Golden Linings Estate Population Bug

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Geflin, Apr 19, 2015.

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  1. Geflin

    Geflin User

    My ID#6153803. Just upgraded my Golden Linings Estate to Level 3 and now have the populations bug effect (like 2k extra capitalists shown on total population). I know you guys have been working on this, was just wondering if a fix was in the works (have you gotten any closer to fixing it?). I am saving up for the Megaopoilis upgrade on City Hall and am unsure how this bug might affect that. Please advise...thank you for your time and assistance.
  2. The golden lings bug has not Been fixed, although I have been told the devs are working on it,
    we are recommending that no one upgrades their estate past level 2 as the amount of extra population is 2600 ao when posting your details in the top 100 players need to subtract this amount from their total. Also moving the estate will add another 2600 to your population.
  3. Geflin

    Geflin User

    Have no plans to move the thing, it's right where I want it. Also not planning to post for the Top 100. Just curious: will the bug affect upgrading City Hall since the Quests/Tasks for that include reaching a certain population level? I was already over 7k for my residents so should be ok on the next City Hall upgrade or two...but who knows, right? Hopefully the devs will get the bug fixed soon. Seems like it would be an easy fix...but if they don't know what's causing it, then it would not be so easy, hmmm? Thanks for the info. Please keep us posted.
  4. no it wont affect anything else, you will know as soon as we do ;) when the fix is done
    Geflin likes this.
  5. Geflin

    Geflin User

    Cool, thanks for that info; it was the only part I was actually worried about. Just spent about $40 on MM and upgraded my favorites around my city (to save endless waiting on construction materials to pile up). One of these was taking my City Hall from Level 5 to Level 8, and was considering Level 9 until I saw that glitch. No matter, as I will be stockpiling materials for quite some time to cover all the Level 4 upgrades I have yet to do. Thank you for the fast response ;) You mods are great :D
    Andrewjf likes this.
  6. always happy to help, will close here now. ;)
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