The Mayors' Chat room

Discussion in 'Players' Corner' started by Artisan, Mar 23, 2016.

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  1. so you had a playing pause? why if you like it so much? :rolleyes:
  2. No actually beacause of exams:)
    Ultraschall likes this.
  3. exams are no barrier for me xD
  4. but we actually do not play games on computer in exams that's why I hate them:p
    Ultraschall likes this.
  5. during exams I don't play either o_O:D but within the time I am at home ;)
    Ultraschall likes this.
  7. yeah, I changed it two weeks ago I think. was a good idea ;)
  8. yeah obviously I taught you this .:D I am just kidding.:p
    Ultraschall likes this.
  9. I didn't want to be blank anymore ^^
  10. hahaha :D:):D let's play in I WOULD LIKE TO SEE....
    Ultraschall likes this.
  11. could you tell me how to post pictures then? :rolleyes:
  12. yeah why not..;)
    Just search a picture in google and then click on it when a black window opens then click right click on it and choose copy image and then paste it in "I would like to see" ... Ok understood..:D
    Actually I am not good at explaining.:p
    Ultraschall likes this.
  13. I could try it out...

    edit: done :)
  14. hey you have done it .welldone....;)
  15. I though it would be harder :cool:;)
  16. no I think I learnt it from someone means someone taught me too.;)
  17. lol now it feels like a shame that I didn't know it ^^
  18. It's not a shame because we are here to help each other.:)
    StarostkaJana and Ultraschall like this.
  19. billyjim

    billyjim User

    Karishma999 It is good to see you in the forum again. It has been a while. Love the sentiment and you are absolutely right. We are here to help each other.
    Ultraschall likes this.
  20. at least in this forum :cool::confused: