Production Faclity Mastery/Level 4 Upgrades

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Geflin, Apr 8, 2015.

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Should Production Facilities Get Mastery Challenge/Level 4 Upgrades?

Poll closed Oct 8, 2015.
  1. Yes, this would provide needed extra production and be consistent with exisiting game structure.

  2. No, there is no need for more production capacity.

  3. Other (Please state what in a reply to the post)

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  1. brucenic

    brucenic User

    Krassandra - "That's just a theory. It may happen in real life market. RC doesn't have a true market..."

    While it is only a game, the market in RC operates exactly as would be expected.
    Remember, the RC market is driven entirely by real people making what they believe are rational choices.
    There are goods which are desired, and a currency, which must be earned, with which to pay.
    When there are insufficient goods, the price rises.
    Modifying the game to allow extra production (paid for with double PP) would have the following effect:
    The mastery or RI equivalent would initially be paid for with MM probably making RC some cash.
    Production would rise, but the extra PP needed would mean that residences would need to be changed to workers instead of capitalists.
    Less CC would be available for the market.
    Goods would be less desirable.
    Prices would drop, and a new equilibrium would be found.
    And you can be sure it would be an equilibrium - the market would not crash.
    Because if it did then you could continue with capitalists and buy the dirt cheap goods.

    And yes Krassandra, I believe you are trolling but I'm just hoping RC is listening anyway.
    Geflin and ☺lya like this.
  2. ☺lya

    ☺lya User

    By discussion of Production Facilities problem is very important to consider the mayor's level. You haven't known yet that means to be mayor of a big or very big city with a lot of residential buildings but at the same time have production capacity like by mayors 20+ level.
    Last edited: Apr 11, 2015
  3. MisterN68

    MisterN68 User

    I decided to vote "other" because multiple votes r not allowed. Yes, im also in favour 4 mastery system. But what i really would like is reducing of production times 4 products with 8 hours or more production time (hops, tiles, roof tiles, all brewery products, etc.).
    Yes i Know about instant finish, but dont always want to use MMs 4 that. I suggest that max prod. time is 8 hours reagrdless of product (Those products under 8 hours will of course stay what they r now (Tomatoes 20 mins, potatoes 3h 30m etc).

    Andrewjf likes this.
  4. Arsuru

    Arsuru User

    Yes, if you haven't reached about level 35 yet, the original level cap before any expansions, you probably won't start feeling any shortage. The game has grown a lot, production hasn't. If you're so good at calculating, this should be evident. I noticed it way before it was actually a problem, simply due to time required to manufacture and market prices.

    You have your own ideology, and that is fine, but you aren't backing it up well. What you are proposing is more inflation, which generally stimulates demand, and which most virtual economies try to avoid. You can call it a theory all you want, but I've given more examples of why it should work than you have for your theory. We see it in action during events already. It works. It's held true for all the time I have played. It's only logical that reversing the trend will rectify the situation.

    If you want to continue thinking the principles don't apply here, then I feel you're deluded. RC's market is dynamic like many online games so the 'academic' principles are even more applicable here than games with static prices. They have been applied to virtual economies for a long time and can usually function more ideally. At least one MMO has hired real economists. It's supply, demand, and scarcity. There isn't anything else for me to say about it. If you want to continue, at least explain why you think your proposition will actually work and why ours won't. You seem to be alone in your thinking here. If your idea has value that would actually rectify the situation, it isn't coming across. Or we can just disagree.

    And what is wrong with wanting to fulfill every house's needs? You are encouraged to by the game. It's like hard mode in RC, trying to fit as much as you can. It's a valid goal that is unattainable because of a broken economy that also leaves capitalists mostly useless. The market indicates that a lot of people probably want to supply all of their residents, or at least most. If that wasn't the case, we'd have more offers on the market, not disproportionate amounts of offers for wheat. It's not balanced to pay for food at a loss instead of upgrading buildings. And if you haven't noticed, RC's scale is absurd; it's not only commercial grouping that isn't always realistic. Upgrading commercials helps that illusion, but it has nothing to do with any attempted rectification of supply. Supplying, yes, not supply.

    I for one actually do have dozens of shops around me. I even live above a pizza restaurant and furniture store. :p

    That is only forum registration date, which will be no earlier than November 2013 as the forums were updated then and accounts couldn't be transferred. It isn't tied to game account creation date, and there is always the chance that someone can make a newer account. I've been playing longer than my join date here.

    The times themselves are generally balanced, I think, it's the total output that isn't. You can calculate most things to fit within 24 hours nicely with a little breathing room, you just have to figure out what fits your schedule and take advantage of when you won't be at the computer. Farms are pretty well balanced in times, I feel. Dairies allow for two runs of Gouda and one of Swiss easily, which is sufficient to acquire surplus for now. If you have all of your building on reduced rent timer, then yeah, it might not be enough.

    Tiles though… Yeah, tiles. Maybe enough reduction to allow an extra run of bricks between. Could say the same for roof tiles. That would improve that situation slightly. Brewery times are a bit off too, but with proper alteration can be quite workable over a longer period, but keeping them in line with farms is harder.

    You'd normally buy what you don't make, but prices make that a generally loosing proposition.
    Last edited: Apr 12, 2015
    Geflin likes this.
  5. piche413

    piche413 User

    A lot of us rely on resources to keep our commercial buildings filled to sustain our resident's needs. As you level up you will see that more supply is needed. Often I have to hit the marketplace to purchase different items because my bakeries and farms can't keep up with the demand. Often I have to purchase barley or hops to keep my breweries going to keep up with the residential needs for these products also . That is in my opinion we need an increase in production. You will probably disagree with me but you'll see what we are talking about once you reach level 35+.

    When first starting out I thought that we were getting enough resources but once I reached level 35 I changed my tune because it started getting tougher to meet all the residential needs. I think that the balance( as you say ) needs to adjusted as you reach a certain level.
    Last edited: Apr 12, 2015
  6. piche413

    piche413 User

    You just stated that the imbalance is great.

    So you keep talking balance so what do you think would be a good balance once you reach levels 35+?
  7. MisterN68

    MisterN68 User

    That's why i havent upgraded my breweries to level 3 yet, farms (all 8 of them) r at highest level.
    I agree with others, this is a question of balance: A) You need products (groceries) to keep ur residence happy (and earn pp's etc) -> B) u need pp's to product (higher output of products = more pp's needed) -> C) 4 more pp's more workers r needed (residence) -> D) Back to A and circle starts again.
    How u keep the balance then? I think there's 3 options: Either reducing production time or increasing output or both.

  8. piche413

    piche413 User

    How is tweaking the rent/needs system going to solve anything. You are still going to have high prices in the marketplace and a lack of goods being produced.
  9. billyjim

    billyjim User

    In my city I really only have one money source, rent. I use the factories to produce products mostly for my city's consumption. I have little or no problem with production point creation, city cash, or experience point gathering. Kassandra would classify me as a "top" though I am actually more of a mid level player. Yes the levels in the upper twenties through the thirties are tough on production and maintaining the city. But as I grew my city these issues became more managable for me. My solution was to maintain a balance in all things and to be willing to tweak the balance as needed. Patience will usually solve these issues.
    Andrewjf likes this.
  10. brucenic

    brucenic User

    Krassandra have you been playing about a month and are at level 20-25?

    If so much of what you say makes sense, but you are arguing with people who are in a completely different situation.

    I commented before elsewhere that the inadequacy of manufacturing creating huge prices must be making the game very easy for new starts. I sold beams, tomatoes and potatoes when I was starting to get badly needed cash. Prices now are way way higher, which results in an easy ride for new starts that sounds very much like what Krassandra is describing.

    Unlimited manufacturing permits (or mastery) at any level would make it even easier for newbies and would not be a good thing. The increases should only be awarded as higher levels are reached.

    Making houses more profitable will only raise market prices further - it is not a solution.
    piche413 likes this.
  11. piche413

    piche413 User

    That is also my way of thinking.
  12. piche413

    piche413 User

    I can see what you mean and agree.
  13. Geflin

    Geflin User

    Good points on all sides, yes. Unavoidable fact: some of us just want to play our city, have fun, develop and grow, and do events. We don't use the market to sell for exorbitant prices, we don't want extra production to stockpile and sell for millions, we upgrade for the fun of achievement, etc. Where most of my issues with this discussion arise is everyone's entitled to their opinions but when your 'opinion' is to argue with everyone just for the fun of arguing because you think to do otherwise is boring then in my opinion you are hijacking the thread's purpose and disrupting the forum. There is a definite need for additional production, if only to allow players to keep up with the exponential population increases. Import and export is fine to a point, but forcing that rather than allowing players to be relatively self sufficient, is what drives up market prices...not a 'flood' of supplies to the market. Those selling for such high prices in the market know we cannot produce needed materials ourselves, and that they can command much higher prices because of it. If one could make bricks enough for one's purposes using one's PP and brickyards, one would not expend one's CC's buying bricks that cost 4-5k each. As I have been saying, these are basic economic principles, taught by experts in economics all over the world in accredited educational institutions. They apply to any marketplace; they are the basic laws of supply and demand, scarcity, marginal costs and benefits, elasticity and equilibrium. These core principles don't reverse themselves because it's a digital marketplace. Level 4 Mastery Challenges and the attendant production capacity increases would allow players who have advanced to the levels where extra production capacity is legitimately needed to earn that ability. This would not imbalance the game, especially not in the (reverse) 'flood the market with supply and prices will increase even more 'rhetoric' that is not even a true and accurate representation of what would actually happen in any given market. @Arsuru: agree with much of what you said, very astute observations, Sir.
    Last edited: Apr 13, 2015
  14. Hello everyone , I agree with the production thing, i think more levels of upgrading the buildings and faciltys should be added but they should be cheaper to upgrade and cheaper to fix, there should be less hasil with upgrading , I know it's good but to good, , maybe make it so that it would be fair and equal, the game mechanics are good. There should be more reward of quests and objectives for upgrading the buildings also voted. (edit)

    Yours Sincerely,

    captain123456 | ID 9168786
    Last edited by moderator: Apr 13, 2015
  15. billyjim

    billyjim User

    There are many ways to resolve this problem. The most simple (not in any order of preference):
    • Increase production (Supply siders)
    • reduce requirements for upgrades and fulfillments (Reduce Consumption)
    • Increase gifts, rewards, etc. (Subsidies)
    • Some hybrid of them all.
    All have been proposed and it has been left up to the developers to decide which method, if any, will be implimented. If it does happen the final product will probably make all of us excited at first, then angry, followed by acceptance of the situation.
  16. Good evening,

    Yes i think we agree that production buildings should get mastary leavel 4, the houses should be upgraded to the max because it would best, i like the idea of higher levels please ad this devs= higher levels.

    Yours Sincerely,

    Captain123456 or chess captain

    captain123456 | ID 9168786​
  17. Andrewjf

    Andrewjf User

    Interesting debate. At the moment I'm at Level 28.75 with nearly 2000 residents; 1000 of these as workers and the remains split pretty much 50/50 Students and (mostly useless in terms of gameplay) Capitalists. (The Capitalists only survive in my city for events really). It does seem(?) that the Level 4 Upgrades to residences, leaving Production and commercial buildings at Level 3 was done for balance. Either that or BP simply got sidetracked by other commitments or forgot to provide a further upgrade level for production/commercial buildings.

    For long term/high level players, was there an issue that you were over producing product (in terms of residency needs) before the Level 4 Residency update?

    Either way, I am currently frustrated by some of the Events (I am determined to get the elusive Biker Lodge and the RV Van - but have failed at every attempt so far! lol) as my production facilities cannot produce enough of the "special" products in the allotted time frame, so I am all for an available production upgrade (or simply a few (one of each) more permits) to make the game a little more enjoyable. I have another tongue in cheek thread somewhere here where I suggested making capitalists more useful in terms of Production (and I am still of this mind), but any improvements in production that get approved by the BP board of Directors is fine by me :)
  18. billyjim

    billyjim User

    For long term/high level players, was there an issue that you were over producing product (in terms of residency needs) before the Level 4 Residency update?

    The simple answer to your question is yes. There is a time when the construction of the city can get easily out of balance and yield to much production and not enough cash. So be careful.
    Andrewjf likes this.
  19. Andrewjf

    Andrewjf User

    Thanks Billy, that makes things a little clearer in respect of why the Level 4 upgrades were put in place. And yes, I hear you on the balancing act. Thanks :)
  20. Geflin

    Geflin User

    I just wanted to say that as production currently stands, being Level 44 and such, that I must either commit my mills and brickyards to stockpiling for construction purposes and therefore forgo any events (which I hate to do when it comes to special events) or delay construction...or turn to the marketplace and spend almost all my CCs buying construction materials, just to try and catch up. At this rate, it will take me (literally) years just to get to all the Mastery Challenges and Level 4 upgrades. While it's true this gives me something to do...and this is mostly a plan and be patient game...there's something about taking several weeks of constantly expending every resource at my disposal just to upgrade a dozen of one type of building that takes the wind out of the fun of playing. I keep a very balanced city and almost all my production is fully upgraded, and for the most part all is well. But I do think production needs a slight increase to accommodate the aforementioned. I would rather produce my own or at least pay fair prices for what I must buy, than to continue to choose between ridiculously slow accumulation of needed materials or ridiculously exorbitant market prices. Even if increased production results in more marketplace activity, one would presume more supply would result in somebody offering lower prices. I know when I do sell materials I always post it at a slightly lower price than the lowest price shown if I can.
    Last edited: Jun 1, 2015
    Andrewjf likes this.
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