Development of Rising Cities?

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Tobbe61, Aug 2, 2015.

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  1. billyjim

    billyjim User

    I have been playing the game almost three years and I have never seen when there were not complaints
    Tobbe61 likes this.
  2. Tobbe61

    Tobbe61 User

    Further a day of many days cineplex not work! :-(

    Further a day of many days cineplex not work. Further a day of many days I dont get payed.
    Last edited by moderator: Aug 14, 2015
  3. s.c.lynx

    s.c.lynx Game Administrator Team RisingCities

    Tobbe61 I have merged and deleted one of your posts. The forum rules do not allow double posting. The correct method of adding to a post is to use the Edit function. Continual double posting can lead to disciplinary action. Thanks
  4. Tobbe61

    Tobbe61 User

    s.c.lynx and tesie-devil, my ID Tobbe61 | ID 8299519
    You are free to compensate me for all trouble I have with the game.
  5. G`day Tobbe. I am not aware of any problems that you have had with the game, Tech questions is where you post game problems, not here.
    When posting a game problem please be specific as to what it is so that we can fix it for you, if the problem is a difficult one it may take more than just what we have in our tool bag, and may be referred to the next level up.
    In regards to compensation, people usually have more chance in finding hens teeth unless it is a extreme problem.
    We look forward to hearing what problems that you have in the meantime gl :)
    One more thing we welcome your comment in this forum. when posting please stay on topic and do not hijack someone elses thread thankyou. ;)
  6. Tobbe61

    Tobbe61 User

    You and s.c.lynx tell that I also should post my ID. Whats the point with that? You are a member in the team of RC. Also you tell me that serious, annoying, long term problem is not big enough to compensation. You also tell me that game problems shall be posted in an other process. Well whats the point to complain in this forum? Also, Iv been posted game problems, mostly about cineplex, for a year now and nothing has happened. And I ask you if the long term problem about cineplex is no a big issue for RC team and management? Because thats what you are saying abowe.
  7. skb13

    skb13 User

    Tobbe - the cineplex is a known headache. It should probably have been removed from the game months ago. They have improved it so that you get more tickets, you are less likely to lose a ticket when the film doesn't work, and that you normally do get paid when you've watched a film. I must admit though that I removed mine 6 months ago though, because I wasn't getting enough films to make it worthwhile, and build a better deco there instead.

    If you want to ask for compensation, then that should not be addressed in Speaker's Corner, as that forum is for general chat. I think Tassie was only trying to help. As regards your ID, when your account needs checking eg for cineplex, or lumber mills not working, then the fastest way for a Mod to get to your account is using your ID. What harm is there in supplying it? I've had mine in my signature since almost day 1.

    In the meantime, just enjoy building stuff!
  8. billyjim

    billyjim User

    Tobbe I have done a search of your postings and found the oldest post was August 2, 2015 just ten days ago. So if you have been posting as you say you have. What id or name have you been using?

    As far as I can see is that the complaint seems hollow and self serving. The fact you are having issues with the cineplex is not unique to you but you do not follow the directions of the correct way to address the problem. Post a detail describtion of the issues you are having in the Technical Question section and as SKB13 says add your id so the problem can be researched.

    The moderators have always gone out of their way to assists mayors with issues.
  9. Tobbe61

    Tobbe61 User

    billyjim. Iv been reporting game problems via the question mark titled Game Problem. This Iv done from the first time I discovered that I had problem with cineplex. This is around one year ago. If the record dont have this then its a game problem.

    Are the management reading the complains in this forum?
    Last edited by moderator: Aug 26, 2015
  10. s.c.lynx

    s.c.lynx Game Administrator Team RisingCities

    Tobbe61 The short answer is yes. The long answer is the developers and managers do read the comments in the Forum. The moderators read every posting and respond to the comment if neccessary, pass the information to the appropriate person as warranted. The response time and resolution of issues vary depending on the severity, urgency, and complexity of the issue.

    The forum rules do not allow double posting. The prefered method of adding a comment would be to edit your previous post.
  11. Tobbe61

    Tobbe61 User


    Is there anyone who can guess why I havent complain reasently?!
    Last edited by moderator: Sep 18, 2015
  12. Tobbe61

    Tobbe61 User

    Now I have reached the Town Hall Level 8 and 5000 inhabitants. I have not had any new activities in almost a year, more than achieving 5,000 inhabitants. Now when I reached 5000 inhabitants so did I expected new activities or goals to achieve. But not even a small activity. Is there something wrong with my game?
  13. billyjim

    billyjim User

    Nothing is wrong with your game once you reach a certain level the quests are complete and the rest is up to you. This quests are designed to help you learn how to develop your city and to teach you certain skills you need to do the developing. It is assumed once you have completed your quests you have mastered these skills.

    The game requires you to set your own goals and challenges.
  14. Tobbe61

    Tobbe61 User

    Well, there is a possibility to buy Metro Money in this game. Well can anyone explain why I should do that in a game who dont give anything back. For example there has not been any activities for a long time in my game. When I passed 5000 inhabitants I thought that new activities should show up. billyjims explanation just tell me what Iv suspected for a long time now. There is no more development of this game. So why should all of us that plays this game, buy metro money!

    I have played this game for almost two years and finally come to realize that I could have been cheated out of my money if I bought my Metro Money and to finally see that the game ends to challenge me long before 5000 inhabitants. The game is dead.
  15. billyjim

    billyjim User

    So what your post tells me is you need to have someone else tell you what to do and you are incapable of setting goals and strategies for yourself. Do I have that correct.

    The value you set on an object or services is the one you place on it. No you do not have to pay for MM's to succeed, if you do not want to. That is one of the features of the game I like. But to each their own solutions.
    Arsuru likes this.
  16. Tobbe61

    Tobbe61 User

    Well your comment don´t need any new comment it speaks for it self about the vision and how you and the management team take care of your customers.
  17. Arsuru

    Arsuru User

    @Tobbe61 While I agree that BP's conduct has been bad, I think you seem to want the game to be what it isn't and isn't trying to be, and that isn't BP's fault. As billy and I have said before, it's a game where you decide what to do. RC is a toy in the way that Legos, Playmobil, K'nex, Meccano/Erector, etc. are. While you do have specific models to build, in the end you have a bunch of pieces and you do what you want with. If you want difficult rules and scenarios enforced upon you, you are playing the wrong game, and even so, those only do so much. The tasks are to habituate you to the game: you don't need more to tell you how to play which is why there aren't more. Sure I'd like more tasks, especially something more than 'collect/produce/build n of x', but it's not those that make the game. Nothing is stopping you from 50,000 population or whatever challenge but your own lack of vision.

    I agree that RC isn't particularly challenging after a certain point, but that's likely because you've mastered the principals and progressed far enough. This happens in most games. Yeah, RC definitely needs some new content, especially to keep the higher levels interested, but you can't say there is nothing to do. And if you haven't noticed, there has been development in the form of fixes lately and announcements of new things. BP is as tight-lipped as ever though and their attempts somewhat questionable, so they are obviously not reassuring everyone.

    As for the money issue, well, anything is like that, especially online games. Welcome to consumerism. You never know when it will fold, and I agree that BP hasn't been reassuring players of their potential investments lately.
    skippyroo1980 and billyjim like this.
  18. Estrid

    Estrid User

    Personally I don't need to have someone tell me what to do per se, but small quests and a variety of events along the way makes it a little less boring to wait for my production sites to produce beams and bricks for the next upgrade/improvement. I have a lot of long term plans for my city but little thing to do makes me a little more motivated to log into the game every morning and every night, when there's more to it than just re-starting production sites and collecting rent...
  19. Tobbe61

    Tobbe61 User

    I agree with Estrid. As the game is now its boring. The ability to earn MM is very small. It feels like BP's aim for a certain level is to "force" the player money to faster progress further. This is obvious and I do not like it at all. I like win-win situaioner and love. I am convinced that a company's development goes further and becomes richer in every way with the love of customers with a win-win thinking as a base. Greed can only take us to a particular level. You call it consumerism, and I call it greed.
  20. Arsuru

    Arsuru User

    Now, I never said BP wasn't greedy. I've deplored several changes BP has made or have failed to make in obvious attempts to increase profit, as well as their conduct. Maybe they were in the red, who knows, they won't tell us anything. I doubt that though, even if it sometimes looked like they were struggling. Of course BP wants you to spend: it's obvious from the beginning. However, it has never felt forced (except the accidental use of MM), just heavily suggested (particularly early on) with overstated benefit. At least they don't shove it down your face to spend like some games do.

    That said, I still think RC is quite fair for the model it runs. Despite the reduction in cinema rewards, if you use all the game has you can still get a fair amount of MM. The only things that require actual money are the stater packs (which I find overpriced, unfortunately, as only the permits interest me, which may as well be available for MM). The over-reliance on lottery is less fair. Some prices in MM are too high for what you get, and whether you pay or not, I think only permits are generally worth spending MM on and premium, non-lottery ones are lacking. So while some things may be questionable to shady, I still think RC is pretty fair in giving people a chance at premium content.

    Progress may slow down but it remains consistent for me. Of course, it can be very slow if you want to keep a smaller city and have less time. You can upgrade easily enough without MM though. MM isn't going to help you immensely on levels either, which at this point mostly go slower due to lack of high-level permits. I've had periods of boredom with RC too, but I can't say it's all RC's fault either. This can happen with anything.

    I'm not saying there shouldn't be new things, even new tasks, but it sounds like you place an inordinate amount of importance on the tasks, which is my main issue. The tasks really have little complexity to them and you will complete most of them without even trying, so really, if the lack of them causes you boredom then I don't know what to say. Produce raspberries to your heart's content – nothing is stopping you. While the rewards for some tasks were nice, I rarely found the tasks themselves particularly enjoyable. While they can help guide you – especially if you are struggling maintaining balance yourself – they disrupt normal production goals and may make you build more than you wish. Maybe that is why there is no produce cheese/fish/dairy tasks, discounting that there are only two types so you don't have to balance it much. Otherwise tasks also serve as a frivolous way to dispense of your MM.

    As for my use of consumerism, I was referring more to how people are driven to consume so easily, this impermanent micro-transaction culture in particular. Of course greed is associated for both the producer and consumer, but corporate greed really isn't what I was getting at, even if it largely fuels the situation. I agree on win-win mentality. No business would work without it however, so really, it's about the disparity in winnings, which I don't doubt BP's recent decisions have tried to increase. But they seem to be moving forward again, whatever their trouble is or was.
    tassie-devil likes this.