Continue event next time?

Discussion in 'Questions & Bug Reports' started by salmonfalls, Jul 21, 2016.

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  1. Hello, I am wondering if I only make through stage 4 of an event, the next time I open it, will I still be in the same place or will I need to start back at stage 1?
  2. no the event will Restart the next time you commence the event,
    Is there anything else that we can help you with on this topic
  3. Is it possible to complete events if you are at level 18? This is my third event now and I can never seem to complete them, I am now at stage 5 of my current event and its been over 24 hrs for me to collect 300 from 500 finger paintings, I was home all day yesterday tediously collecting rent every 2, 15, 30 min intervals etc only to realize that my buildings with less than a 90 minute turn-around time barely and rarely collect any event currency (finger paintings) - I am level 18, how many buildings am I expected to have in order to fulfill the set criteria? Other than getting 8hrs sleep I have been at the PC trying to complete the event but it seems like every click of the mouse is asking me to reach for my wallet, do the devs realize that for ********************with expansion packs included that will keep you occupied for months on end?
    Edit It is not allowed to mention other game sites in this forum
    Last edited by moderator: Jul 25, 2016
  4. as you advance through the game you will find it easier each time to do the event.
    you can prepare for the event by checking out the calendar and stockpiling goods needed for it in advance with street drops the country lane can be place free so use spare plots for the road which will help with the street drops :D:D
  5. How do I stockpile finger paintings and similar like currency? The street/road currency (balloons and soccer balls (250 each)) seemed to drop just fine, only took 6-8hrs to fulfill, it's the event currency generated through rent like finger paintings that seems to be skewed, I received 50 finger paintings in the first minute of entering that particular stage and have subsequently received only a further 250 finger paintings in the ensuing 24hr period period, I have been at the PC regularly collecting rent in that period other than for some sleep however my buildings, even though all demands are being met are not collecting event currency especially the 2, 5, 15, 30, 60 minute turnaround time buildings.
  6. s.c.lynx

    s.c.lynx Game Administrator Team RisingCities

    FunkTheJazz there is a correlation between the rent timer and the building's drop rate the lower the rent timer the lower the rate at which the drops occur. The events are designed to be a challenge, not a easy give away. As your city develops and you add more complex residences the drop rates increase for these buildings. The buildings under an hour yields very light to scarce drops.
  7. I have played and paid for many online games, other games have events too but they give you an opportunity to complete the event without using your credit card provided you spend enough time fulfilling the requirements, 27 straight hours to get 360 finger paintings from the 500 needed, sounds liken the drop rate is suppressed not to make it challenging but to force you to use your credit card. I have a level 2 urban high rise building, 80 residents, 5hr timer, all needs met and only 1 finger painting, at that rate I would need 50-60 (level 2) urban high rise buildings to collect 500 finger paintings in 24hrs.

    So your advice, build my city with complex buildings in order to make life easier for events however by the time my city develops with complex buildings I wont be needing the rewards from the events as they will be insignificant compared to the complex buildings that my city will have by then as per feedback in other forum posts where complex city builders have 10+ event garages and the like sitting in their inventory with no use for.
  8. s.c.lynx

    s.c.lynx Game Administrator Team RisingCities

    The choice is yours. Each person plays the game differently and each city is different. The game requires compromises, It is a balancing act. Growth versus upgrading; The ability to complete an event easily or make more products; etc.
  9. BoTo0

    BoTo0 User

    Am I missing something? Most(not all IMO) buildings that are 1.5h+ are worth having and future upgrading them. Those are the buildings that are likely to give you an event drop. Currently I(level 15) have 29 such buildings and am not expecting any problems with the last part of the event.
  10. s.c.lynx

    s.c.lynx Game Administrator Team RisingCities

    No BoTo0 you are not missing anything. Let me try to rephrase what I intended. The higher the number of residents in a residence and the longer the time to collect rent the more event drops you receive for that one residence. A residence with a two hour rent collection and 8 residents yields fewer event drops than a 8 hour 160 residents per residence, per cycle. Sorry if I confused the issue.
  11. BoTo0

    BoTo0 User

    I think your example was bad. Here is one that is only from 1 attempt so maybe I'm wrong. My 7 * level 1 urban cottage(4 citizen, 2 hours) gave me 16 toys, while my 7 * level 2 energy efficient row house(8 citizens, 1.5h) gave me 27 :).
  12. BigWillem1

    BigWillem1 User

    Te longer the rent timer, the higher the possibility drop-items will be given.How many drop-items remains random. So next time it might be the other way around
  13. Thanks everyone for your help here
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