Summer special event:2015/2016

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by promaster202, Apr 1, 2015.

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Would you like to see a summer special event in 2015/2016?

Poll closed Apr 1, 2016.
  1. Yes, this is a good idea for a new special event, please make it happen:)

  2. No,i don't like the special events, the existing events are enough.

    0 vote(s)
  3. Other (Please post your other idea) don't be shy :)

    0 vote(s)
Multiple votes are allowed.
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  1. Ok, here we go for the fist time ;). I am impressed with the responses and ideas everyone gave me in an other thread about the summer event. Knowing how long it takes BP to make new things, I and some friends figured if we brought it up again and maybe add a poll, we might actually see this happen this year or next year. The poll might consolidate the main point they we want a new event.

    As for my own suggestions: this would be a nine stage event (much like the other holiday based events). For the top prize(s) there could be a decoration named floating water park and maybe a special residential building named summer house. instead of Epic RI(s) there will be permits of housing,commercial ans special.
    Drop items could be sun cream bottle,blankets and sand playing toys.street boulder items could be seashells,streamers,balloons and fireworks . Production requirements could include the ''normal'' production (beams,ebony and brushwood)

    So here's hoping a lot of you will take the time to share your thoughts and ideas maybe the devs would decide that they would give us the new event that we all want (summer special event 2015/2016). That gives them plenty of time to implement the idea (or some time:D). Please cast a vote and leave a comment with your ideas and opinions. Thank you, my fellow Mayors friends :);)
    (in the next post i will make the event, the devs can change what they want but keep the requirement names the same. i only gave the base;))
    hedymay and tpaintdoc05 like this.
  2. welcome summer.
    ''hey mayor summer is around the corner,why dont we organize a welcome summer party?''

    Special Rewards:

    Decorations:floating water park
    housing: summer house

    1250 Beams
    250 Ebony
    Prod. Points
    2,500 City Credits
    2900 Ebony
    350 Brushwood
    City Credits
    2 permits for
    'limber mill'
    3400 sand500 sea water13,000 [​IMG]
    Metro Money
    1 permit for
    'Designer Duplex'
    4300 sand
    ---14,500 [​IMG]
    Prod. Points
    2 permits for
    'water tower'
    5200 seashells--15,000 [​IMG]
    10 Master Keys
    1 permit for
    'bed & breakfast'
    6400 watermelons600 papayas17,500 [​IMG]
    Metro Money
    1 permit for
    'sky center'
    7200 blankets400 sun cream
    20,000 [​IMG]
    Edu. Points
    2 permits for
    'slate manor'
    8500 streamers500 balloons
    25,500 [​IMG]
    City Credits
    1 permit for
    'floating water park'
    9300 fireworks--35,500 [​IMG]
    125 Vitamin-X
    1 permit for
    'summer house'

    Special Items
    seashells-appear on streets ( costs 50 CC and takes 10 seconds)sand - Produced in brickyard
    Production Time: 3h
    Production Points: 60/80/100
    Base Output: 50/70/100
    sea water - Produced in Farm
    Production Time: 2h
    Production Points: 40/60/90
    Base Output: 20/40/80
    watermelons- Produced in Farm
    Production Time: 4h
    Production Points: 120/180/270
    Base Output: 40/80/160
    papayas - Produced in Farm
    Production Time: 6h
    Production Points: 240/360/540
    Base Output: 60/120/240
    fireworks-appear on streets ( costs 50 CC and takes 10 seconds)
    sand playing toys- drop from STUDENTS residents when collecting rent
    sun cream bottle - drop from WORKER residents when collecting rent
    blankets- drop from CAPITALIST residents when collecting rent
    streamers - appear on streets ( costs 50 CC and takes 10 seconds)
    tpaintdoc05 likes this.
  3. billyjim

    billyjim User

    Looks nice Promaster202. Two lumber Mills that is being ambitious. But, no one ever got much by being timid. Love it as usual.
    promaster202 likes this.
  4. for the hard work they will do they deserve a good prize
    billyjim likes this.
  5. Geflin

    Geflin User

    I really like the fireworks and watermelons parts; and the overall idea of a Summer special event is just so cool:cool: Would the "floating water park" be some kind of mega-decoration (say like 1,000+ to mood)? They had something like that in the Mystery Buildings Seasons....but those are hard to get...would be nice to have a more certain chance at one. Also like the "summer house" idea...could have a column porch and maybe a picnic table and tree on a 2x2 plot? You did good work on this idea...hey, devs, let's do this?
    promaster202 likes this.
  6. billyjim

    billyjim User

    Mr. Bird are you trying to say you would like one of our gracious Southern Antebellum Classic Greek Revival style plantation houses for your summer cottage, sir. Sounds like "Twelve Oaks" from "Gone with the Wind" to me.
    Or more City life:
    or more Historical
    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    So many choices to choose from and these are only a few of the Greek Revival ones from the US. Do not even get me started with the European and Asian variants. Not to mention the other styles and periods of Architecture. :p
    Geflin likes this.
  7. Geflin

    Geflin User

    Why yes Sir, I do believe that is exactly what Mr. Bird was trying to say. Any one of the three in the top row would be nice (especially the middle one with the pitched roofing). Have a mint julip, good Sir Cat, and thank you. Now, wherever did I leave my Seersucker feathers? Mercy me.
    billyjim likes this.
  8. billyjim

    billyjim User

    Well, sur, weese juest haf to do what weese can for ya! Come on down to the Plantation my friend the Mint Julep's are ready, even though that is more Kentuckian than Southern. Then again it is only Spring time the Azaela's are starting to bloom and the Magnolias are begining to bud. We have not gotten to the really hot days yet and the mosquitoes and alligators are still manageable.
  9. Geflin

    Geflin User

    Best be pecan pie n' some fatback on cornbread....y'hear? Feed ya to the Bougainvillaea if'n there ain't pecan pie. Would love to see us get a mansion like one of those though, I do declare ;)
  10. billyjim

    billyjim User

    It ain't a meal with out corn bread and if you are good some fresh honey from the hive. Have to butcher me a hog for your visit and render it into some BBQ before it gets to hot and add some Collards, Pull some crabs or shrimp from the inlet and maybe a little seafood from the ocean, if I am lucky. Would love to have a large plantation style house also, would look good on the seashore or the burbs. :cool:
  11. Geflin

    Geflin User

    Will pick you up a nice fat salmon on my way (fresh outta the Pacific Ocean) jus' you have that blackened redfish rub ready for it. I was thinking of putting my such plantation mansion next to one of the Ranch farms...right proper like. Oh, don't be forgetting the okra.
  12. i like them all but the one i like the best is: [​IMG] .

    yes your right geflin.
    Geflin likes this.
  13. billyjim

    billyjim User

    Thomas Jefferson would be proud. ;)
  14. Geflin

    Geflin User

    Now, if'n someone can jes' locate B'rer Rabbit and have him tell the devs we want this, mayhap we'll soon be sitting under the moss covered willows having our feast ;)
  15. billyjim

    billyjim User

    Yes Uncle Remus, you jus' does that. :cool:
  16. Kiriana

    Kiriana User

    Way to go promaster:D You have my vote on this one. *Puts on sunglasses and pours cold lemonade*
  17. Good evening,

    Yes I would like a summer special event. Thank you for poll.

    Yours Sincerely,


    captain123456 | ID 9168786​
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