
Discussion in 'General Archive' started by doormouse, Mar 9, 2015.

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  1. billyjim

    billyjim User

    Or for those from the eighties Tom Selleck as "Magnum PI". or the seventies kids the "Brady Bunch" :rolleyes::p:eek:
  2. Geflin

    Geflin User

    Here's another good reason the devs need to revamp events: higher players who are stuck with rewards they don't need, can't use, or can generate more cost effectively from rent without events and the accompanying resources expenditures. Not to mention, Level 3-4 Mastery Challenges that require collecting rent while an event is running or collecting drop items from residents of a given building; annoying when to complete a mastery challenge one must do an event (and expend resources) and the also be stuck with buildings and deco that are not needed or wanted. I already have like two dozen Modern Pier Houses, what do I want more for? I'm running out of land as is. And I'm sure others have this same issue. At the very least they need to create a set of events just for higher Levels.

    They have done so before: this is why there's a Farmer's Market and Children's Festival...and then an Art Exposition. Lumberjack event is tailored for lower-mid levels, since you have to have bakeries to complete everything. Biker Rally is so heavy on brewery items it is clearly for upper Levels, maybe not the highest ones but still; especially with the soybeans and tofu dogs and the ungodly long grow/bake times. Rock Festival is kind of all around, but still has changes for higher Levels. So why not a set of weekly events (four) designed for higher Levels (say 40 + ) and those are the events you get from that point? Everyone would still get to go through the other events as they leveled up, so it's not like anyone would be missing out. Maybe I should start a thread and poll for this:rolleyes:?
    Erica likes this.
  3. Arsuru

    Arsuru User

    I've said it before and I'll say it again, but any permanent barrier to an event or tier is a bad idea. New, high-level-only tiers are fine and logical, but barring access to lower tiers is a stupid design choice because it can lock you out of content. There is no way to guarantee that people will have done an earlier tier and/or gotten the reward, or gotten as many as they would like. A lot of us are missing out on the farmer's market and children's festival already because those levels go by really fast. So either new events or new tiers for existing ones, but no replacing what you have access to as the current system does.

    Likewise, event rewards can easily be cycled, just like they used to do. I'm up to 44 extra modern pier home permits now. I'll have more than enough to cover all of the shore land before long. That's just ridiculous, though for now there isn't a ton of competition there anyway.
    Erica likes this.
  4. billyjim

    billyjim User

    So stop yapping and start building those seaside nests for all of those "Lady Birds". You fowl you. :D:rolleyes:
    Geflin likes this.
  5. Geflin

    Geflin User

    Only one of them tyvm....and she'd slap me with her lil' green hat if I did any such thing (*holds up sign that reads: The Kitty Made Me Do It*)
  6. piche413

    piche413 User

    I have to agree with you because we don't know what we will need for commercial buildings with a new playfield expansion. We could always do the Lumberjack finals to get a Hollywood diner and other events for other ones that we could need without spending MM.
    billyjim likes this.
  7. Geflin

    Geflin User

    I see and agree with your point. There still needs to be different events for (most) higher Level players who have done every event several times over. New high level tiers are good...but frankly, none of the events are really worth bothering with when your rent produces 3/4 of what "prizes" the event would get you, and you have dozens of essentially useless building permits. I actually do have Modern Pier houses lining about 80% of my seacoast. I agree that's ridiculous, though the extra rent is nice.
  8. billyjim

    billyjim User

    I agree with you both also. But, the proposition does not have to be all one way or the other. The creation of a few higher level only events could be coupled with some of the more basic events (Flea Market comes to mind) and higher tiers added to some of the other events (Rock Festival, maybe a Rock and Roll blow out ala Woodstock or Monterrey. That would solve the issue with both solutions.
  9. Arsuru

    Arsuru User

    That is exactly what I meant by new tiers, but that alone wouldn't solve both issues though unless we were given access to either the higher or lower tiers. I wouldn't want to be barred from the Flea Market for example, and the Antiquity Fair, the event is the same but the reward is different between tiers, and you're barred from the lower one. It's too easy to miss. So my way is the only way. :p Playgrounds and windmills for all!
  10. Geflin

    Geflin User

    Another solution: Once you pass a certain Level/Tier, and special items (playgrounds, windmills, etc.) could be added as gold backed permits to the Designer Depot, and you'd be able to win them with Booster Packs or Comet Packs, from the Loot-O-Matic, or even buy them with MM. That would solve THAT issue nicely. I agree with Sir Billyjim ... no solution need be all one way or the other ;) Bottom line is we need new content for players who have been around awhile without depriving lower level players; then again, if I first played RC today and there was not even a Farmer's Market/Children's Festival at all....but a new event with whatever prizes...I really wouldn't know I'd missed out on much of anything.
    promaster202 likes this.
  11. Arsuru

    Arsuru User

    I'd thought of options like that, but for me it defeats a lot of the purpose of the events. Chucking it to lottery seems like a bad idea. It thins the existing pool of rewards and the odds might be terrible. The level-lock has always been one of my main complaints. What I like about simply removing it is that it keeps the events useful, forces you to choose what rewards benefit you more, allows you to still have some fun on a lower level/tier if you don't have time/need/desire/ability for a higher one, and doesn't complicate the current system. It should be simple to implement with no foreseeable negative impact. Everyone gets what they want, with minimal change. It's win-win.
  12. Good evening,

    I agree, there should be some new events and new prizes. :)

    Yours Sincerely,


    captain123456 | ID 9168786​
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