Not sure why you closed my thread

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by GORDR22, Jan 20, 2015.

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  1. Geflin

    Geflin User

    Well stated; I am a chronic insomniac, so am able to spend long hours keeping production going full tilt. I have an easier time keeping needs fulfilled because of this. I also managed to get 7 lumber mills before the devs reduced it to 5...but missed out on an extra bakery or two. Overall, this is a game of give and take, plans and strategies. Not everything will come easy. I am near Level 43 and only have 5,920 residents so while I have a production advantage to you, you have a revenue generating advantage to me. I maintain the only good way to foster change is open discussion here in the forums, and also understanding that we do get heard and things sometimes just take time to accomplish.
  2. fred1471

    fred1471 User

    At the end of the day it is just a game to kill time. It is not worth getting upset by it.
    Would be nice if the players had the ability to have parity with each other. Sell the other 3 bakeries Lumber yards for MM for those that have missed out.
    For BP it is a business and this is where they could profit. Allowing players to have the ability to collect rent more often and be impatient and buy MM as i used to in the past.

    Personally would prefer if the game didnt have restrictions on bakeries farms so the player had better options to balance space versus residents. This would change the dynamics in the market when the oversupply causes price to fall causing people to reduce farms as the supply falls the price rises encouraging people to farm more would add a new dimension. If only available via MM would yield BP more profit Then maybe they could employ more staff and even pay the forum mods for some of their great work. This idea woundnt apply to brick yards or lumber mills as would speed game up too greatly.

    corrected post above 5 lumber mills.
  3. billyjim

    billyjim User

    But, no matter what you do there would always be inequalities in the system. If player A starts playing before player B and does an event that yields a specific bonus that is not available to player B then player A has an advantage. No matter what changes are done there will be differences in our cities. The solutions is to work with what you are given and develop what you have and not worry about what others have. There are some items I would like to have in my city which are not available to me becuse they were introduced to newer players after I passed those levels. I would like to have those features and I have commented I would like to have the opportunity to earn these items (doing a lower level event), but I am not given that option. This is a game of strategy and planning not a race or competitin to see who can out do whom.
    honeywest likes this.
  4. brucenic

    brucenic User

    You make an excellent point about allowing the market to drive people in their choice of building bakeries and farms. It really would make for a much more satisfying game. It is a point I have made many times myself.

    The game will never be the same for people that started at different times, and there's not a lot that either could or should be done. For instance, when I was starting I had excess tomato production that I could sell at best for 2CC. Today I note that the lowest price is 7. This is even more true for other items, beams, bricks, bread rolls etc. I did not build all my brickyards for a very long time, as I didn't need the bricks for myself; but if I could have sold them for 4,500CC each, I would have built them immediately.
    For a player starting today, it will be much much easier to progress quickly. I think this more than balances for prizes that were won a long time ago, and are not currently available.
    billyjim likes this.
  5. billyjim

    billyjim User

    Excellent observation. I remember when bricks used to sell for about 500 cc's each and tiles where under a thousand cc's each. So having excess capacity did not help trying to earn income to build the city. We had materials to build the city but had no funds to build the ciity. It all comes back to balance. It just takes time to acheive your goals.
  6. Arsuru

    Arsuru User

    It's true that products need a lot more attention than materials, but I don't think an increase in mills would matter very much. Brickyards more, but you still have to have the space and PP to supply them. If everyone were given the few extra mills and bakeries offered in the past, the overall situation wouldn't change significantly, I'll wager.

    I don't really mind the pace of the game, but I think we should all be afforded the same opportunities for such a core mechanic to the game, at the least. I've only missed one mill of all the extras, as far as I know, and I know that that one mill would change little for me, other than freeing up a few hours for events. I would still gladly pay MM for that convenience. They removed the extra mills for purchase, why not remove them from players that had them and refund them MM if they are worried about excess production?

    I can't agree with this. Progress will still be slower for the newer people, relatively. It's really not a fair trade. 'More than' is a severe overstatement.

    While it's true that overall speed is increased as it's easier to save for plots or the cost in CC to buy/upgrade a building as those are constants, material-wise it hasn't really change since their prices all scale. You're essentially trading the same amount of one thing for another as always, so city expansion is still at about the same speed. Yes, there is more incentive to sell produce instead of supplying them at the prices they go for now, but again, scaling means they don't contribute much differently than when everything was cheaper. Basically, outward expansion is potentially faster while upward is pretty much the same. It changes little to nothing for advanced players.

    I'm kind of surprised you're saying 'there's not a lot that either could or should be done', because we know that simply is not true: it would be simple to change any of these limits by many means. Whether it should be done or not is another mater, but not doing so limits the potential variety of what you can do. Maybe I'm misunderstanding you, but it almost seems to me like you've reversed your prior position of increasing production to a degree.
    TellusXIV likes this.
  7. fred1471

    fred1471 User

    I notice many say about having enough PP I only run about 1800 workers yet over the last few weeks I have gone from 1 mil to 2.5 mil pp.(a lot come from events and medal trade ins) Also only have 1800 capitalists. Now have 4900 students which is just keeping up with EP.

    My next goal is to have excess EP. so I can then increase capitalists for the CC.
    Last edited: Feb 8, 2015
  8. Arsuru

    Arsuru User

    If you run cement/roof tiles, raspberries, and panelling or even cork all day, every day, you can lower your PP fast enough. They could also stop giving us millions via the loot-o-matic and shooting stars and give EP instead, which would be more useful. Yes, you will get enough PP eventually, likely without really trying, however being able to eventually reach a point where you have a net gain in PP isn't a good argument to limit facilities to me. Quit the opposite, in fact.

    I'm not saying unlimited in necessary, but we could certainly stand some more. Putting us all on equal ground wouldn't hurt for a start, in any case.

    Usually not worth it now, but you'll usually need more of them for events anyway.
  9. fred1471

    fred1471 User

    Run raspberries and roof tiles at night. panelling is also overnight but sometimes will do a couple during the day depending on my schedule.
    Never run below 1 mil. only holding so many workers of the events
  10. Arsuru

    Arsuru User

    Well you definitely have more capacity to drain your PP then if you should want, from the looks of it. Roof tiles twice a day are generally more profitable if you can sustain it. Raspberries, I wouldn't waste running overnight unless you don't have access to higher things and/or can't support them during the day.

    I have more than double your workers and I only just stay around the same amount of PP. I even loose PP lately since I don't supply many of them anymore, with most of my PP coming from worker building rent, not needs revenue, but it doesn't really matter. The point is that it's possible to use more. If you find you make too much, you can reduce workers. I couldn't sustain my current production with only 1800 workers, for sure, (with epic RI's, maybe) and events would be a lot slower. I'm not saying you should do as I do, but again, it's not because you can have enough PP that we can't use more manufacturing. The point of needing more PP is still a significant factor.
    Last edited: Feb 8, 2015
  11. fred1471

    fred1471 User

    3 lots of bricks =9 hours 48 off
    roof tiles 11 hours for 48
    as far as the market goes they are around the same price
  12. Arsuru

    Arsuru User

    You can make more bricks per hour, but unless you don't sleep much, you'll make more, or at least the same amount of roof tiles by day. They are usually more expensive, so you can still end up with more bricks over time. I don't want to take this there though, I was just trying to illustrate that the need for Workers/PP can still grow, and will still grow as long as the game does.
  13. Geflin

    Geflin User

    I would like to add that there is much evidence that RC/BP and the mods do listen to us and act on our concerns; the recent Bonus Code for the massive log in glitches we went through is but one example. I note it took a lot of complaints from players, and also open discussion and even a poll. Not griping about it...quite the opposite, am saying a quiet mouth does not get fed. RC/BP and the mods have a lot on their plates. Only when we come together and openly state our concerns as a group (excepting, of course, individual issues) can we expect such concerns to be allocated the time and resources to get what we want. Just like the game is one of understanding and balance, so is communication. I sincerely believe if we start consolidating our major issue concerns, and start using the poll function, it will help the mods (less for them to sort through, thread by thread) and the devs (proof they need to act on an issue because many players have commented about it collectively, which is a powerful tool in any market). I know there is much that needs working on; but let's be honest, we have three new playfields and many other new features. It's taken time, but the devs are clearly not dead and gone. Let's all do our part and get this forum hopping.:D
    tassie-devil likes this.
  14. fred1471

    fred1471 User

    [QUOTE="Geflin, \[/QUOTE]
    Agree .
    At the end of the day this is a predominately a FREE game. Yes I have bought items and packs and always have rent collector but this my choice.
    I assume a large amount of BP's money comes from advertising. To sell advertising and get the best price per click BP has to be able to sell how many players per day, Time spent on line etc.
    To this end it would be better to have the players more active by supplying more manufacture facilities so we can keep our residents fed, Therefore meaning we can stay online while making potatoes instead on just logging every 3 hours put bricks in queue wait for potatoes and not have to log out again.
    This is just my feelings and opinion feel free to disagree.
    Andrewjf likes this.
  15. Arsuru

    Arsuru User

    I'd like to think they are aware of at least the most important requests. I don't know what the requirements here are to get an idea submitted are, but I've seen several ideas here get specifically mentioned as being forwarded, and I'd think most of the important/recurring issues across all the languages must get to BP. Other boards have more rigid systems, but from what I've seen we all want pretty much the same things.

    Though it can't hurt to keep asking. I'm hoping to see some of the major outstanding bugs fixed first, and I think that lack of progress there keeps many from speaking otherwise, though I know some of our requests should be comparatively simple to implement.
  16. billyjim

    billyjim User

    The frustrating part for all of us is the time lag between us (the mayors) complaints and suggestions and implementation of said ideas. We do not know what has to go into selecting and creating the specific solution to an issue. It does not help that we do not get a large amount of information in return to our inquiries either. This leads to frustration and confusion and speculation. For example I personally believe that BP/RC had intended to give us a bonus code for the inconvenience of the lock out after it lasted several days. They took so long to make a decision and did not communicate it and did so in such a off handed way that it was a disappointment to many. This was typical of a commitee approach to problem solving. "What does the grooup agree with?" Leading to the least acceptable solution to the masses.
    Geflin and fred1471 like this.
  17. Geflin

    Geflin User

    Well said Sir Billyjim. I agree that the devs could communicate far more frequently and much better. The mods communicate better fcol (thank you, mods, btw :) ). Somebody ought to tell the white rabbit to drop a (gasp) producer's letter once in a blue moon.:rolleyes:
  18. fred1471

    fred1471 User

    blue moon happens about once a year. Happens when 2 full moons happen in the same month
    Old blue moon definition also means the 3rd full moon in a season
    There is also an even older definition When there is 13 full moons in any given year the 13th is called a blue moon.

    So depending on which definition you are referring to they do talk to us every blue moon already. But would be much better if they could talk to us a lot more often.

    Don't mean offence. But years ago wanted to know what a blue moon was so researched it.
    Geflin likes this.
  19. Geflin

    Geflin User

    Am so laughing my feathers off here....and no offense taken, I assure you.:D I'll bet their reasoning is quite similar ("But (gasp) we DO communicate with them, every single blue moon!")- LOL. Perhaps we should ask for a producer's letter on the second Tuesday of the sixth week, every month? Just kidding...I agree they need to communicate more often, though I do understand they have a lot on their plates. Is why I am so happy the mods try so hard to keep us informed and at least comment on what we are saying once in awhile.
    fred1471 likes this.
  20. harley9883

    harley9883 User

    I cannot get the Bonus Code RCLOGIN to work. It says "Campaign not found"
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