Cineplex - General Moan!!!!!!

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by wendywoo2038, Jan 12, 2015.

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  1. I don't understand why have the cineplex - I have been unable to collect the full benefit of MM since before Christmas as one video keeps coming up with a black box and no video. I have left it for as long as possible (as suggested by the RC Team) before an emergency kicks in and I have to close it down.
    Surely the people who want to advertise on RC need to be told their advertisements are not working.

    Anyway moan over lol - Great game btw Keep it up!!

    Wendy xx

    wendywoo2038 | ID 7869707
  2. Your moan has been noted and thanks :);)
    wendywoo2038 likes this.
  3. anniemay14

    anniemay14 User

    Perhaps nobody wants to advertise on RC. Lets hope that isn't the case. Am missing the MMs and I'm certainly not going to buy any until Cineplex behaves itself. Bar this problem enjoying the game.
    wendywoo2038 likes this.
  4. moving this to speakers corner
  5. brucenic

    brucenic User

    The cinema was good for me until a couple of weeks ago. Now just an empty black box :(
  6. TCRooster

    TCRooster User

    Glad I'm not the only one with the black box. It's also the same on some other BP games, but of course nobody can identify the advertiser!
  7. It does help your town's happiness level though, but I do find it useless.
    wendywoo2038 likes this.
  8. piche413

    piche413 User

    I was only able to do one movie at a time and then I would get the sorry no movies available box.
  9. WereBo

    WereBo User

    Ditto here, 'tis approx 2 weeks with just an occasional movie or 2 (per block of 10), the rest are just black boxes that sits there doing nothing. I once waited 30(ish) minutes, just in case a server was running slow, but still nothing except lots of gnashed teeth and very little patience left.

    According to my browser's status-bar, it's either waiting for '' or '', if that's any help with tracing the fault.

    Having already spent a small fortune on MMs, I'm very reluctant (and skint) to buy any more, while the Cineplex is busticated.
    wendywoo2038 likes this.
  10. Yorksgirl

    Yorksgirl User

    I've had exactly the same problems lately after a really good run. Today I'm getting the same ad over and over, but no collect button no matter what I do or how long I wait. I tried everything including all the advice given in the technical forum, but nothing worked. On the plus side, the really good thing now is that when you click on an ad that doesn't pay, you can click out of it without losing a visit. In the old days you would only get three chances and if one of them didn't work, tough, you only had two left. I know the RC team can't do anything, but I do wonder if the advertisers and the people who created the facility realise it's doesn't always work, and that sometimes the ad doesn't show all the way through but we still get our reward? The other good thing is that in my experience, these glitches eventually sort themselves out and it goes back to normal for a while. I try to think of it as a bonus when it works and when it doesn't you have to rely on your Credits or buying MM. Given that it's otherwise a free game and we all get some enjoyment out of it, so why not give something back occasionally and spend a bit of real cash if you can? It helps to keep the whole thing going and the the BigPoint employees in a job :)
    Andrewjf and wendywoo2038 like this.
  11. Cinema Deleted lol - only coz its proper annoying me coz its one for a television program that just sits there :mad:

    Still like the game tho, I don't know why they don't just give a bonus each day of MM x
  12. billyjim

    billyjim User

    If they did that they would not get paid by advertisers for showing you those ads. :p
  13. Ahhh very clever lol this would be why I do not design games or become an admistrator hehe x
  14. Yorksgirl

    Yorksgirl User

    Well, the TV ad is fixed (yipee!!) and I've managed two videos in all so far today. Back to the black box for now again. Hey ho. Actually, that TV programme looks really interesting - at least their ad campaign's working even if I'm not getting paid for watching it a hundred times yesterday.
  15. I don't know if it has any bearing on the videos - but after deleting my cinema - a few hours later I purchased a new one - n hey ho all videos work - could just be a fluke tho!!

    Forget it - I spoke too soon lol :( :D
    Last edited: Jan 22, 2015
    NicFair2006 likes this.
  16. Yorksgirl

    Yorksgirl User

    Drat!! Just as the Cineplex is going great guns again I have to leave and go to work. Annoyingly the computers at work don't allow games any more (probably the most sensible thing our IT department have done recently) and by the time I get home all the ads will probably have gone again. But, you never know. Like I said, it's a bonus when it works. :)
    Andrewjf and wendywoo2038 like this.
  17. oooooh think I may have found an answer to the long black advert that doesn't play ---
    If it appears click on the advert like mad - works for me --- happy days x
    Yorksgirl likes this.
  18. Hello everyone , I agree with the moan and I know there are many problems with ciniplexe. So I would advise comming to my threads to talk about stuff , including ciniplexe, i'll give you advice there. I have threads which talk about ciniplexe chat in UK thread , nice meeting everyone. :) Hope I can Help with ciniplexe and life problems :) I know about ciniplexe problems so do the dev's :)

    Yours Sincerely,

    captain123456 | ID 9168786
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