Game won't load

Discussion in 'Questions & Bug Reports' started by libertyel, Apr 24, 2017.

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  1. s.c.lynx

    s.c.lynx Game Administrator Team RisingCities

    Yes there are some people looking into this issue. We have not been given details but this has happened before and sad to say will probably happen again (hopefully not for a very long time). Thank you for your concerns but I like to think of Mr. Scott's comment from Star Trek 4 "The more complicated the system, the easier it is to plug up the system".

    To try and answer some of the questions (most of these answers are not official, but from past experience):

    The events since they are run on a monthly basis we not be given additional time to complete, because they will run into the following events time. The game can only support a total of three events at one time. When we have run three events at once there have been issues.

    The powers that be are a woman and a man, plus there minions.

    Check into the Official Announcement about this. Here is a link:
    Elco likes this.
  2. al2000

    al2000 User

    i'm from romania,and i can't log in the game from this morning!!!it's some truble with server??
  3. skinas123

    skinas123 User

    Me2 i have problem with connect... ID 7655797 (Greece)
  4. Evilviper

    Evilviper User

    Still can't log in...I tried 2 hours ago as well.
  5. Mine isn't loading, I'm stuck on loading screen it's been like this for the last hour now :( someone help!
    Jade-Cassandra1994 | ID 9935402
  6. pikkunoita

    pikkunoita User

    I have problen with connect too, I`m from Finland.
  7. stalko

    stalko User

    The same here ID 9445537
  8. Sashagard

    Sashagard User

    Sweden - same here. Can´t logg in in over 11 hours. ID 9947652.
    Does game works anywhere at all?!?
  9. klotovic

    klotovic User

    [Quote = "Sashagard, post: 908.936, člen: 254755"] Švédsko - stejný zde. Nemůže Logg na více než 11 hodin. ID 9947652.
    Má hra funguje kdekoli vůbec?!? [/ Quote]
    hra zatím nefunguje už pomalu 12 hodin
  10. Sashagard

    Sashagard User

    I see my username in your post. Can you please tell me what this above means?!?
  11. 7benjamin9

    7benjamin9 User

    I can only reach blue screen with 6 icons underneath the city skyline.
  12. klotovic

    klotovic User

    [Quote = "Sashagard, post: 908.940, člen: 254755"] vidím své uživatelské jméno ve svém příspěvku. Můžete mi prosím řekněte mi, co tato výše znamená?!? [/ Quote]
    asi chybné zadaní
  13. Sashagard

    Sashagard User

    .....Javisst! Jag förstår allting.... Tack skall du ha! xxxx #### ¤¤¤¤ :confused:
  14. nennesby

    nennesby User

    I hope this posting in other languages will stop very very soon!
  15. Sashagard

    Sashagard User

    Sorry I have been just a bit sarcastic and replayed on swedish....
  16. Ailín-77

    Ailín-77 User

    In the Czech Republic the same problem. I have three cities

    Ailín-77 | ID 5721648
    Ailína77 | ID 6174494
    Laila.laila | ID 7531488
    krtek22 likes this.
  17. nennesby

    nennesby User

    And sorry from me too, I did not recognize at all that you did not answer in English - because I understood your posting - I an Danish;-) And yes if this continue the two of us have to start an discussion in Nordic languages in the hope to provoke this to stop;-))))
  18. Sashagard

    Sashagard User

  19. After one day no progress. Great Job!
  20. s.c.lynx

    s.c.lynx Game Administrator Team RisingCities

    We the English Forum team, have been trying to accomadate everyone during this situation. But the postings in other languages need to cease. It is taxing our ability to help people

    Absalon_Hamlet It has only been six hours since the first report of the issue
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