Nor Yes, nor No!

Discussion in 'Players' Corner' started by Artisan, Mar 23, 2016.

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  1. I am retired so everyday is a Sunday
    Are you a early riser
  2. BigWillem1

    BigWillem1 User

    On weekdays I am. On weekends not so much :cool:
    Do you like motorbikes?
  3. I had a Harley in my younger days
    do you travel a lot
  4. anoukjoris

    anoukjoris User

    We have a holliday home where we go too.
    Do you live in Europe?
  5. i live in the land down under, where it is beautiful one day and perfect the next:rolleyes:
    do you holiday in the winter?
  6. Artisan

    Artisan Team Leader Team RisingCities

  7. BigWillem1

    BigWillem1 User

    If the temperature is high enough :)
    Don't you get tired of all those perfect days? :D
  8. Artisan

    Artisan Team Leader Team RisingCities

    Here all days are perfect, except when they are not :D:D:D:D
    Dou you like curry?
    Jello likes this.
  9. anoukjoris

    anoukjoris User

    I've rather have French fries:)
    Do you like Chocolate?
  10. Jello

    Jello User

    I used to love chocolate but I don't enjoy it anymore
    Do you watch much sport?
  11. Artisan

    Artisan Team Leader Team RisingCities

  12. anoukjoris

    anoukjoris User

    Not anymore, but it did all day:(

    Do you have kids?
  13. Jello

    Jello User

    I have nephews which is enough or me
    Do you think you will get 150 posts in before the contest ends?
  14. anoukjoris

    anoukjoris User

    I know so :p

    Are you married?
  15. I have 4 Grand kids i am minding for two weeks, each days seems like a week:D
    how old are your children
  16. anoukjoris

    anoukjoris User

    My children are 11, 13 and 15

    Do you like camping?
  17. We do a lot of camping
    do you camp in the winter
  18. anoukjoris

    anoukjoris User

    In the winter we stay home:)

    Do you go skiing?
  19. When my children were young we did

    do you ski on a lake or river
  20. anoukjoris

    anoukjoris User

    I don't ski at all

    Do you like reading a book?