Game won't load

Discussion in 'Questions & Bug Reports' started by libertyel, Apr 24, 2017.

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  1. anilvap

    anilvap User

    The same, i can't log in. :(:(:(
  2. Fuzo1

    Fuzo1 User

    Fuzo1 | ID 9972837
    it appears that the system is having a little fit. you can log in bit the loading of the game data is having a few problems. done all the same that most of you have tried. look forward to the resolution, thank you SC Lynnx
  3. BasBackes

    BasBackes User

    I also can't login
    ID 6365949
  4. wilbac

    wilbac User

    I also can't login have only 3hrs to finish the event
    ID 6359220
  5. Can't login too
    ID 10001978
  6. fimimi

    fimimi User

    I also can't login
    ID 8932922
  7. Elco

    Elco User

    I've read the message from s.c.lynx about the issue being reported and us being requested to be patient until the devs have fixed what needs to be.
    Just in case my name can/should be added to the list of those unable to access the game, here it is: Elco / ID: 9939270.
    Thanks for the efforts put in on a Monday morning and too bad about finishing the event... It'll come back in a short while ;)
  8. Danneman42

    Danneman42 User

    You're an optimist, that's good. But the problem was first reported almost 4 hours ago, and still...
  9. Heintje

    Heintje User

    I also can't login, ID 8749710. I must finish the event today but that is difficult now.
  10. F1ress

    F1ress User

    Same for me too, 9941086
  11. Elco

    Elco User

    I hear you Danneman42 but keep in mind it is not even 11am in their office so considering they probably only start their day around 9-ish (?), the issue could have been reported at midnight for example, there still wouldn't have been anyone around for a few hours to check what is going on ;)
    I'm sure they'll fix what needs to be and we'll soon carry on as usual.
    Danneman42 likes this.
  12. pohanka

    pohanka User

    přesně tak už to nejde 6hodin
  13. klotovic

    klotovic User

    tak,tak nenačíta a nenačítá 6.hodin
  14. Is the game ended??????
  15. rashini

    rashini User

    I have the same problem.:mad:
  16. Same problem. WitchyOne13 9924293 - Half hour till tourney ends, spent what game coins I had to get to the 5th level - only needed 100 more helmets. Not impressed.
    rashini likes this.
  17. What is going on? I will lose my event.. :S Just after the maintenance give us more time...
  18. Can't login. ID 9376795
    rashini likes this.
  19. Danneman42

    Danneman42 User

    Still optimistic? :D I miscalculated earlier ("6:52 AM" forum time is 07:52 CET summer time), but it's now 6 hours since this thread started... and maybe no one will be around that cares enough to fix this problem?
    Elco likes this.
  20. Elco

    Elco User

    It seems and feels unusually long to simply reboot some servers indeed so there must be a major issue especially as the game was working fine up until last night... What can we do but to wait until it is eventually fixed?
    I do believe there's someone looking into this as per the announcement made this morning:

    If nobody cared, there wouldn't have been an announcement, right? So I remain optmistic albeit slightly worried ;)
    swisswolfy and Danneman42 like this.
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