no connection

Discussion in 'Questions & Bug Reports' started by wolfie595, Apr 23, 2016.

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  1. wolfie595

    wolfie595 User

    ever since level 20, and i opened a new city, get nothing but cant connect, no internet. internet is fine, flash player is up to date. when i played through facebook got the same thing. have also restarted. its been really bad today all day
  2. G`day wolfie I have reset your game. has this now resolved your problem?
    In the future please give us our id number as it wil save a lot of time finding your account thankyou.
  3. wolfie595

    wolfie595 User

    ID 9747516 , no it is doing it non stop, i use firefox 45.0.2version, have reinstalled flash, rebooted, etc. seemed to start with event #3 on classic car event <little steering wheels on roads>, am going to end the event see if that helps
  4. Has this now resolved your issue ?:oops:
  5. wolfie595

    wolfie595 User

    Since ending the event, the game seems to have stabilized and is staying connected. Thanks for getting back to me
  6. Thanks for letting me know:)
    I will close this thread as your problem is now resolved.
    Please do not hesitate to start a new thread if you have further problems
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