Game loding slow

Discussion in 'Questions & Bug Reports' started by sams264227011a, Jul 16, 2016.

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  1. when it dose get loaded in some of my buildings don't show up . Yes, i cleared my flash cache and my browser cache/history. every time before I log in. . And even when I reboot my computer the problem persists. maybe a game reset will help please. ID 8766353
  2. s.c.lynx

    s.c.lynx Game Administrator Team RisingCities

    i am having a similar problem. I beleive it is an internet connectivity problem. This has happen several times over the last several years. In my case my internet provider and the provider for the servers do not like each other and they take a while to get it straigntened out. Uxually a day or two. This often happens when one of the providers upgrades or resets it systems. I will pass this on up the chain. Thank you.
  3. Meridaz

    Meridaz User

    Same issue, either can't past the loading screen or city map screen. Cleared cache, Flash, restarted browsers (tried Chrome and Fx) as well reboot the computer. Worked fine 10-hours ago when was last logged on.

    Meridaz | ID 9269551
  4. billyjim

    billyjim User

    For some reason a few times every year the connection between the systems get bogged down or are incapatible it takes a while for this to get straightened out. Not to sound to paranoid but Vodaphone (provider for Big Point) takes offense to the other providers and makes our lives difficult.
  5. guess i'll have to blame the koreaiens again.
  6. billyjim

    billyjim User

    I think it is the Europeans who are not playing nice with others
  7. Same problem here, worked this morning except there was a glitch while playing the farmers market. I contacted the people for support and after that IF I get past the loading screen I notice more buildings glitching or gone. All day today though I really haven't been able to get on and play and I doubt if anyone is going to message me when things are working again.
  8. It is possible that there is an isolated problem, how ever i have re set every ones game who have posted here so can you all confirm if your problem is now resolved thank you
  9. My ID 9759383 - still having similar farmers market problems that I originally sent the e-mail support report for and multiple buildings are missing but at least I can get on... Thanks for trying and working with us! :)
    Last edited: Jul 17, 2016
  10. still not working.ID 8766353
  11. Sams can you please fill out a support ticket and I will forward it to the tech`s for investigation
  12. Yeah, the screw ups ALWAYS come when they hire a newbie programmer. Screws everything up for everybody. DON'T pass this off as a internet provider problem. When EVERYBODY is having the same problem. It is Big Point problem. I NEVER had this problem when I played Dark Orbit. They must train the newbies here. OWN UP!

    ID 9173057
  13. Do I take that you are experiencing problems also?
  14. BagEm

    BagEm User

    I still play DO and this is a joke on here.

    yes me too

    Well, I was coming back to report that the game is working, but now it's not wearing again. It is very aggravating to Constantly have these issues again and again.
    Last edited by moderator: Jul 17, 2016
  15. Meridaz

    Meridaz User

    No changes on my end and I have no clue as to how to file a support ticket. I did get in earlier, but buildings were MIA from the playing field.

    Meridaz | ID 9269551
  16. You can access the support ticket HERE
  17. did put in support ticket. game reset must have helped. Mood level, power level did usual thing. game still slow loading getting better. some buldings still missing. but that dose happen once and awhile to 1 or2 but this morning I was almost 70 %that wasn't so game working very much better thanks 4 reset .i did start thread you may close now if you like.
  18. Meridaz

    Meridaz User

    Sent a ticket a moment ago. Thanks for your support.
  19. Well, now the game is loading faster but I'm missing stuff... seems like everytime I log on to check it's a different building or trees.. anyway, just wanted to let you know that it's still not acting normal... ID 9759383
  20. boltone

    boltone User

    same will not load all of playfields....server needs a good defrag i bet..