Production Faclity Mastery/Level 4 Upgrades

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by harley9883, Jan 31, 2016.

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  1. harley9883

    harley9883 User

    I collected my Roof Tiles from my six Stage 3 BrickYards (should have been 288 tiles), but then checking my Warehouse /inventory, I realized the system didn't credit me for even ONE tile. Please help! That too many tiles to just let go!

    (By the way, this has happened once before, and I let it go, ..but not this time, Please Help!)
  2. Artisan

    Artisan Team Leader Team RisingCities

    Hello harley9883,

    Could you please tell us what day this happened and give us your ID so that we can verify this situation? Thank you.

    Thread waiting for user's answer.

    If you are not the author of the question, please don't reply after the moderation team, your post may be deleted without previous notice.

    Please always write your ID so that we can help you.
  3. harley9883

    harley9883 User

    Thanks Artisan, somehow it worked its itself out. I ended up getting the titles. But thanks so much for responding.
  4. s.c.lynx

    s.c.lynx Game Administrator Team RisingCities

    Harley9883 Sometimes there is a time lag between your computer and the servers at RC. This will create situations like this. Thank you for letting us know that everything worked out. I am going to close this thread. Have fun building your city.
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