game reset please

Discussion in 'Questions & Bug Reports' started by Estrid, Apr 16, 2016.

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  1. Estrid

    Estrid User

    After having thought about it for a couple of years, I have now finally decided to activate the whole emergency package. However, after having build the fire department, the "challenge" doesn't complete, which means I never get the policestation etc to build, which means I'm stuck. I've tried reloading, clearing cache, different browser etc.

    Could you please do a reset.

    Estrid | ID 1105775
  2. Hi Estrid,
    the quest for your fire station is now completed and your rewards are waiting for you to collect, :)
    this should now resolve your problem :D
  3. Estrid

    Estrid User

  4. were always happy to help nice players :)
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