Periodic loading problems is an issue you've got fix, now!

Discussion in 'Questions & Bug Reports' started by PoyaPakzad, Jul 22, 2016.

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  1. PoyaPakzad

    PoyaPakzad User

    I sincerely hope that BigPoint is taking the log-in (or loading pass the blue screen) issue very, very seriously. I've had this issue several times, indeed it occurs periodically, sometimes for weeks. Crucially, this is not an internet provider or internet speed issue. It has got zero to do with the cache, the flash cache or the browser. Something else is the problem, and it's about time BigPoint programmers deal with it seriously, so we can have a permanent solution to this malfunction.

    I need not remind you that this is by and large a paid game. Coming up with a fast solution to this malfunction should be a high priority. And no, you don't need more information. You've got several identical complaints from several players for months now. Fix it, please.

    Best regards,
    Last edited: Jul 22, 2016
  2. G`day Poyapakzad, We have reported this problem to the devs every time someone posts this problem here, we have been assured that they are working on finding where this problem comes from. due the there being only isolated cases it is extremely difficult to pinpoint the source.
    Can you please let me know where you are and which server you access the log in through, thanks very much
    PoyaPakzad likes this.
  3. billyjim

    billyjim User

    We all want fast soulutions to this problem when it occurs. I have no idea what you mean by "paid"? I have played this game for several years and I have never paid for anything in the game. I am at the upper fifties level. Closing in on the extra Farm at level 65. So I am confused.
  4. maclark

    maclark User

    My game is not loading either. I can log in, but then the page turns white and game won't load.
  5. G`day Maclark, your issue is always a display problem, please delete your flash data and clear your browser cache cookies etc the should resolve your problem:)
  6. BrianSmith

    BrianSmith User

    I have an ongoing issue with the game that is becoming a true PITA! When I switch away from the game to another tab or program on my computer and I come back to the game in a few minutes, the screen has a dialogue on it saying that there is no Internet connection. That is not true, because the other tabs and programs are connected and functioning fine. What is casuing this problem?

    A prime example is right now, I returned to the game from the forum and the page indicates that there is no Internet connection.
  7. billyjim

    billyjim User

    The most likely cause of this issue is bandwidth of your connection. When your computer accesses the internet for the new tab. There is not enough bandwidth to support the game. The game is always communicating over the internet to the servers and uses a fair amount of bandwidth. Which ever tab you are using gets top priority. Then the question is what other programs are running over the internet connection at the same time. A lot of programs send information back and forth even when you are not aware of it.
  8. BrianSmith

    BrianSmith User

    I have a Broadband cable connection which hasn't been an issue prior to this game. I have various programs open at the same time and have for decades. I guess that I will have to stop working when I wish to play the game. Bummer! Thanks for your input.
  9. Thanks everyone for your help
    I am closing this thread before it is hijacked again:D
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