Cinema changes

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by billyjim, Mar 2, 2015.

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  1. *kimmi*

    *kimmi* User

    ... sorry BillyJim - cannt be sad or disappointed - as you said - in other words: .... it was to good to be true - but very nice while it lasted - for about 7 month it has been possible to earn 150 MM pr day ... thats almost 35000 MM - for some it has been a struggle to get 150 MM per day - if they even got anything - and for some piece of cake - but still cheap - compare to ex. Biker Event - which i still think is a very time-consuming-event.

    ... so instead: how about sharring what you have been able to get for the MM you earn from the cinema.


    ... and if we're gonna be political: I wonder why the really large companies in US recruiting/headhunting workers from Europe - and that the game-industry in Europe have a lot of US-workers. .... maybe the country-mindset isnt that different at all.
    Andrewjf likes this.
  2. Geflin

    Geflin User

    Double shot here: thank you for the MM I did earn, got several Level 4 upgrades and special buildings like Golden Estates because of it. Also have purchased some products that have been advertised (even went to see a movie or two I saw advertised here). So still say if the Cinema worked more often and the reward did not keep fluctuating, more players would watch and more advertisers would use the service (i.e., you have your basic economics backwards).
    *kimmi* likes this.
  3. LordByron3

    LordByron3 User

    what a Rip. from 15 monies to 5 monies to watch a movie? why the change? to suppress the users income cash and buy it, to advance slower? rip off
    BKrst69 likes this.
  4. fred1471

    fred1471 User

    You can always take the cinema out like I did.
    Normally takes about 30 minutes to an hour to get the MM. I can't justify spending an hour to get 50 MM.
  5. honeywest

    honeywest User

    Quoting part of Kimmi's reply: "... and if we're gonna be political: I wonder why the really large companies in US recruiting/headhunting workers from Europe - and that the game-industry in Europe have a lot of US-workers. .... maybe the country-mindset isnt that different at all."

    Kimmi, I in no way meant my reply to be political except to show my own state of mind (similar to a libertarian). I meant to show differences of different types of people's civilizations' mindsets and cultural differences. I am sure a lot people of a lot countries are curious to see how others do business and/or get jobs in other places. I am sure sometimes it could be the "grass is always greener on the other side" could be a reason, more money could be a reason, etc. Someone with a totally different culture from me will most likely think a lot differently than I do. That's what I was trying to point out, that the people that are "foreigners" to me probably do business much differently that I would. However, I will point out that anyone in business no matter where they are in this world is likely to be in it for the money. ;)
  6. piche413

    piche413 User

    In my own opinion the only political thing that I can see is how BP/RC is treating us mayors. I do believe that BP is only thinking of themselves instead of us who really like this game. We have dealt with a lot of issues and we are hopeful that things will get better.

    The reduction in MM from the Cineplex is really disappointing and I have not been able to get into it the last couple of days due to it saying that ad blocker is not allowing me to do the Cineplex. My ad blocker is off and BP/RC says that they have no control of it. I wonder how much of that is true due to the fact that they can lower it from 15 to 5 MM.
  7. Geflin

    Geflin User

    Hmmmm...sounds like my Diversity in Society textbook. Cool to see what I've been learning happening in the real world (thank you). I believe somebody needs to mail BP an Economics textbook though ;)
  8. billyjim

    billyjim User

    But, Krassandra it is a business and all businesses need to maintain relationships with their customers. A study shows that for every customer that complains there are a multitude of people who do not comment. (Some studies say as high as 30,000 to 1) So every comment should be taken seriously by any business. To ignore them is inviting failure.

    Yes people are more likely to complain than compliment. When things go right that is what is suppose to happen. But, to say a business does not care for any group of customer is mistaken. All beginners become high level players eventually. Planned obsolescence is not usually a good business model for a business in the long run. (Unless you are going to sell them a new product to replace the old, Auto Industry) There are to many games out there to lose customers to.
    honeywest and Geflin like this.
  9. Geflin

    Geflin User

    Well put, Sir Billyjim.
  10. billyjim

    billyjim User

    Even niche project businesses would rather keep their customer base and add to it rather than continue to have to recruit new customers. I have been in the "niche" customer business and the cost of gaining a new customer is three to four times the cost of maintaining one current customer. If you do not beleive me pick up any trade periodical and there will be an article about customer retention. That is why previous store sales and customer retention are such a critical financial measurement for a retail business.

    Since we have no data of how many players are "active " players we can not make an assessment of which of us in in the majority. You are making an assumption that the number of people complaining are a few high level players. From my experience in the forum most complaints are from newer to early stage players.

    Thank you for sharing with us a different view point it is always fun to here from others keep on posting. I enjoyed the discussion. Be talking at you again. :)
  11. Arsuru

    Arsuru User

    Well, I guess I've watched this pot long enough. Honestly, I've been hesitating to even reply to the thread at all given the negative atmosphere here. But in the end, I will, because whatever.

    I've kind of been expecting a decrease too, and I doubt it was such short notice on their end that it had to be done the same day it was announced. Less 'free' stuff is always a bummer, paying customer or not. I'll still use it, as it is always that and it supports the game. However, it will most impact my use of the lotteries. It wasn't a lot already, because the odds are not affordable/reasonable to me so I relied on the cinema to pay for that. Decent RIs are going to be a long way off… Though Mystery Buildings have been pretty fair to me, I feel, I'd still rather pay for something more concrete or at least reliable. Those that I got took many months, which I found fair enough. I think the cinema gave a fair amount that helped to offset the ever-increasing permit prices and especially the lottery odds a bit, especially since newer buildings (many with fewer starting permits) are still unavailable in boosters. Maybe if the odds seemed a little more decent…

    This change just adds to my suspicion that the game either isn't profitable, or as profitable as they wish it to be. Now, I've thought that the cinema payout was fair as it had been and combined with events I think that BP was being pretty decent in that respect, especially if you consider the business model and price scaling. It was slow if you don't/can't pay, but doable, and they got revenue. Certainly it was low enough to encourage real spending. But add this to other recent changes and it just seems even more like they're trying to increase their profit margin to the maximum in a possibly unfair way.

    I mean, what is the problem? What is the 'situation' (per OA) with the advertisers? Not enough ads? What would that change for as far as free MM? Not much, I imagine. The wording in the announcement is beyond vague with no real explanation. It's also hard for me to believe BP has no influence at all on the cinema as it obviously interfaces with their game, and I assume the rates are subject to their control too, not to mention at least some general stipulation about ad content. It's the advertising department of BP that made the change after all.

    Now, microtransactions are already questionable territory. It's not that I'm against them in principle, but most of the MM purchases get disproportionate at some point, not to mention the stater pack prices being being kind of overpriced in comparison, I feel. Imagine the prices of level 75 permits when they come.

    Value is subjective, but I probably would not spend as much real money on MM for the randomly-determined prizes as what I'd used, via the cinema, to get them. Especially the Loot-o-Matic. May as well play a real lottery with that money. Then once I'm filthy-rich I can live decadently, spending thousands to get a enough virtual 'pagoda houses' and associated Japanese deco to satisfy me. After I've bought a real, traditional Japanese house. I wouldn't hold my breath for that though.

    I know, need money, but be realistic. It's not that I think it's absolutely unfair to reduce the MM by itself, but why, for example, are all these things getting removed/toned down so expediently when it's been months or even a year or more and we can't even get a fix for a task typo, one decoration's footprint, booster updates, or nary a word? It's these things that are really problematic. Looking at some other boards, the cinema change wasn't even announced everywhere! Mods apparently had no idea either! Sure, the free MM cut is annoying, but can be understandable and it isn't what the main problem is: it's just another drop that makes BP seem greedy (rather than simply for-profit) and negligent, at least as far as RC goes.

    * * *


    Honestly, I feel that your post was rather politically charged, whether that was your intention or not. I don't think this change or the service we get is even remotely related to socialism, or especially, begin foreign. Frankly, I don't even know how you can make the association. I could elaborate if you wish, but this is rather long already. Briefly, it seems like you are poorly informed. Your idea of Sweden seems rather not-at-all correct, and it doesn't sound like you know what socialism actually is or who is actually socialist. It comes off as a very stereotypical kind of narrow-minded worldview that is the caricature of citizens of the United States of America. As if it is the one true land of the free.

    For what it's worth, I was born and raised in the United States as well, and not as a socialist. That said, your way of thinking — as I interpret it — makes absolutely no sense to me. It sounds like nationalistic, xenophobic, otherism. It boils down to you saying that the problem with the game's service is that it is run by foreigners (in this case, Germans, which fits with the Europe you seem to equate with socialists), who you specify as being citizens that have never been free and are thus incapable of thinking like you (thus fulfilling your expectations and giving you a satisfactory experience) because they are not capitalists (suggesting capitalism is somehow indicative of freedom, product quality or potential enjoyment of).

    This isn't meant to be an attack, it's just that I hate misinformation. Perhaps I've totally misunderstood you, but your way of phrasing seems clear. I've read your words several times, and that is the only logical conclusion to the relation you've put forth between them. If that isn't what you meant, your choice of wording is very poor.

    * * *


    How important the game is to BP right now is irrelevant if you ask me. The least they can do is acknowledge that they don't have the resources available if that is the case, which seems questionable already as the fixes should be minor (not that I haven't noticed some performance improvements over time). High-level players may not be the majority, thus the biggest profit, but they are probably (potentially) significant enough, especially when you look at high-level permit prices. Keeping players around long enough to get to high levels is normally a sound strategy, as people tend to get attached to things they have invested heavily in.

    As it is, the game has enough to keep people around if they can overlook the bugs, adapt, and have faith in BP, but their conduct is pretty questionable, even if it is a fast-food game. Of course BP wants you to play their other games, but they don't have enough games to keep or interest everyone (RC is the only one I care to play right now), and it seems like RC is getting the most neglect despite not requiring much, as far as I can imagine.
    billyjim likes this.
  12. billyjim

    billyjim User

    Arsuru well said.
    Geflin likes this.
  13. Geflin

    Geflin User

    Slap me silly dear friend Sir Billyjim the cat....but yet again I find myself simply in agreement with Asuru. I know, who am I and what have I done with Geflin, right? @Asuru...well stated, Sir. P.S. Has anyone else noticed that since we started complaining about the Cineplex MM reduction,the Xmas Tree(s) and City Hall have been kicking out large chunks of MM more frequently? This past week I have received $70, $70, $140, and $180. Perhaps we have been heard after all? I may well have to either purchase some MM or order up a dish of crow.....hmmmmmmmmm?
  14. I Have 3 christmas trees and have been receiving mm from them all at the same collect on a regular basis for the past couple of weeks.
    Crows are a protected species here, do you know how to make humble pie Geflin it so much easier and has no violence involved
    Geflin likes this.
  15. honeywest

    honeywest User

    Arsuru, I guess I did word it poorly. I meant to strive to point out that not everyone thinks alike in business practices and that since Bigpoint is basically run by people that are foreigners to me (Germans) they wouldn't think like I do about how to run a business. I really don't mean it to be political, but a cultural thing about how business is run. I pointed out that I have been on beta teams for over 10 years and most of the companies were European and they certainly have different ideas about how business is run that I do. I pointed out that I am a capitalist and they weren't so they will do things differently than I would. I do know how business and things are run in Sweden; I know it first hand from many Swedes that live there. I have met them IRL more than once, and the discussions went way into the night over some good beer. I did not mean to compare and say my way was better or worse, I was, and am, just trying to point out that it is different, very different, and that is why I don't understand the decisions they make sometimes. It is always hard to put ideas across on a board via typewritten words instead of just talking. A lot of times meanings can get construed, especially if someone's first language is not the same as on the board it is being written on. (Oh boy, please don't anyone misconstrue that and think that I think English is the best language lol).
    Geflin likes this.
  16. Geflin

    Geflin User

    I thought the MM frequency and amount had increased. Makes one wonder, doesn't it? Humble pie it is (crow borders on cannibalism, you know ;) )
  17. billyjim

    billyjim User

    But Crows are so delicious and they do take such a great deal of effort to catch, good work out. Okay humble pie it is, Honeywest, nice mea cupla. most of us now understand your intent, Words do have power though. I get in trouble with them all of the time. :eek:
  18. Geflin

    Geflin User

    Just thought you deserve to hear (from a guy that just finished college courses in Business Law and Diversity in Society with A+ grades no less) that what you have stated regarding differences in the business ethics and practices of varying cultures is point on accurate :) I think that we all often miss the point that certain general principles apply universally, even if they are not specific to a given situation or even point of view on a situation...and this does NOT mean what someone says is "wrong" just because we see things differently. I, for one, understood what you were getting at and agree for the most part with what you said. Can't say whether it's the cultural difference of BP's RC team...or just the online gaming vs. offline business world thing; but resoundingly support that good business and bad business are pretty clear and established concepts, and that BP sometimes just doesn't act like it wants to keep its customers happy. One can express political opinions without 'being political', which to me means if you are simply stating what you believe and not trying to rally support, you are not 'being' political even if you're talking politics ;)
    honeywest likes this.
  19. Geflin

    Geflin User

    I feel compelled to agree with Honeywest and point out that American concepts of good business vastly differ from what you describe. This whole idea of putting the desires and needs of the customers secondary to those of the business is the exact opposite of how American business (at it's best) works. True, modern businesses have begun acting more like what you describe; and they tend to come and go like the leaves of trees! But take a look at businesses like Buck knives, Zippo lighters, Craftsman tools (we have a bunch). These businesses put customers first and back their products for life, and they have been in business a looooooooooooooong time. To us, ignoring the customers is exactly the sort of risk that can ruin a project at once (as you say).
    honeywest likes this.
  20. Geflin

    Geflin User

    I once helped my Father repair a Corsair Greenbriar and resell it....and much like your detailed description of why what I see as bad business is just how things work these days doesn't fit my world, the car reference proves the same. Granted, you're 1 million percent absolutely correct. Granted, I am old fashioned and unwilling to sell my soul to corporate greed and the selfish laziness that so many find acceptable these days. You say: "old car, dispose of instead of repair" ... I say: "restore the classic, somebody will want it, and it at least isn't fiberglass trash like the newer cars." You say: (read your post for business practices) .... I say: "lazy, ignorant, bad business, not up to my standards, do better." If these games weer so "temporary" why do they still exist? I think it is today's consumer that is temporary, not the product. Easily bored and distracted, willing to accept the disposable/fad culture instead of insisting on quality and longevity.

    The point you keep missing is I am not arguing the right or wrong of what you say. Parents these days (sometimes) use TV and computers as babysitters...others still believe in actually spending time with the kid, playing outside, etc. E-books and online is all the rage...I still like to buy paper books because electronic ones just aren't the same. You say "temporary product, fleece the customer and move to something new and do it again and make more money"...I say "give better products and services, make just as much money, and quit trying to dumb down your customer base, and maybe you won't have to change products every 90 days just to keep em buying". I come from an old world view of honor and principles and craftsmanship and simply will never understand nor accept cheaper, selfish, wasteful, dishonorable, etc. I believe if you put in the effort then things don't have to disappear. Monopoly is a simple game with paper money and a cardboard play field, invented a long time ago. You can play it online now, and even play slots and other games based on it. Guess what? Parker Brothers still makes millions selling the original game. Why? Because that company does good business, has some standards, and doesn't trash a good thing just to make a quick buck on the next fad; instead, they support every product they have which sells, and still keep adding new ones. The difference here is you seem to want me to excuse the poor business practices you describe just because it's the status quo. Well, my final word on it is a quote from my Momma: "If everybody else jumps off a bridge are you going to do it too?" My answer is, NO.[/QUOTE]
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