I have been directed to the TQ area

Discussion in 'Questions & Bug Reports' started by Khvjk, Apr 18, 2016.

Dear forum reader,

if you’d like to actively participate on the forum by joining discussions or starting your own threads or topics, please log into the game first. If you do not have a game account, you will need to register for one. We look forward to your next visit! CLICK HERE
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  1. Khvjk

    Khvjk User

    Would someone be so kind as to let me know where I can find this?
    I have looked for an area but cannot find one.
    This is Khvjk.

    I do not have cookies on my computer as I use Piriform and Peerblock, so none can actually get onto my hard drive, but I cannot get into Rising Cities. I would be most grateful of any help anyone can give me and if this query needs posting to the Area I would be grateful if a moderator would do it for me thank you in advance.

    I am unable to post my site identity as I cannot actually get onto it at present and have not committed it to memory.

    p.s. the site message says;
    You do not have an internet connection.
    Plainly this is erroneous as I am using the internet to post on this forum!


    I cannot play Rising Cities after weeks of using the game, no computer changes and no trojans, cookies nor any other spyware.

    Can anyone help me please?
    Last edited by moderator: Apr 20, 2016
  2. Arsuru

    Arsuru User

    TQ = Technical Questions, likely.

    If you have all cookies blocked you will often experience problems with sites, especially being logged in. If the forum is saying you aren't connected, it is possibly a login cookie expiring. If it is the game, it disconnects you at the map screen sometimes, usually because of no input. However, cookies are rarely every problematic for RC. Flash LSOs, or "Flash cookies" however, are. You probably only need to clear them, and the relevant one for RC is cityrama2. If you block Flash from storing files, you will not be able to play.

    Peerblock is not designed to block cookies, but IP addresses from communicating with your computer (which may ultimately result in a cookie not being left on your system, among other things). Browsers can block cookies pretty well on their own. If by "Piriform" you mean, CCleaner, then it can only remove cookies, not prevent them. You don't need any special software to remove them, usually, as it can be controlled in-browser.

    Like it or not, cookies are sometimes necessary, and they aren't inherently bad, and it sounds like you might not actually be blocking them anyway.

    You don't need to be able to get into the game to see your ID, as it is above the game window.
    Last edited: Apr 18, 2016
  3. Khvjk

    Khvjk User


    Dear Arsuru,
    After four days of not being able to play the game it is suddenly working!!!
    I changed absolutely nothing at my end.
    Thank you very much for being so helpful though, I appreciate you taking the time to giving me a sensible helpful answer (unlike some).
    Can you please tell me where your 'game window' is, I have searched but do not appear to have one.


    Unable to play Rising Cities once again and I have changed 'nothing' at my end.
    Could an information technology expert please look at the server,
    many thanks,
    Last edited by moderator: Apr 20, 2016
  4. can you please fill in a support ticket while logged in, as this will give us some information to investigate your problem further thankyou.
    I do not have any problems logging into your account so the problem is most likely on your end, how ever we will investigate a little deeper to see if we can find something
  5. Arsuru

    Arsuru User

    The game window is the where the game is displayed on the page. It's the part you play in. You won't see your ID though if you are in full screen. It's likely to be a flash problem, so if you haven't tried anything, try clearing that first. If the game works in another browser or a private session, then it's pretty much guaranteed to be Flash.

    Otherwise, send a support ticked as requested.
  6. Khvjk

    Khvjk User

    The flash player works fine on other online games though, so can it still be this?

    What is upsetting is that because of this I fall just a few chocolate rabbits short of getting all those gloves.
    Last edited by moderator: Apr 20, 2016
  7. billyjim

    billyjim User

    Khvjk. To answer your first question about Flash and the game. Yes it could be Flash causing the problem. So try what Arsuru suggest. Then if it does not work send in the ticket as requested. When you send in your ticket if gives the people at RC more information than they can gather from a thread posting. Good luck
  8. Artisan

    Artisan Team Leader Team RisingCities


    I have merged your double, triple posts. We understand that you are new, but you need to follow the forum's rules.
    If you have anything to be changed or added to your post, please use the option edit, on the bottom of the post you previously made, moreover, if you still have problems, please leave your ID or send in a Ticket to support as is has been suggested.

    Thank you very much to all users who have been trying to help :)
  9. nothing further here thread closed
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