Producer's Letter: Special Edition

Discussion in 'Game Discussions & Feedback' started by -Wizz-, Mar 20, 2014.

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  1. Geflin

    Geflin User

    *lights ghost sage to clear the way, and white candle to guide Sephiroth back across the veil to us* Ooohhh, Eeeee, Ooohhh Ahhh-Ahhh, Ting-Tang, Walla-Walla Bing Bang!!!!!!!
    billyjim likes this.
  2. billyjim

    billyjim User

    Harry Houdini could not make the transition back. Do you think Sephiroth can do it? As far as I know only one person has successfully made that particular transition a couple of thousand years ago. He was able to walk on water, and turn water into wine also. That is my kind of party guest. :cool:
  3. Geflin

    Geflin User

    *Raises eyebrow @ comparison of Sephiroth to a certain Nazarene* Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm...from his name, I am thinking more along the lines of Imhotep and Cabalistic magic. *switches from sage to frankincense and myrrh, lights black and gray candles to balance the equation, makes hokey face*o_O Oh Great Osiris, let our Sephiroth return to us that we may hear him speak:rolleyes:
  4. billyjim

    billyjim User

    True but they all needed help to make the journey back. I do not know the ancient formula to help Sephiroth cross the great beyond. Maybe we all made a mistake and it really was Bael or Hades help we need. :D
  5. JoolsTwo

    JoolsTwo User

    Isn't it about time we had another Producer's newsletter?
  6. Geflin

    Geflin User

    I don't know....what year is it? LOL Yeah, it's time we heard from somebody.
  7. billyjim

    billyjim User

    It has been a year since the first one. almost eleven months since the second letter. Who knows. A quick note would be nice. The old folks would like to hear from you once in a while. We might not be here much longer.
  8. Geflin

    Geflin User

    And upon my grave they shall cast flowers...and, wait, what's that, a letter from the RC producer? Darn it, now I gotta rise from the dead and log into my City ;)
  9. Kiriana

    Kiriana User

    I thought I saw a producer's letter once.....then I remembered why they tell you never to eat or drink anything when in fairyland ;)
    honeywest likes this.