valentines day event.

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by promaster302, Feb 3, 2015.

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  1. im new to the game so i need some feed back on some events but now its only the valentines day event. sorry if i will take a lot of your time but can you help me out?.

    i have 2 farms,2 limber mills and i have 6 prefab houses,3 suburban houses,1 modern-single family houses,2 designer home and 2 energy efficient row-houses and there needs (veg stand and Hollywood diner) and fire house. will i complete the event in time whit these things or i need to keep building?. thanks for you time.
    Last edited: Feb 4, 2015
  2. this is more suited to speakers corner as this is not a specific question on the valantines day event
    promaster302 likes this.
  3. thanks
  4. billyjim

    billyjim User

    As I remember last years event, you will probably find it a challenge with only two farms and two lumber mills. You have ten days I would start building additional farms and lumber mills and upgrading them as much as possible. I do not think the task would be impossible just really challenging with what you have. Have you upgraded you farm and lumber mills to the maximum yet? We also do not know if there are going to be changes to the event for this year yet. So good luck.
    promaster302, promaster202 and Geflin like this.
  5. Geflin

    Geflin User

    Sage advice, billyjim. I learned from another player before I started my own city, and had the privilege to 'tend' his city whilst babysitting his daughter. Some of the things he stressed for getting started: (1) build all the farms and mills as quickly as you can and upgrade them whenever possible; (2) get the production point producing houses built, and needs fulfilled first ones second attention to powerhouses like the brownstone flats and urban cottages and tenements; (3) run production constantly, stocking up extras so events won't deplete what you need for your city aside from events and so event stages will be easier and faster to complete.

    I have followed this advice and I have greatly benefited from it. My city has seven mills not five because I got that puppy built right before they eliminated the extras. I have about five million PP and they grow faster than I can expend them (EP close, they build up to about 2 1/2 million before renewal of contracts at whopping levels cleans me out a bit). Yet I still build and expand because it's fun and you can never have enough :D*tycoon grin*:D

    As for the Valentine's event, I suggest checking out the event FAQ from last year to get an idea of what is required for the Level you are at. What can be complicated at higher Levels is often very easy at low Levels (take for instance, the Winter Festival...low Level cities would have to get like 40-200 of an item my city would have to get like 800-1,000 of). So I don't think you'll find the event impossible, but your low production capacity would make it harder to do no matter what your Level.

    *Special Tip* Have you purchased the land in the bottom left corner of the main play field? It comes with a free fully upgraded farm. True, you have to buy the land plots to get to it, and then buy it. But it is a big help if you can get to it quickly enough. You also have the option of buying MM and instantly building and upgrading. Hope all this stuff is what you needed to know.
    promaster302 and promaster202 like this.
  6. no they are still level 1. will buy some more limber mills and farms.4 limber mills and 4 farms will do the trick or i still need more?.
    thanks @Geflin and @billyjim too. i have more than enough (limber and boards). but the others are all special so i cant stock them. is the housing good or i need more? (i edited the post so you and @billyjim can see how many i have). i have purchased the lands to get to the level 3 farm but to get the farm i need 56,000 euro or something like that. and i have an other problem it is because i dont have bakery yet, can i buy cupcakes from market place?. but when i bought limber i didint get anything.
  7. billyjim

    billyjim User

    Promaster302 assuming the event is similar to last years and the cupcakes will be included you will need to get up to level 13 so you can get a bakery to make the cup cakes they are not available in the marketplace :( Speciality items are not available in the marketplace for purchase or selling. Your housing is also a little light for this event. not impossible but will be very challenging. Looks like your city will have a lot of growing to do. Fortunately for you the early stages go quickly. Have fun. :D
    promaster302 and promaster202 like this.
  8. thanks for your help i guess i have to keep building:D and cant do the valentines event:(:(:(.
  9. piche413

    piche413 User

    You can start the event to gain EP's and some of the gifts it gives out. You never have to finish an event. At times I will start an event just to collect what I need. I just started a new city and that is my strategy if I know that I won't finish the event in the time allotted.
    promaster302 likes this.
  10. billyjim

    billyjim User

    Never say never. Try the event you may surprise yourselve at how much you can accomplish and there are multiple levels. as piche413 says you do not have to complete the entire task to receive rewards. Some of the intermediate rewards are of more use than the final rewards! So do not fret if you can not complete the event. But, I would strongly urge you to give it a try. I will learn something about the game and yourself in the process. :):)
    promaster302 likes this.
  11. Arsuru

    Arsuru User

    Special events tend to be available for longer too so you don't have to start it right away, which can give you extra time to prepare.
    promaster302 and billyjim like this.
  12. piche413

    piche413 User

    You have until the 20th to start the event. Upgrade and build up your city until then. Look at last year's event and upgrade and plan accordingly.
    promaster302 likes this.
  13. thanks all who helped:D
  14. billyjim

    billyjim User

    Another thought: You can continue to upgrade your city as you do the event, so while you are making roses at the farm you can upgrade your lumber mill for the next round etc. ;)
    promaster302 likes this.
  15. good idea:D. *saying in a low voice* i didint i think of that before?
  16. im not happy whit what the gold and silver booster packs. form silver i got: 150 CC,1,000 CC and 1 bar RL. from gold i got: 100 wood,1,000 CC and 1 small oak tree. i pretended some thing big like a house,skate park,emergency stuff ecc
  17. piche413

    piche413 User

    I have to agree with you about the silver and gold booster packs that I got. They were really low compared to what I usually get from them. I got cheap RI's from them.
  18. Arsuru

    Arsuru User

    Eh, that's just luck. You aren't going to get anything better just because the medals come from an event.
  19. piche413

    piche413 User

    And I thought that they were random and not because it was an event or not.
  20. Arsuru

    Arsuru User

    Yes, booster prizes are random. I'm just saying that it isn't related to the event, so it's not really a thing to complain about event-wise.
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