Booster Pack Bragging Blog

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Geflin, Apr 10, 2015.

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  1. Geflin

    Geflin User

    Alright, let's lighten up the gloomy mood for a bit 'round here :D I have recently run the "Safety Patrol, +200 % Emergencies" several times in order to accumulate more medals for booster packs; I have even bought MM to be able to do so. In fact, I have (sort of) replaced doing events with doing the Emergencies (because I have found the rewards well worth it). The construction materials alone have been a huge blessing. But this is a build your city game, and we all are (justifiably) proud of the results of our hard work as Mayors :) So I am starting this thread to stir up some friendly chit chat for a change .... here's the main purpose: tell us what building(s) you have won from your booster packs, tell us what your favorite(s) are amongst what you've won, or tell us what you're looking to win. If you've upgraded or augmented or whatever, do a little preening (like Gollum and his preciousssssssssss :rolleyes:) and tell us what you've achieved and how. Show us a picture of your building(s) if you like. Just a bunch o' Mayors hanging out at the local beer garden or smoothie bar, comparing notes n' talkin' shop:cool: I think this will be fun, and a chance for everyone to be supportive of each other:p

    As for the Old Bird's city: I have won two "Water Towers" which are nice additions near the coastline, but by far my favorite is my one and only Futuristic Tower Block from the Platinum packs. It is currently Level 3 with a couple Epic RIs and producing nearly 8k rent every cycle. Can't wait to see it at Level 4; it is so pretty with the black and red tones and the silvery glass windows. Wish I knew how to post a picture of it here.

    As for what I am looking to get...well, I missed the "Space Needle" looking things in the Copper pack selection, and don't know how I would manage to even get copper medals these days without a lot of hard work deliberately under-training specialists (and then hoping to get lucky); but hey, you can't have it all (can you?);) But still well within my grasp (Silver pack) is that gorgeous Old Fire House residential...and the Booster Pack Shop images for the Gold pack show an old mansion style house (blue with peaks) that I wouldn't mind having one of. So have my wingtips crossed and will keep trying.
    *kimmi*, Jess, Erica and 1 other person like this.
  2. brucenic

    brucenic User

    I got one Manor from golds - its the old mansion style house. It's big at 4x3 but gives 23k every cycle. :):)
    I think I heard that someone had gotten 3 of those :confused:

    I can't even remember the space needle thing - did anyone get one in a higher pack?
    captain123456 likes this.
  3. Arsuru

    Arsuru User

    I've gotten like, eight water towers, six surfer vans, a couple box cars, luxury boat houses, designer apartments and several residential towers, 32 sunrise lofts, a mystery building (season one I think, from silver too, contrary to the booster image), like 4 each of chapel and skatepark… Plenty of regular permits too.

    Edit: A handful of windfarms too.

    It's me that got three manors, probably. Only built two. Some other 'show me what you got' threads seem to indicate they are simply more common than other exclusives.

    I really want some futuristic towers and old fire departments and the observation tower.

    But I've stopped for now. Haven't opened a single pack this year. I think they need to update the boosters to include all the new buildings and decorations. I certainly won't use the patrol until then. I have enough of most regular buildings and have bought others that they aren't much of a reward and the lack of new buildings in the pool make trying for exclusives less attractive given their odds. Don't want to make this gloomy though.

    If you need coppers, just use people that you wouldn't normally keep — like those that start with low stats — and just put points into efficiency. Use them until you get a more desirable trainee. I only keep someone if they have dedication on gold so I can get the most out of my EP, so I have a few efficiency-based people to help control medal type/quantity. Easy to get silver instead of gold, as I don't even want another mansion.
    Last edited: Apr 10, 2015
  4. Geflin

    Geflin User

    I had forgotten about those Sunrise Lofts. Have almost a dozen, and they look nice on the coast of the 'burbs. Still need the Manor and Old Fire House. @Arsuru, good luck with the Futuristic Tower Block.

    New Wish: Platinum Pack "Mystery Building" just to find out what sort of goodies are hiding there ;)

    Edit: Sunday 4/19/2015 and the Platinum pack just coughed up a Luxury Houseboat. As there is loads of water space yet to be filled, this is a nice catch (pun fully intended).
    Last edited: Apr 20, 2015
    captain123456, Andrewjf and Erica like this.
  5. Jess

    Jess User

    4 x Bronze Booster Packs = 4 x Sunrise Lofts. One after the other. Amazing :D
  6. Geflin

    Geflin User

    Nice! Way to go ;)
    captain123456, Jess and Andrewjf like this.
  7. Wow!!! You should be buying Lotto tickets!!! :D
    captain123456, Jess and Andrewjf like this.
  8. Kiriana

    Kiriana User

    Sadly, I have never accumulated enough medals to have any real luck at booster packs:oops:. I will get there though. Would really love to win a Manor House, that one looks pretty :p.
    captain123456, Andrewjf and Jess like this.
  9. Andrewjf

    Andrewjf User

    250 MM from Comet Pack 1. Woohoo !! :D Thanks BP :cool:
    captain123456, Kiriana and Jess like this.
  10. Andrewjf

    Andrewjf User

    Not exactly a booster pack, but 380,000 CC's from the Lottery this morning!! Yay!! :D:cool::p
    captain123456 likes this.
  11. Kiriana

    Kiriana User

    Way to Go!:cool::p:D
    captain123456 and Andrewjf like this.
  12. city8936

    city8936 User

    the other night on my comet pack {6} i got 2*250.00MM and 2*40.000CC&2*10.000CC.i think that has got to be the best i ever received and on the loot wheel i only get dumb deco's so i stop buying them.but i now am really liking those comets so i am trying to level up faster;););)
  13. Kiriana

    Kiriana User

    Well, now, if we're adding Looties and such...then I am kinda proud of the Pagoda house and Sakura tree my Lootie coughed up. They look pretty together out on my sea coast:p Still working on the booster packs, and Comets seem to give me a nice balance of CC and MM with some Vitamin X and Keys. Overall, I am :D
    NicFair2006 and captain123456 like this.
  14. skb13

    skb13 User

    Ah, well today I cashed in 50 gold booster packs, and I got:
    63x 1* RI's
    1x 3* RI
    Quite a bit of EP, PP, CC and XP (including one 22000 XP!)
    Some decos, and some permits:
    1x Studio Apartment
    1x Box Car Flat
    1x Comfy Apartment
    1x Modern Row House
    3x Sunrise Lofts
    1x Urban Hi-Rise
    1x Surfer Van
    1x Manor (my first)
    Now I need another playfield to place all those! :D
  15. Good Evening,

    I want to ask is it random or is it set in a game how and what types of improvements you get, I was wondering that because I am interested. :)

    Yours Sincerely,


    captain123456 | ID 9168786
  16. skb13

    skb13 User

    It's completely random, as far as I'm aware.
    captain123456 likes this.
  17. billyjim

    billyjim User

    How can you resist opening the bonus packs when you get them. To gather together fifty of them and cash them all in at once. I am jealous. :cool:
    captain123456 likes this.
  18. Arsuru

    Arsuru User

    And I just got another Water Tower from the loot-o-matic. Wrong tower! :mad: I'll give them away at this rate! Update that too, BP. All those other permits are MIA.
    captain123456 likes this.
  19. Geflin

    Geflin User

    WTG! Am jealous of the Manor (congrats :) )
    captain123456 likes this.
  20. Good Evening,

    Thank you for telling me the answer , this game is nice to play on. :)

    Yours Sincerely,


    captain123456 | ID 9168786
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