More foolish questions from me....

Discussion in 'Questions & Bug Reports' started by nennesby, Jul 25, 2016.

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  1. nennesby

    nennesby User

    Thanks for your help in my old thread - I too think some other benefited from the discussion and was happy that Mods did not close it too soon. But now it is a long thread and I hope it is OK to start a new one - You see, I still have many questions....

    1) Now I am lev 19 and today I was allowed to upgrade my Cityhall - but that is rather expencive - 160.000 for lev 4. Why should I upgrade it? hat do I get for those money?

    2) Squars? (- and expencive roads) - Why build them? What do I get for my money?
  2. BigWillem1

    BigWillem1 User

    Your daily reward will be a very litte bit better, but that's all. In my opinon it's not worth the investment. Not now anyway
    I should keep it as it is for a while
    Nothing, but it looks different. With some buildings or deco it looks better. It has no advantages
  3. nennesby

    nennesby User

    Thanks then I find a better way to spent my money..... In Denmark we would call this "to throw money out of the window"
  4. EddieT

    EddieT User

    I like the 1X1 "squares." They act as roads, so you can connect buildings to the main power grid (as long as the "squares" are connected to roads). It breaks up the monotony of road overkill in a city. Or is that roadkill? :p I like my city to have aesthetic appeal, so the "squares" are a nice option.
    I'm all about upgrading stuff- size matters, so go for it! A small improvement in harvest rewards is "better than a poke in the eye with a sharp stick" as we say here in the USA. Also, I believe (someone correct me if I'm wrong) upgrading uses less power and drains less happiness than placing a new building of the same type. If you don't have the materials or don't want to spend time acquiring them for an upgrade, you have the option to upgrade using Metro Money. You can spend the MM at any point in the upgrade, including while the upgrade is in progress. Spending MM for an upgrade in progress is very helpful sometimes, especially if bricks or paneling is required to complete that phase of the upgrade. There has been a time or two when I was short the necessary bricks for the upgrade, spent 30-ish MM, and, viola! No worries, no problems!
  5. BoTo0

    BoTo0 User

    I'm correcting you :). The happiness and power consumption are the same each level(for example 45, 90, 135). However the cost is completely different matter and upgrading is much more expensive and could require more materials than placing another building of the same type. My strategy is to use all free permits and then start thinking about upgrading(currently I'm saving materials to upgrade my vintage duplexes to level 2). On some buildings upgrading is highly valuable - vintage duplexes for example - at level 3 they give you 800 needs revenue :).
  6. EddieT

    EddieT User

    Ok, I wasn't quite sure of that. Thanks for the heads-up! :cool:
  7. billyjim

    billyjim User

    All of your buildings have to connect by road to the City Hall not the power grid. I think that is what you meant.
  8. nennesby

    nennesby User

    Hi, many advices - thanks;-)

    Hi BoToo, To buy new buildings I have to by new land - so sometimes I find it cheaper to upgrade, depends on the situation. Concerning produktionthings - they are cheaper (productionpoints) to use at higher upgradelevels.
  9. s.c.lynx

    s.c.lynx Game Administrator Team RisingCities

    i enjoy these discussions but discussions should be posted in the Speakers Corner. That would be the appropriate place for a thread such as this. Therefore I am moving this thread there.
  10. BoTo0

    BoTo0 User

    I'm sorry for replaying so late didn't notice the thread was moved. I disagree with you. Land costs only CC and it's extremely easy to make it. On the other hand - beams, bricks etc. are hard to get and you need time to get enough of them. Actually atm I need bricks to get coal power plant and upgrade some of my buildings and I need to do both. On the other hand - even 50-60k CC for land doesn't look so expensive.

    Note: I'm not counting low level buildings which are cheap and easy to upgrade. I'm talking about the more sophisticated buildings that require patience and planning :).
  11. nennesby

    nennesby User

    Hi s.c.lynx - ok, I know you have to - but those things are always difficult to find out from us newones....

    Hi Botoo - I think you are right sometimes - and you are right that with expencive things it is cheaper - but in a way I thaught that my amount of money would responce the price of things later on too....

    Another thing: My trees, flowers etc uses a lot of land - can I do anything about that - or will that problem just be greater time by time?

    And just (for now) one more foolish question: Does one get more emergencies if they are fullfilled?
    Last edited by moderator: Jul 28, 2016
  12. for this...
    If you are online then you will get emergencies but not more more if they are fullfilled... I think
    there is a icon on right side of your screen which say's if you give 29 MM or more then you will get more emergencies;)
  13. jelly999

    jelly999 User

    nessesby, as you are new to the forum ,therefore,I would like to tell you about a common rule which is that you can't do a double post.
    If you want to add something to your post then you can edit it.:)
    THANK YOU !!!:):)
  14. BigWillem1

    BigWillem1 User

    The problem gets greater as the game progresses :D
    You can however replace deco items with low mood (<30) with deco items with higher mood. That helps
  15. nennesby

    nennesby User

    Thanks, thanks, thanks....

    Yes I am new at this forum but not at gameforums generaly. And I always find the rules at the forums difficult for new participants. Many newbees would be scared away when Mods move their posts and you tell me not to doublepost and that I always claim about. But I am not that new so you cannot scare me away....
  16. s.c.lynx

    s.c.lynx Game Administrator Team RisingCities

    Our goal is not to scare you away, but to maintain order and make the forums a comfortable place for all. Thanks Jelly999. I have merged and deleted your double post.

    As BigWillem1 states the cost of many things get more expensive as you progress in the game.

    Karishma999 states you do not get more Emergencies if you fulfill the emergency. But you can buy the Street Patrol for MM (Metro Money) which increases the number of Emergencies.

    Thank you all for your assistance
  17. nennesby

    nennesby User

    I know it is not your goal, and I know that your rules are so, so that what you have to say/ do. But never the less I KNOW that many newbees at different forums feel it that way.....but now I have mentioned it a I leave that topic, so donot be afraid that I will continue complaining;-)
  18. jelly999

    jelly999 User

    Now,that's a good decision.:)
  19. billyjim

    billyjim User

    Excellent decision nennesby
  20. well I have a question from all partners of this forum who have joined it many time ago....
    someone can tell me how to do the thing that bigwillem1 did in the starting of his post in this thread .....
    someone tell me please:oops: :)
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