Promaster202 updates

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by billyjim, Jan 24, 2015.

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  1. will do
    1. promaster202 is still not here im still ghostbuster and why do you need to call him promaster202.1?:)
    the doctor is in jail for eternity
    dont understend sorryo_O:(
    cant because im the prime minister of a country so i dont have much time sorry:( but i wish i can play the game.

    to all:
    i deleted my posts about promaster202 updates in the thread'' new events'' but i cant delete your comments guys and girls.
    Last edited: Jan 30, 2015
  2. E30CABRIO

    E30CABRIO User

    prime minister of a country.......that must be a joke ;)
    Last edited: Jan 31, 2015
  3. no !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:

    and tomorrow i ghostbuster will make a pic of promaster in profile pic for 2 days only. or 1
    Last edited: Jan 30, 2015
  4. Geflin

    Geflin User

    *Yet again laughing my feathers off* Stop that billyjim, I needs deese feathers!:D Oh, well, guess they are DNA samples now. Am glad all is turning out for the better...and do keep us posted. Yes, Ghostbuster, you must make your own city and have your own identity here. Thank you for taking care of things for promaster whilst he was incapacitated. Yuppers, getting to be downright fun 'round these here parts. (too funny, almost typed hare parts, which would really have sent mixed meaning signals lol).:rolleyes:
    promaster202 likes this.
  5. agree. do you want to see promaster in the profile pic?
  6. Geflin

    Geflin User

    I'd say yes and no. Please allow me to clarify...I accept on the basis of what is in front of me so I don't need to see one. Would it be nice to see one, well yes. Just for the record, I believe you are a prime minister and do not think it was a joke. However, I have had many friends from many cultures and racial backgrounds, and can recognize foreign speech patterns (even written). My work as a paralegal has just reinforced that attention to small detail. Can't accurately place where you are from with any exact degree, but I'm guessing Southern hemisphere at least. Anywhoooooooooo....glad you're taking care of promaster, and if you don't have time to play, you can always pop in every so often and say hello.:D
    promaster202 likes this.
  7. thanks and agree.

    do you like promaster everyone?

    (hint: go on promaster's profile page to see it better
    Last edited: Jan 31, 2015
    promaster302 likes this.
  8. good photo promaster 202. i think the lady's are hot today.:D:D:D;);):):)
  9. agree.

    from now on i promaster202 will begin to write and make events.(promaster202 written this )
  10. billyjim

    billyjim User

    Ghostbuster thanks for all of the help and you will be missed :( Do not take to long to check back. :D. Promaster202 So glad you are up to getting back to doing something on your own. Do not over do it. :cool:
    promaster202 likes this.
  11. will do. do you like me in the pic?
  12. billyjim

    billyjim User

    If this is a picture of you after the accident you look amazing considering all that you went through.
  13. yes it is after the accident
  14. piche413

    piche413 User

    OK what did you look like before the accident????
  15. LOL the same
  16. having read the posts of your injuries with all your broken ribs your vertebra broken in several places a poisonous injection, a coma, and loss of much of your body muscles and a supposed recovery in a couple of weeks. i personally find this totally unbelievable, having suffered from cracked ribs myself, i have also studied sports massage these injuries alone will not recover so quickly they take a long time and need a lot of therapy to heal. then i see this photo of a pose that definately does not belong in a forum where young children visit and also play this game. with all those broken ribs this pose would be virtually impossible to do and your profile say that you are 15 years of age
    please remove this photo asap
    honeywest, TellusXIV and E30CABRIO like this.
  17. photo removed. im not really 15......:):):). and thanks if you dont beliver me.:mad::(
    Last edited by moderator: Feb 1, 2015
  18. E30CABRIO

    E30CABRIO User

    that is exactly what i was thinking,:)..... it have too be a joke, a very bad joke:mad::mad::D:D
  19. Geflin

    Geflin User

    I also did not get the photo, because I've suffered through severe injury and surgery myself and that looked like a Chippendale's shot, not a post injury photo. However, assuming for the sake of argument the photo is you and just was taken independent of any injuries, I still was wondering why you would post a pic like that in a family game forum; our humor may touch on burlesque or risque, but is always tongue in cheek and appropriate (heck, Warner Bros. old cartoons was full of humor that only an adult would really get). I would ask, if you are not 15, why does your profile say that? But, taking the path of higher honor here....we have enjoyed your company and appreciate your skills with the event ideas. It is enough to be who you are, and you need not go beyond that to make friends or impress us. I am not saying you did or did not do anything in particular, so please don't take this wrong and get defensive. Just saying play, have fun, chat a bit, and keep it real (and clean).
  20. piche413

    piche413 User

    I could not have said it any better. Thank You Geflin.
    Geflin and honeywest like this.
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