Yet Another Log In Glitch

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Geflin, Jan 5, 2015.

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if you’d like to actively participate on the forum by joining discussions or starting your own threads or topics, please log into the game first. If you do not have a game account, you will need to register for one. We look forward to your next visit! CLICK HERE
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  1. PirateLee

    PirateLee Guest

    I think I replied to you by email when you contacted support (but I could be wrong).

    The problem here is complex as we have some people with poor connections that think it is a game issue then we have others with cache problems so they get blocked by their own system.
    To complicate matters hugely we had several servers in the US and EN area that went down a few days ago cutting off many players which was beyond anybodies help. Those last people are now back online we hope as those servers are back up and running as of a few hours ago.

    Our devs have no way of knowing what the problem is if they (as I do) log into an account and it works there is nothing we can do to fix it.

    Hope that explains a few things.:rolleyes:
    TellusXIV and Geflin like this.
  2. Geflin

    Geflin User

    It does, and thank you. By the way, many players still can't log in, including me...and I just had my computer technician check things out roughly an hour ago. Appears your gateway may be failing because you're using doctype html not html5. Had an active support ticket so had my tech's screen shot and coding shot attached to a reply email to that ticket, and sent it. I hope this information helps. One last thing, resetting data will not resolve an html conflict, as I understand it. At best, it may get around the problem temporarily, but won't correct the coding issue causing the failures.
    Last edited: Jan 8, 2015
    TellusXIV likes this.
  3. bjjk1

    bjjk1 User

    bjjk1 | ID 8975954 I am not able to log in cst is 0814 it would be nice to play the game for a little bit before having to go back to doing college homework then helping out my disable daughter do her homework this is getting to the point that I am losing faith with not just the program but with bigpoint company its self If you the company cares about your stakeholders at all I would get this up and running the right way fast Or you may start not just hearing from us but also start losing shareholders on top of that
  4. Arsuru

    Arsuru User

    The only other thing I can recommend that may help is to make sure your bandwidth isn't being chocked by some other processes, as that can cause login to fail. Use a private browsing session to ensure your cache is fresh. This is usually easier than trying to clear it or access a different device. A hard-refresh can work too and both of these methods have the advantage of being site-specific. That probably isn't going to do much though, but it's good to know for regular issues.


    First off, I'm not trying to be hostile. I'm sure you mean well, but it's hard to take you seriously.

    I'm not going to pretend to know a lot about networking, but a DOCTYPE is probably not the cause, or at least, not because it isn't HTML5. It's not a type of HTML either, and HTML5 is nowhere near being widely deployed, so as much as I'd love for it to be everywhere by now, problems for not using it are still pretty unlikely at this point. HTML5 still has a DOCTYPE anyway for compatibility, though it's mostly useless. Something like that I'd think would prevent everyone from logging in anyway, but again, not my strongest area.

    And this next bit, I would have liked to reply elsewhere, but threads tend to get locked, etc., so may as well just say it here since you're on about these things again. I don't even care anymore. Too much misinformation.

    Okay. A Phenom isn't Intel, but AMD. A TB of memory, by which I assume you mean an HDD (non-volatile memory), is generally not going to influence anything as far as games like this, and how big it is especially. How full it is, perhaps. An SSD might help with speed. A TB of RAM (volatile) on a consumer-level PC is incredibly unlikely. Common Operating Systems and CPUs that aren't for servers don't even reach TB range support, and it's rare to see anyone with more than 16GB currently.

    Defragging RAM is a questionable practice. You've advocated this several times, but now I just have to say something. While technically RAM does get fragmented and can be defragged, it's not exactly the same problem as with disk fragmentation (which is itself less and less of a problem, with large, fast HDDs and SSDs replacing those) as once power is interrupted, it empties anyway.

    Most experts will tell you such software is a myth. There has never been any conclusive proof that such software has ever had any significant benefit of the sort often promoted over the management systems already part of a computer's architecture or OS. So-called RAM defraggers or optimizers are the pseudo-scientific placebo of the computer world. You may see less RAM in use and notice a very temporary increase in performance, but that doesn't necessarily mean less available-memory is being used. Memory is complicated, but the point of normal memory managers (such as those already employed by a system) is to ensure enough contiguous memory is available for a program that needs it to execute and to free any memory that is unused by a process. This is not the same as contiguous data on an HDD being faster to access, which is why we defrag them. RAM is already so fast that any such reallocation is imperceptible in actual performance, which is one reason you don't need to defrag SSDs.

    All these programs do is increase RAM (physical memory) usage to force it to be written to disk (the pagefile, or virtual memory), thus freeing RAM which will probably just end up right back in use once it's needed again, causing poorer performance than without the optimizing software. This is thrashing. It increases wear to the disk and can cause a vicious cycle which can ultimately crash your system. While freeing unused memory itself does prevent disk usage and in-turn help performance, such software does not free it, only move it, while using memory itself. Unused memory is generally freed when a program that used it is frees it properly or is closed, in which case the OS will free it. If your RAM is full you can only do so much no matter what is filling it and if you need the pagefile too often you just need more RAM, period. No way around it.

    Dumping your cache everyday is actually going to cause more wear to your disk and make you and the server you are retrieving from use more bandwidth. It's not really a big deal, but it's incredibly unnecessary in most cases.

    Please, just stop spreading this bad advice. You may mean well, but when you don't even know what your processor is I find it hard to believe you actually know what you're talking about, despite pushing your system's specs and all this information like it means anything. I'm really not trying to be hostile, but this really isn't good information to be propagating.
    Last edited: Jan 8, 2015
    TellusXIV likes this.
  5. billyjim

    billyjim User

    I hope it helps them solve the problem. You are right Geflin it would be nice to have that kind of support available. Thank you for sharing your results with us all and BP/RC. :);)
  6. PirateLee

    PirateLee Guest

    I will now close this thread as it is an ongoing conversation that has already been covered and cannot take place in the tech area.
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