Extremely Tired Of Constant GLITCHES

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Geflin, Feb 17, 2015.

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Have you experienced a disproportionate amount of glitches when playing RC?

Poll closed Mar 17, 2015.
  1. Yes, RC has a very high gltch rate.

  2. Yes, AND there seem to be a lot more glitches when special events are running.

  3. No, I don't see the glitch level as being abnormal.

  4. Other (Please state what in a reply to the post)

Multiple votes are allowed.
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  1. Geflin

    Geflin User

    My ID#6153803. I have been playing Rising Cities for a long time now. For the most part it is a great game. But you guys have SERIOUS issues with bugs, game lag, and glitches. I just spent cash money for the Loot-O-Matic and Student starter packs. However, when I went to use my tokens, I was unable to get the Loot-O-Matic to fully display. This is also true of my Warehouse display, Booster Pack shop display, Designer Depot display. Additionally, the game is taking forever to load (once logged in and viewing the playfield). Most of the screen is "green" and sometimes it doesn't all load.

    I have spent over a half an hour clearing browser cache, flash player cache, even my dns cache; not to mention overhauling my system memory and registry. I run a quad core ADM PhenomII system with a terabyte memory to support and state of the art maintenance software. It is important to note I do NOT have this problem with ANY other media, browser games, or displays on my system whatsoever. It is also important to note that before the Valentine's event was available, I was not having this issue with Rising Cities....AND also I have noticed over the past year this issue happens EVERY SINGLE TIME a special event is running, without fail. All of a sudden, there will be glitches and lag so bad it makes playing practically worthless.

    Why should I keep spending money when I can't use what I buy because I can't see the displays or the controls in the displays? Why is it every time there is a event I actually want to do, I have to spend hours logging in and refreshing like 50 times in an hour, just trying to get the game to display and allow me to play without flying blind? Believe me, I have watched this pattern for a LONG time before speaking out about it, so am very confident I am not overreacting here. This is a serious problem with the game; I am not the only player I know of to experience this, as well.

    There are several RC players in this house, and we all are weary of wasting money. Yet we love the game, and wish you guys would get your house in order so to speak. There is a resident CIT computer expert here, and she can't figure out why you guys just can't seem to get the bugs out of your system, and I agree. For a company with global clientele, this is seriously poor performance and very bad business. In fact, I am going to post a poll with this, and hopefully get some feedback from other players that you can use to get the devs to understand the magnitude of this problem. Please take a look and see if you can figure out what is the problem? Please keep in mind I cleared the caches and everything. Thank you.
    honeywest likes this.
  2. As this is a poll of the players and not a tq I will move this to speakers corner
  3. Having played rising cities since June 2013 i have found that i have experienced very few glitches which were not due to my flash/cache isp or computer, i have rarely had log in problems, yes others have experience login problems and some display problems but generally if i keep my comp tuned up, the only problems i experience now is caused by my isp the rest the devs seem to fix in a reasonable amount of time. Also i have found all the mods extremely helpful on all occassions.
    I voted other as there was no applicable box for me to vote
    Andrewjf and Geflin like this.
  4. Geflin

    Geflin User

    I do agree, skippyroo that all the mods are extremely helpful (not to mention patient with all of us). They do fix things in a reasonable time (even the recent log in disaster was handled in a timely fashion, despite how long it took to fix...I saw a small bit of what they were up against in the code). Thank you for the input.
  5. skb13

    skb13 User

    I would agree that events do cause more glitches, but I don't find it 'abnormal'. I have experienced different glitches at different times - over 1 year ago, whenever an event started I'd get a blank map, etc. Not seen that for a very long time. Occasionally I get buildings missing, or slow redraw, and blame that largely on internet connection speed (happens more at home than at work, for example). I've played other games that drop out, crash etc - these guys are writing games to run on hugely different OSs, browsers, PC specs, etc. And on the whole, it works. But maybe I'm just lucky. :)
    Andrewjf likes this.
  6. billyjim

    billyjim User

    Yes, No, Sorta, Kinda, Maybe. It all depends on the day, week, month, and what is going on. Generally the game runs very well for me in the high high ninety percentiles (one exception Cache problems). But, when there is an issue it seems like the game is held together with chewing gum, string and spit. One glitch causes a major collapse of the entire system or a cascading failure, where one problem leads to another problem to another problem. The true issue comes down to the fact that we are almost never told that something is happening until after the fact. We, the players, comment on an issue and all we hear is silence. Leading us to speculate and fantasy. A few lines saying that there is an issue and it is beitng addressed and we anticipate repairs by such and such date time would be wonderful. The Moderators are wonderful, Thank you guys.
    honeywest and Andrewjf like this.
  7. fred1471

    fred1471 User

    Mods are great.
    Game is bugged badly more so during special events.
    1. Load issues went for weeks with no compensation.
    2. Load issues still happen some days takes 3 or 4 times to get it to load. If you collect rent or make resources before it draws all the city it will state internet issues and you have to reload. even though I have up to 8 other tabs working fine.
    3. loading can have missing buildings by going to suburbs and coming back they then appear.
    4. While event is running you building different resources that are not needed for the event is another building finishes making resources while you are adding to a different mill etc it will revert back to the event item not the one I selected.
    5. Parity for the players is non existent. some have 7 mills and 6 bakeries I am stuck with 5 and 3. Yes there was a code for Christmas for a bakery that missed not knowing that is where it was advertised. (why not allow everyone to collect each code once) Not have a time limit.
    6.The population bug is not fixed from what I see in the forum which has been almost a year( re:top 100)
    7. Power and mood has the bug with the improvements that you put in the buildings even though they have expired. Personally not complaining about this one as it helps my game but it is still a bug. For those that have had their game reset have learned the hard way.
    8.Moving items around can take time because item doesn't place first time and sometimes you have to put it down somewhere else before you can get it to go where you originally wanted it in the first place.

    Yes good game but many bugs to put up with. Probably forgot quite a few others.
    I dont use facebook twitter or any other social media. I log in through BP so third party sites cant be the problem for me, My cache clears every time I close chrome. Also have a memory optimising program running and register fix malware removal etc I Know computer is running fine.
    Programs I swear by Advance system care by Iobit and avast antivirus, Have never had issues with any other site or program.
    This is the only site I have had issues with. Only on a laptop most of the time but is only 12 months old mid range price. But does everything I need. Unfortunately has windows 8. But advance system care gives me start button back to run the same as older windows
    Last edited: Feb 19, 2015
    Andrewjf and billyjim like this.
  8. Andrewjf

    Andrewjf User

    I completely concur. I don't generally like polls('was a moderator on another Forum some years ago and disliked polls then as well; so please no offence meant by not actually polling :)), but just thought I would comment, even though to simply concur with skb13 :D
    Geflin likes this.
  9. Arsuru

    Arsuru User

    For my part, I don't experience many bugs or problems either. Perhaps it just seems minor to me when I consider how buggy other games I play can be (PC, console). I don't think the number of actual bugs is high, or at least significant ones. What's impressive is how long serious ones have lasted.

    The only ones of real significance are:

    • Mood/power: Present, in various forms, since the introduction of mastery.
    • No mastery applied at all: Same, I assume.
    • Population with Golden Linings Estate: Since introduction
    • Incorrect footprint of Castle Carlson: Ditto.

    Of these, I'm subject to all but the Golden Linings (don't have one yet). I probably could have remastered my one vintage duplex with the no-mastery bug by now. These should be simple fixes. Change some formulas, figures, and and reset some flags, I would think. Might be tedious, but I can't imagine it being difficult. It's pretty amazing that this has gone on for so long. The fact that special events are often bugged is surprising as well. I really just can't see how, since I would think most of the code is shared from regular events. I imagine it being pretty much a copy-paste job. That said, I never get performance issues from them, only coding, like the problems with the recent Valentine's event.

    Production facility reset is annoying, yes, but not critical. Just some oddity where the list resets to the first position when some other facility finishes. This is the kind of thing I can see actually being pretty difficult to control. There has always been a bug with overlapping assets, but incomplete drawing might just be your connection or bad design. Connection problems can be blamed on your internet connection often as well. At peak hours, sometimes stuff just fails due to global bandwidth usage. Even your antivirus scanning internet traffic can slow it down. I've pretty much never had connection problems though. If I'm downloading something at max speed, the game suffers.

    Often the display isn't updated when things are available/expire (event, mystery building, loot-o-matic, etc.), but reloading usually does it. Pretty sure I remember it just working before, though just how often you need to refresh/clear cache is pretty impressive. The game should be able to override your cache when necessary, and could probably force a reload if needed, or at least disconnect you. The game is assumingly not very optimized. RC uses pretty decent resolution and is probably keeping track of a lot of information. It's pretty heavy for what it is (a browser game; specifically in Flash) and having a lot of buildings just adds to the load. My city ran a lot smoother when it was smaller, and runs slightly better in the far-from-adequate windowed mode.

    Though I doubt most recent computers would have much trouble, if you don't have an integrated or dedicated GPU, you'll feel it. Flash is pretty heavy on resources, easily using a GB of RAM and a large percentage of the CPU (check system/Chrome task manager). It can use hardware acceleration (i.e. GPU, via settings) though it may perform worse if you don't have a one and it is enabled. That could be at least partly the fault of unoptimized game code though.

    These display issues are inconveniences, but generally only appear when I stay logged in for extended periods (granted, this is most of the time) or I'm consuming a lot of bandwidth. Particularly, being in fullscreen and changing fields really seems to accelerate the failure to load the background, and usually the game stops responding eventually, but that is in most cases only a few times a day at most. It seems very possible that one's computer only goes so far and that the game's internal memory-allocation is just poorly handled.

    You also have to consider that sometimes Flash itself or the compiler is bugged and working around that can be difficult. All you can do is wait for Adobe to address it if that is the case. I can't speak for other Flash games much, but Flash uses a lot of memory and crashes for me pretty often outside of RC (e.g. YouTube). Flash isn't known to be the most stable thing.

    tl;dr Yes, game is heavy/buggy, but half of the problems (graphical and lag) might be the fault of your hardware, software and/or connection. My main PC is pretty old now but the game runs well for me, considering, even with dozens of tabs. I can run recent(ish) games like Skyrim (pretty standard benchmark) on max or near settings with minimal slowdown and playback 1080p video with (usually) no stutter. It was a beast when it was built and still does well. Yet RC is just a bit slow on it, and things don't always display immediately, but that's to be expected. Another, newer PC has no problems at all aside from those mentioned at the top that are for sure bugs in the game's code.

    Just to put things into perspective, the old PC I use has a 3.2GHz Pentium D (that's two cores!), an old 7800 GTX and whopping 2 GB of RAM, which is pretty laughable these days. The components are almost 10 years old and I'm certainly pushing them to their limit. They're obsolete. The other computer I use has a very recent Core i7 and a recent graphics card, for comparison. It's a noticeable difference, but my old PC is certainly adequate. I'm not even overclocking it! I think that says something.

    And I've said it before, but memory optimizers are mostly fake. Just… research how they and RAM actually work if you don't beleive me. You should be really careful with registry cleaners too. They tend to work, but are often not needed and can mess you up if you don't know what you are doing. Usually nothing noticeably good or catastrophically bad happens though, just saying. Keep a good backup.

    But what do I know? I'm only running a ten year old PC optimally without such things. And I assure you, I have tried them.

    @fred1471 You have some good points, but let's be fair: some of those aren't bugs. Parity isn't a bug. Difficulty moving things around isn't either. I think what you mention about production resetting during events is intentional, but yeah, it's rather annoying, especially combined with the different resetting I mention above. I would advise you not exploit the power/mood bug either, since you may get hit pretty hard when it is reset globally, if you or the game are still around.

    @Geflin You keep mentioning your computer but you always fail to mention certain things. Do you have a graphics card? Because your CPU does not have an integrated GPU (which can only go so far, but should be enough for internet/most general programs for many). How much RAM do you have? OS? What constitutes 'other media' for you? Do you have a lot running? Not just programs, but processes, services, browser extentions, etc.

    Serious questions, because YouTube vids and office apps probably aren't going to tax you as much as HD video/audio or high-end games, for example. More cores doesn't automatically equal more performance. It's not that simple. Even getting a bigger screen will tax your computer more. It's not that I think your PC is necessarily to blame, but demonstrating your computer in the way that you do doesn't help your case in the eyes of anyone that actually knows this stuff. You only give partial information and it's not all telling or relevant. If you have any lag with a Phenom II, you must be doing something else wrong. It's getting old, but it isn't that bad, though which specific model you have will matter to a degree. The i7 I use is generally more powerful than yours, but I don't think it'd make much difference for RC, unless you are indeed doing something wrong.
    Last edited: Feb 24, 2015
    Andrewjf likes this.
  10. fred1471

    fred1471 User

    @Arsuru parity is not a bug agreed. Production resetting is just annoying.
    I know when I stated many of the challengers for bonuses in the beginning didn't register even though they were completed. I see every day people still have the same issues.
    Yes understand if they do a global reset for mood energy it will hurt me but I am not about to try and run a spreadsheet to try and work out where I am really at.
    Yes flash games are demanding and do crash. But I have played more complex games on my worse computers and can run them for a couple of days before they needed to be reloaded. Admittedly that was on windows xp not 8 which I am reluctantly using now. And I dont know if it is a conflict with windows 8. Haven't bothered to delve deeper.

    For most of the players not being able to log in for over a week. very big bug.

    As far as your opinion on optimizers. I have recovered many computers with advance system care and avast for friends that have been told by professionals a total format was the only way. Crap cleaner used to be good now CC cleaner I think but ASC has a lot more. Registry clean is important can cost more than 20% cpu if badly infected. ASC before repairing saves a restore point automatically and in the 8 or so years I have been using it I have never had to use it. Windows has many programs running in the background that are just not needed asc can help you decide what to turn off. All resources hogs if you don't need them. For the average joe like me I cant go without it. Yes you can go into task manager and turn them off each time you start your computer. Go into internet settings and tweak turn print spooler off when your not printing turn cmd off because you don't need windows to read the screen to you(for vision impairment) But ASC does it all for me. Sorry just convenient for me.

    Some other game design issues like commercial building not holding enough goods to supply the surrounding buildings.
    Not being able to move manufacture buildings to different parts ie suburbs.

    Don't get me wrong can't be that bad I am still here playing. But if it wasn't for our mods I am sure I wouldn't be.
    Geflin and Andrewjf like this.
  11. Geflin

    Geflin User

    Nope, don't have a graphics card. Don't have a monitor either. Actually, I have some tin cans and a sheet of tinfoil. Point is, I am not getting into another long drawn out dialogue with you. Not really liking your implication I am unaware of graphics cards, sound cards, etc. I mean, come on...by OS do you mean Operating System???? No, I obviously don't have an OS, my computer runs itself and I am just a figment of its imagination:rolleyes:
    fred1471 and Andrewjf like this.
  12. Andrewjf

    Andrewjf User


    Needed a good laugh today, and there it is.... Thank you Geflin!! :)...... Moving on, there is no point squabbling and little point in talking about operating systems, on-board GPU v Dedicated Graphics cards etc. Even though I am not keen on polls ;), This kind of feedback is essential for Bigpoint to see what is going on. And do not think because they don't say much here directly; as sure as eggs they are watching.

    I have access to three Cities; mine, my Daughter's and my Son's. Generally they all connect via one single PC, but for the record each 'account' has different issues. None of them are major, but obviously Level related as opposed to PC related. I have a weird Brickworks in the Suburbs (with Tech Support), My son's account has constant disconnect issues, and my daughters City has the mood bar showing 100% happiness, when in fact the residences are at 75%. The last issue comes and goes. This is with the same PC and the time frame being as long as it takes to log out and log back in!! I digress. Thanks again for the Laugh Geflin, and no offence meant towards you Arsuru :)
    fred1471 likes this.
  13. Arsuru

    Arsuru User

    @fred1471 Oh, I know what a corrupted registry can do. Not saying these things don't do anything at all, but many people will never actually need them, and they often don't help as much as they claim. Wasn't speaking of ASC.

    @Geflin No, I meant what is your OS. Not trying to argue, if you can believe it. I'm not trying to imply anything either, it just appears to me that you are pretty unaware of what your PC has, considering how often you've mentioned it thinking you shouldn't have problems due to it. So I thought I'd inquire further, because yes, some computers still don't have GPUs. Oh well.

    @Andrewjf None taken. Actually, forgot to mention here that it does seem like some issues are specific to users, but it can be hard to tell who's fault that is sometimes.
    Andrewjf likes this.
  14. fred1471

    fred1471 User

    @Geflin No, I meant what is your OS. Not trying to argue, if you can believe it. I'm not trying to imply anything either, it just appears to me that you are pretty unaware of what your PC has, considering how often you've mentioned it thinking you shouldn't have problems due to it. So I thought I'd inquire further, because yes, some computers still don't have GPUs. Oh well.

    Gelfin doesn't even have electricity/ He has mice running in a wheel problem he has. Mice are his favourite food. So some days he has 20 mice power but later in the day it may only be 12 mouse power. If they don't breed fast enough the next day he can be down to 6 mice power and it takes a lot of static to vibrate the foil to give him the graphics quality required for the game and that's why he has issues some weeks.

    But I can't understand why the rest of the population that don't eat their mice also has issues
    honeywest, Geflin and Andrewjf like this.
  15. billyjim

    billyjim User

    Owls are not the only creatures that like mice for a snack. Us Felines like them to. But I never thought about them in relation to the power issue before. Looks like I will have to go on that diet the doctor has been after me to start. ;)
    fred1471 likes this.
  16. skb13

    skb13 User

    Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they aren't out to get you! ;)
    honeywest, Andrewjf and billyjim like this.
  17. billyjim

    billyjim User

    Who is paranoid, us. Just because threats were made and last night bullets went through the window and the car blew up. We have no reason to be paranoid. Nay, we have nothing to fear. They are out to get us. :eek: Just joking around.

    I could not resist had to snack on one of the mice powering the computer :oops:. So I guess that why I having dropped connection problems today. Most likely internet provider not BP.
  18. hedymay

    hedymay User

  19. hedymay

    hedymay User

    I have had the same problem and send reports but never get a reply. I am new to this game and enjoy it very much. I have also spent a lot of mm building my city and would like more support.
  20. If you have a problem needing support the area you post in is Technical questions, minor tech problems can be fixed from there. For more serious game glitches you may be asked to fill in a support ticket, generally the mods will ask you to do this, for other minor problems or game questions you can post in the General Questions area.
    Speakers corner is a great place to discuss all types of game topics, as well as a general chit chat
    welcome to a great game and enjoy
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