wood mistake

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by promaster302, Jan 28, 2015.

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  1. i want to play the game fair. i made some wood from limber mill but then it was finished i had 2 wood left and i produced 4.when i clicked the construction spot i had 10/10 wood and after the first part of the building was complete i had 20/20 wood. how did this happen? is there a glitch or something?

    if you do't understand tell me thanks

    Last edited: Jan 28, 2015
  2. Geflin

    Geflin User

    Is this Ghostbuster or is promaster out of his coma? Back on topic: if I understand correctly you are saying you are seeing differing displays of how much "wood" you have. This causes some clarification questions: do you mean "lumber" or "beams" when you say "wood" ? Because these are different and that could be what you are seeing. Are you saying your mill produces 4 lumber but when you finished it only gave you 2 ? That is caused when your power output (blue bar, top right of screen) is low and you are at 50% of production capacity. Are you saying you had 2 (lumber or beams) and made 4 but the construction tab said you had 10...and after completing step one it said you had an additional 20 ? That could be a glitch or just needing to clear your cache. I wish I could be more helpful, but you have me guessing at what you are seeing on your screen...sorry :)
  3. he's right
    i meant limber and this part is correct: ''Are you saying you had 2 (lumber or beams) and made 4 but the construction tab said you had 10..and after completing step one it said you had an additional 20 ?'' and i cleared cache but now the building the done:(:(:(:mad:.
  4. This is the technical Questions area please stay on topic, always be precise with your problems and keep them short.The less jargon we have to read through here the easier it will be for us to look at your problem
    there are other areas for chit chat
    promaster202 likes this.
  5. Has your problem been resolved yet?
  6. no
  7. PirateLee

    PirateLee Guest

    Are you doing more than one stage of a building?.
  8. yes but now its done
  9. PirateLee

    PirateLee Guest

    I am assuming that you completed one stage then saw it doubled for the next stage?.
  10. fred1471

    fred1471 User

    this could be due to clearing the weeds you asked about.
    Did you clear trees etc? this will give you beams and lumber
  11. no
  12. nothing further can be done here thread closed
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