Cinema changes

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by billyjim, Mar 2, 2015.

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  1. billyjim

    billyjim User

    I figure the change to the Cinema pay out will generate a large amount of comment so I thought I would create a thread so we can state our opinions.

    Mine is as expected sad and disappointed, but I have been expecting this for a little while. I will not complain to much if the films start to work better and we do not have to wait through endlessly long videos or non functioning videos or being asked for personal data or swamped by spam ware, etc.
    fred1471 likes this.
  2. fred1471

    fred1471 User

    I am thinking it will now be a waste of time trying to watch them with little or no reward. Therefore making the events with MM more attractive. Making MM harder to come by means more people will buy some with real money
    BKrst69 likes this.
  3. I bulldozed the cinema a week or so after the last fix, having to sit through a 10 or 15 minute video and then not receiving any mm for your trouble or not having any movies available for days on end, the effort was not worth the reward. there are decos you get for free giving better mood than the cineplex.
    nervo82 likes this.
  4. BlackDog1

    BlackDog1 User

    Let hope the price is also adjusted as before for items that require MM. Express builds, Expansion, specialty buildings, Mystery etc.
  5. This change really doesn't affect me at all. I'm not able to watch not even a single movie since before you increased the number of movies from 3 to 10 per day.

    Don't put your hopes on it. There are few chances for this to happen, since it wasn't announced.
  6. Geflin

    Geflin User

    Less free MM seems to me to be an effort to stimulate purchases of MM by us players. I am all for buying MM when I can, even just recently got the Loot-O-Matic and Student starter packs. But I believe we all should point out, if BP/RC wants us to buy MM then they need to start communicating (better and more often) and they also need to start giving us things we have asked and asked for (x-presso back, increased production, new events, etc.). They proved they could hear us and act (recent bonus code) so there really is no excuse. Maybe they don't have as many promoters paying the advertising fees, who knows. But if you want me to spend money on the game, then my needs as a player ought to get acted on as fast (if not faster) than the needs of the company. How many changes have we seen in the last year that essentially boiled down to BP selling more MM or game the pricing restructure and loss of opposed to player satisfaction ... like new play fields and events? Just an opinion, but somebody needs a refresher course in Good Business 101:rolleyes:
    WSOP_VETERAN4 likes this.
  7. Andrewjf

    Andrewjf User

    If your paying AU$10/GIG for WiFi data, paying for MM's is heaps cheaper than using the Cineplex even at 15MM per movie.... Obviously Bigpoint / Universal or one of it's other major shareholders has it's reasons for the drop, but if it's because it doesn't work financially, RAISE the MM's not lower them and encourage more clicks! :rolleyes:
    fred1471 likes this.
  8. fred1471

    fred1471 User

    Great way for a company to go broke. Not getting enough business raise the prices to cover the overheads.

    Your way is the only way when not making enough money encourage more clicks not encourage less. This might be counteracted by people getting desperate for MM and buying them.

    Statistics will tell. just bulldozed my cineplex Hope they announce if they are going to change things
    Andrewjf likes this.
  9. Geflin

    Geflin User

    Sometimes I wonder about businessmen who ignore their customers clearly stated desires and then wonder why their company makes less and less money. I just spent $25 for two starter packs because I love this game. Now the Cineplex thing means it will take me a lot longer to accumulate needed MM and frankly, things like this (or ho long players have been begging for production capacity increases to no avail) makes me wonder if that $25 might have been better spent elsewhere. I suspect if this was not a free game but a pay to play game, the company would be bankrupt by now because of things like this. The more freebies you get, the more you get hooked on the game and the easier it is for you to part with your only disposable $25 here instead of elsewhere...basic economics. If the game is not making a player happy when it's free...then why would they spend money on it? I agree they should have left the Cinexplex alone, or raised the MM. If more players were spending more time watching films because they get (example 20 MM instead of 15, rather than 5 instead of 15) then more advertisers would spend more money to get their ads seen. Again, basic economics they teach in freaking High School. I have actually spent money on things I have seen advertised in the Cineplex or Cash for Action here and was glad to have the knowledge of the product. Wake up BP/ have your economics backwards.
    davesimon59 likes this.
  10. brucenic

    brucenic User

  11. billyjim

    billyjim User

    Well, as I said above I hoped we would get some improvement in reliability for the reduction in rewards. Alas, not to be true. :(
    Geflin likes this.
  12. rossio

    rossio User

    I like the fact that we hear absolutely nothing from RC concerning new features, changes, developments etc, in about 10 months or so...and then finally they come with this lame "hi, we are now decreasing your MM rewards". Pleasant surprise, worth the 10 months of waiting.
    Geflin and fred1471 like this.
  13. billyjim

    billyjim User

    I enjoyed the fact that the first new video I got today (actually the first new video in months). I had to watch a commercial for one product before watching a commercial for another product. Shall we say adding insult to injury. Yes, I know "the Cinema is operated by an outside source and BP/RC has no control on the operation". :rolleyes:
  14. fred1471

    fred1471 User

    Note to self. Before starting my next game look at forum.

    I now realise with this forum there are not many positive threads.

    Cineplex being just another issue
    Andrewjf likes this.
  15. Andrewjf

    Andrewjf User

    It is all just a tad on the negative side :(
  16. billyjim

    billyjim User

    It is always easier to mention something when it goes wrong or is a bother. Therefore you get more responses and threads about glitches, problems, disagreements etc. Everything is suppose to work properly and have no issues. So when that happens no one notices and no one says "good job" :oops: Therefore the forum will always be on the more negative side of the argument.
  17. honeywest

    honeywest User

    I don't think it isn't working financially for the provider(s) of the Cineplex, I think it isn't working financially for the devs. If I can get 150 mm's everyday, that's 150 less mm's I am buying from them.
    Geflin likes this.
  18. Andrewjf

    Andrewjf User

    You may well be right, however it is a double edged sword. For me, it (the building) consumes little power for it's + 32 mood gains so it will stay, but I will no longer be wasting my expensive broadband for 5MM/movie. I would have considered that all round the revenue from the Cineplex per member (that uses it) would have exceeded the $1.99 for 500 MM that can be directly purchased. Even though there is no control of the Cineplex from here, I would seriously doubt the Revenue generated does not go into the Bigpoint pocket. But if no one uses it then the advertisers will evaporate. I actually purchased a product that was advertised here, so perhaps the decision will be reconsidered at some stage. Good debate :)
  19. Geflin

    Geflin User

    Exactly what I was saying, honeywest. Odd thing is, getting all that free MM made me able to buy extras for my city that then made me want other extras for my city, and culmiated in my spending $25 on two starter packs. Again, basic economics principle (priming the pump). BP certainly gets an advertiser kickback, and if the cinema isn't working then less advertisers would invest in that venue; but one would think that would lead BP to fix the cinema, not cut the benefits and thereby kill the goose that lays the golden egg. Honestly, I love this game, but the devs seem to get a whole lot backwards. Like communication...once every year or so? Did not take ten months to hear from them about the MM reduction, now did it:confused:? Perhaps it is not their fault and perhaps it is. BTW, thank you (mods, devs) for all the things you get right and/or do your best for us on. We certainly do appreciate the good stuff. But you need to take our negative complaints to heart as well...after all, it is our dollars both you and your advertisers are hoping to gain.
  20. honeywest

    honeywest User

    I was born and bred in the good ole U.S. of A. That is my mindset and because of that I expect certain behaviors in people/companies that provide me w/ services that I am paying for. The people running this game are foreigners to me. They think differently. I ran across this as a beta tester for a different game. Foreigners owned and ran that game. There were foreigners that were fellow beta testers too (all kinds of nationalities, but mostly from socialist countries in Europe). They all thought differently than I did. They had a totally different outlook on things. I am what I would call a "middle of the road" type of political person. I am not a democrat and I am not a republican. I do tend to be a bit more conservative than liberal. I guess I am closest to a libertarian, someone who thinks the less government, the better. People born and raised as socialists don't think like I do. They are not capitalists. It is hard for me to accept the things that socialist citizens see as normal, especially in the ways of business. To just up and take away 10 mm's without a by your leave and expect us to accept it is anathema to me. To not compensate me with an equal amount for three weeks of time lost in this game is just not good business. It makes for bad feelings from the players toward the devs that run this game. This really is a great game, but it is run very poorly, especially in customer service. I truly feel it is because it is run by people that are foreign to me. I agree w/the OP that it is very bad business to treat your customers poorly. I wonder if the "foreigners" will even understand what I am trying to say since they have never been free citizens. Imagine living in a country where no one, except the very, very wealthy, own their own homes. The government owns almost all the homes in Sweden. Most of the citizens pay the government to live in their homes. My own home is mine and it is my castle. No one can come in here from the government unless they have a warrant, and to get a warrant they have to have a very good reason to do so, with evidence to back it up. Imagine living in a home that the government owns... That is how different they live than I do. I don't ever expect them to think like I do. I will probably always be disappointed in the service I receive from games that are run by people that are foreigners to me and my way of thinking.
    sunshineaz and Geflin like this.
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