rebuilding my city. :)

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by promaster102, Jan 9, 2015.

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  1. i want some information on how can i make my city look better pls. i have prefab house,suburban house, modern single-family home,vintage duplex,energy efficient row house,surfer van,urban cottage,small power plant,academy,police,fire and hospital,farm,limber mils,designer home,Hollywood diner,brickyard,bakery, veg stand, event plaza,city hall, X-mas tree,dilapidated chapel,road and decorations. im level 14. if you need more info about it tell me.
    Last edited: Jan 9, 2015
  2. billyjim

    billyjim User

    To quote number five "need input". What do you mean by "make my city look better". What do you want to improve? What do you need to improve it? City planning is a highly personal and individual effort and everyone's sense of style is different. Do you want new configurations or new buildings or parks, forests. Do you want to mimic London, Paris, Tokyo, San Juan, Brasilla, what?
  3. no i just want to organis my city better because it looks like a dump righter than a city
    Last edited: Jan 9, 2015
  4. moving this to the right forum
  5. billyjim

    billyjim User

    Then work out a plan of attack and move the city into the way you want to see it. I built a city administrative center with the City Hall, Academy, Fire House, Hospital, and Police Station. Then surrounded them with decorations and walkways, then I have added the other unique features the Winter Stadium and Cineplex, etc. Moved all of the farm, mills, and other manufacturing together. Then grouped residential in type and class together. Built parks and rural areas with decorations and bonus items. But, the choice is yours. I would post pictures but can not get into my city at this time :(
  6. when you get in your city pls post some pics so i can see better because i like your ideas thanks

    (EDIT) so i have to demolish everything and start over?
    Last edited: Jan 10, 2015
  7. brucenic

    brucenic User

    Have a look in the Media Library section of the forum. There are lots of pictures of people's cities in there.

    You don't need to demolish anything. Everything can be moved within the section of the city you built it in; and most things can move between sections using the inventory which pops up when you move something.
    promaster102 likes this.
  8. thanks
  9. @PirateLee can you give me a reset or something and demolish all of my buildings and decorations but do not demolish fire police and hospital departments. please please please please please please im a good player
    Last edited: Jan 10, 2015
  10. harley9883

    harley9883 User

    Have a question about the market place's 5th slot 'Coming Soon' sell/offer box. When does this 5th offer box become available to the player?
  12. TellusXIV

    TellusXIV User

    If you want to demolish things use: Tools (bottom leftmost button) - Demolish, then just click and destroy.
    I strongly recommend against this, if you demolish you will lose almost everything. Use move instead Tools - Move.

    The only way to really start all-over again is to start a new account, there are no game reset (start anew).
    If you have read about a game reset it only reset the numbers that works in the background and don't really change anything.

    Its not in game yet, its just a place holder and I would not hold my breath for it to come anytime soon.

    Sorry for the off topic part :/
  13. Geflin

    Geflin User

    My friend, Promaster, do not despair and do not demolish. I have a Level 42 city, with almost all available ground utilized or bought, and so many houses I don't know what to do with them all. Example: I have like two dozen modern pier houses lining the coast on my seacoast playfield. I have reorganized my city so many times I have lost count. Shifted all my early (Level 1-15) houses to the seacoast, then moved some to the mountains and burbs. Then shifted many of the special buildings I've won in events and booster packs, etc. Now looking at shifting yet again so I can get my distinctive high rises and condos actually covered by needs revenue buildings. The look of my city is constantly changing, and sometime in the future I intend to clean out a lot of low level decorations for higher level ones to free up space for houses (which will require major citywide changes). The point of all this is, that is what the inventory and move tab are for. As you learn the ins and outs of the game, you will change things often, trust that. Keep at it; I'm sure your city looks better than you give yourself credit for ;)
  14. billyjim

    billyjim User

    i like Geflin have remodeled (Urban Renewal Projects) the city many times. I have rarely demolished anything on purpose. After almost two years in the game I actually use the inventory as an storage facility for seasonal decorations. Christmas ones are going to come down and Easter ones are going up soon. Then Summer ones, then Fall then Halloween, etc. I went through and removed a large quantity of small / low value decorations and replaced them with higher quality ones about two months ago, last time my game was reset for a problem and I need to replenish the mood of my city.

    I will warn you be careful with the bulldozer / destroy tool I accidentally destroyed a couple of level 4 180 residents highrises :eek: (what I get for not paying attention) when trying to get rid of a few small oaks. :oops: I still blame the cats for getting in the way. :confused: Not really it was not paying attention. My Bad.;)
    Geflin likes this.
  15. Geflin

    Geflin User

    Darn cats.......:mad: Here, have a beer to drown your woes:D I did that with a Level 3 farm once (demolished it because there was a task saying upgrade a farm, which I could not do without demolishing one and starting over, or so I thought...logged in a few hours later and it had changed to upgrade a bakery because it was a glitch :eek:). I need a beer for my woes:oops:
    billyjim likes this.
  16. can you sand some pics pls and you to @TellusXIV pls
  17. Geflin

    Geflin User

    First off, can't get into my city yet. Second, will have to have someone show me how to do that. But will gladly do so, once I can get it and figure out how to do it. Send me a friend request message, and when I get in I'll add you...and don't let me forget about this (who knows when I will get back in, right?).
    promaster102 likes this.
  18. right and we are friends already in the game
    Geflin likes this.
  19. Geflin

    Geflin User

    True that :) By the way, my computer tech and I are currently honked on expresso n coffee, and are picking apart what is happening with RC. After all, four of us who live here play RC...and frankly, the coding does speak volumes about what is taking place. You should look at her new thread "RisingCities Server Forbidden 403". Oh, the bugs I have seen this night. Gonna need some Raid for me brain. Will gladly help you with the screenshots and ideas for your city once we can get the friends message thing working and I can get in to do a shot of my city.
  20. yea so it and i hope all of you will get in the game soon
    Geflin likes this.
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