Production Faclity Mastery/Level 4 Upgrades

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Geflin, Apr 8, 2015.

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Should Production Facilities Get Mastery Challenge/Level 4 Upgrades?

Poll closed Oct 8, 2015.
  1. Yes, this would provide needed extra production and be consistent with exisiting game structure.

  2. No, there is no need for more production capacity.

  3. Other (Please state what in a reply to the post)

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  1. billyjim

    billyjim User

    When I sell products it depends on the situation. If I need CC's fast I will price the products at a lower price and go for the quick sale. If I am trying to unload some excess product, I will price it closer to the lowest stable price. That means the lowest price with multiple offers. Going for the ultimate return on investment.

    When I go shopping I set a price I will not pay over. A recent example Donuts over 500 CC's, I bought all of them below this price six batches of ten, two batches of thiry, one batch of a hundred and one batch at five hundred. I am fortunate to have a decent supply of CC's on hand to be able to buy these (It has taken three years to accumulate). As Geflin says planning is the key and patience is a virtue, but it does get tiring some days.

    That is why I like Geflin's original idea and offering the three options like the residences is a brilliant solution to the issue. :D
    Kiriana, Andrewjf and Geflin like this.
  2. Andrewjf

    Andrewjf User

    I like the Idea of "Industrial Improvements" similar I guess to how RI's work ?

    I have tried to find a thread on this suggestion alone but it eludes me. The search just brings up this thread ?
  3. Arsuru

    Arsuru User

    It's been mentioned in several places before, but notably this thread.
  4. Andrewjf

    Andrewjf User

    Thanks Arsuru, I had made a comment in it and forgotten, but that was towards it's end. Have just taken some time to read through the whole "debate" but of course the gameplay has changed somewhat since the 18 months or so that's passed since the thread started (Dec 2013). The whole issue is complex, but perhaps any production increases would be better "short term" rather than permanent ie Industrial Improvements. If they are permanent, most of the Event's would need to be re-looked at (at the least). Even though most of the Event's are still frustrating for me at my level (although getting a little easier), they are "challenging" and therefore keep my interest. That thread has a lot of "more haste less speed" connotations, and I'm guessing a lot of this is driven by fast MM city builders. I'm not sure, and no doubt my views will change as I slowly climb in levels. If I removed events from the picture I currently would have no production issues to speak of. As levels climb different buildings with different needs (ie different production buildings) are required. I would assume that any new playing field would (should) also come with different needs/production requirements.
  5. Geflin

    Geflin User

    I don't necessarily have production issues in the immediate sense...but I have many buildings I've never upgraded past Level 1 because I focused on upgrading higher value buildings first. With the advent of Mastery Challenges and Lev. 4 upgrades and two new play fields, I soon realized that at maximum population I was going to start having serious issues supplying needs to my residents. Since I intend to reach that maximum population at some point I must address the supply/production shortage. Thus I conceived of this idea (with the help and input of others). I am very happy to see it so well received in the overall sense. Hopefully some good will eventually come from it :)
    Andrewjf likes this.
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