strictly for booster packs.
    Last edited: May 4, 2015
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