Need help with rewards

Discussion in 'Questions & Bug Reports' started by charlieparrish, Sep 16, 2016.

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  1. This is Charlie Parrish 9230887
    I "upgraded city hall" and did not recieve reward

    also the "click on power plant" to get money does not work?
  2. g`day Charlie, what is the of the upgrade for your city hall once you give us that we can fix this problem.
    clicking on a power plant to get CC has never been part of this game, or is it something else that you are referring to?
  3. I think level 4 it says "upgrade level 5"
  4. I am stilll waiting for reward for upgrading city hall to level 4. Please get it done. Thanks
  5. Charlie they will want to know what the name of the quest is to upgrade your city hall
  6. transform your city to cosmopolitan city I have the required inhabitants and have upgraded city hall to level 4
  7. g`day Charlie, your quest has been completed and your reward is waiting for your collection
  8. :rolleyes:nothing further here closed
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